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Game Thread Diamond is Unbreakable Mafia Game Thread

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BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
I was not pushing for the day to end quickly. I was pushing for the tie to get broken. Adding one more vote onto Storma or me would not have ended the day.
Anyways, since everyone has posted since funnier's claim and nobody has countered, I'm willing to trust him. Don't forget though that Doc could still be Godfather.
That said, for the sake of the day, I'll look at SMS and Minish. I may have to lean on the side of SMS, since his Minish thing seems pretty OMGUSy, but it isn't a strong focus
I’m confirmed

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Deku started the Storma lynch, and in my experience a Mafioso can usually start a lynch pretty easy Day 1. Normally the final vote is a scum player too but we now know for sure that Doc is a confirmed Townie.

Yeah I thought Doc was scummy after that, we all did earlier today.

Anyway, scum team has to be Deku and Minish. Deku wants to vote me, that's enough to make me vote you.

No need to overthink things, it should be simple enough to win now.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Anyone can start a lynch easily on Day 1. They just have to decide they want to push for one. Nothing else was happening, I decided to. Did I choose wrong? Sure. But I tried - and succeeded - to get the game going. If it weren't for how small the game was, I would have no complaints about getting lynched for that, since it moved us on.
My only complaint is that now if it happens it'll lose the town the game

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Didn't even realize the day ended today. Thanks for the reminder funnier.

Since I know who the scum team is, I'll just go ahead and hammer. No need to draw this out any longer.

Vote: DekuNut


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Didn't even realize the day ended today. Thanks for the reminder funnier.

Since I know who the scum team is, I'll just go ahead and hammer. No need to draw this out any longer.

Vote: DekuNut
This is the part where you say you were scum all along and do a little muahahahaha thing.
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