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Crizzappy Shizzeik Dizzoodle?


Mother Hyrule
May 17, 2009
on a crumbling throne
Daz raght, foo.

Got bored just now. Decided to doodle Man-Sheik. I know he's actually Zelda, but he was meant to appear male and fool Link and Ganondorf and everyone else, and so that's how I prefer to draw him.



Jan 31, 2010
a place of settlement, activity, or residence.
Umm... no habla Eubonics? :S Crispy Sick Noodle??

That's a good black-and-white drawing of Shiek, though. I think it looks androgynous, but I'm terrible at noticing subtle gender cues. Plus, I always think Shiek looks androgynous. I was never sure what Sheik was in-game, either (until they revealed themselves as a certain member of the Hylian Royal Family, anyway).

I like the addition of a whip... I always kind of pictured that as the kind of weapon Sheik would use.


Mother Hyrule
May 17, 2009
on a crumbling throne
Thanks, guys. It's too bad the shading doesn't show up well when scanned- a big reason why I much prefer drawing digital artwork over traditional mediums. In the original, you can see some highlighting on Sheik's legs, but oh well. :>

Why is everyone a good artist but me? (50 characters)
You just have to practice! Anybody can be a good artist- you just have to find your nook! Some people can draw animals, some can draw people, some draw amazing buildings n stuff, some draw by eye and some draw by mind. You just have to find what works for you and practice, practice, practice! :>


Feb 24, 2010
Your grammar and choice of slang makes me ill. I don't even know what your post says. Someone please translate what she said into good legal English please. Despite my inability to understand the words you say. Your drawing is excellent. If it wasn't for State and National Laws, I would too be practicing my drawing skills. I can only guess that its a drawing of Sheik from OoT. I'm curious, is the background naturally looking like that. You use brown paper, wet it with water, and draw over it? Or is the background done in PS/Gimp?


Sage of Tales
Aw, come on, she's just being goofy with the title - to get attention.

Sheik looks appropriately androgynous and badass. I really like the legs, though they look a little thin at the top of the thigh and "he" almost looks like he has a little camel-toe. Intentional? I, too, like the whip, and I like the choice of background paper - it makes it look archaic. Coffee-staining right? Or tea-stained? I do that all the time to make backgrounds. In fact, I have some interesting textures of that nature up for free use for digital artists over on my DA gallery.

I prefer traditional media - mostly because I feel like I'm good at it (better than with digial painting - people get such realistic results with that and even on my best digital pieces, I get frustrated that I can't go as far as others)... with traditional painting and drawing, I find my strength is in "showing my strokes" - showing the medium that I'm using. Also... limitations in medium - I wanted to do my "Farm Work" picture digital originally, but then my Photoshop went bye-bye. (I do not know if this is because it was a copy of dubious legality .... my previous old-version copy boot-up disc got lost. ) I have the Corel Suite free and clear (purchased years ago), but I don't like it very much - got spoiled using Photoshop.

Also, what was said about subjects is right - I find animals and creatures are what I'm best at. That's why my Lynels and Gleeoks will always look better than my Links.


Mother Hyrule
May 17, 2009
on a crumbling throne
Aw, come on, she's just being goofy with the title - to get attention.

Sheik looks appropriately androgynous and badass. I really like the legs, though they look a little thin at the top of the thigh and "he" almost looks like he has a little camel-toe. Intentional? I, too, like the whip, and I like the choice of background paper - it makes it look archaic. Coffee-staining right? Or tea-stained? I do that all the time to make backgrounds. In fact, I have some interesting textures of that nature up for free use for digital artists over on my DA gallery.

I prefer traditional media - mostly because I feel like I'm good at it (better than with digial painting - people get such realistic results with that and even on my best digital pieces, I get frustrated that I can't go as far as others)... with traditional painting and drawing, I find my strength is in "showing my strokes" - showing the medium that I'm using. Also... limitations in medium - I wanted to do my "Farm Work" picture digital originally, but then my Photoshop went bye-bye. (I do not know if this is because it was a copy of dubious legality .... my previous old-version copy boot-up disc got lost. ) I have the Corel Suite free and clear (purchased years ago), but I don't like it very much - got spoiled using Photoshop.

Also, what was said about subjects is right - I find animals and creatures are what I'm best at. That's why my Lynels and Gleeoks will always look better than my Links.
Coffee-staining. I didn't know it was an actual technique until I had done it by mistake when I was about... what, 14? I had spilled my coffee all over a (luckily) pencil drawing. I was mortified, but so proud of the piece before the spill that I let it dry. And then... I was like, "Oh wow!" Around that time, I started looking at art online and saw that many people do it, so while it's not something I do often, it's a techique I used for things that I don't intend on ever really coloring. I've also learned that you can make "crinkles" or "crumples" or other textures if you swirl or brush around the coffee while its still wet, or wait until it dries and then add more for darker areas or different effects.

Yeah, legs are a bit off at the thighs. I've never EVER been able to draw anything but women who are obviously women, so the androgynous thing (and moreso, males) is very difficult for me to do. Something about lack of curves just doesn't work well for me. BUT, I've been practicing. In that last piece I showed, Link's face looked male. That NEVER happens for me, so I'm slowly developing the ability to drawn characters that don't look so girly.


I'm an assassin.... sshhh
Mar 13, 2010
The shadows
Your grammar and choice of slang makes me ill. I don't even know what your post says. Someone please translate what she said into good legal English please. Despite my inability to understand the words you say. Your drawing is excellent. If it wasn't for State and National Laws, I would too be practicing my drawing skills. I can only guess that its a drawing of Sheik from OoT. I'm curious, is the background naturally looking like that. You use brown paper, wet it with water, and draw over it? Or is the background done in PS/Gimp?

well, as the 'book of the slang' would put it *clears thought* 'crappy sheik doodle' and the sub-text is 'thats right fool' and that is some words of wisdom


Sage of Tales
Re. Zeruda, before I got ninja'd

I like to do coffee-staining on heavy paper and acrylic painting over that. Here are a couple of examples I did for a bestiary for one of my yet-to-be-published novels. (It's been suggested that I Kindle it and they supposedly allow pictures. Dunno about that yet).

Gryphons as they are in that particular story.

Animal that I made up.

Then, on a whim, I steeped maple leaves like tea just to see if I could get a greater variety of color.

I like playing with paper-staining.

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