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Countdown to Wii U: We Want YOUR Input!

Jul 18, 2012

Countdown to Wii U: We Want YOUR Input | GenGAME

The release date of Wii U is a little over a month away, so we’re getting ready to kick off our 30-Day “Countdown to Wii U,” where we’ll be posting one exclusive article every day in the thirty days leading up to the system’s November 18 launch. These articles will all focus on big topics going into the Wii U launch, such as Nintendo’s first efforts in the world of HD, what we expect out of the system both at and after launch, the GamePad’s innovative features, and our hopes for Miiverse, the Wii U eShop, and Nintendo Network.

But we know that it’s not just about our thoughts and opinions – you the readers have your own hopes and dreams, your own concerns and complaints, and we want your voices to be heard, too. That’s why we’re accepting reader submissions for our Countdown to Wii U article series!

Read on to find out more about how you can offer us a submission.

First off, let’s go over some basic expectations for a good article. A good article should be topical – that is, focus on a specific issue or set of issues, such as Miiverse (example). It should be well-written – free from grammatical errors and stylistically excellent. Most of all, it should be interesting – it’s hard to quantify “interesting,” but we’ll know it when we see it.

You can focus on anything to do with Wii U, whether it’s one of the topics I listed earlier or something perhaps more personal or directed toward a specific game. You can share your own hands-on impressions of the system if you’ve gotten a chance to try it out; you can talk about which games you’re anticipating most; you can share your thoughts on the hardware overall. We’re pretty much offering a blank slate here.

As for how to submit your article – it’s easy! Just send it to us via email at [email protected]. We’ll sift through all the submissions, and depending on the volume of publishable stuff we receive, we’ll post up the best ones!

We’re looking forward to seeing what you have to share!

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