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Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Okay so this is going to sound crazy, and this is Chaos Mafia so it is. But Rag and DW I'm going to need you to put some trust in me here. Well and Caps too but you might be harder to sway with what I have to say.

So Rag is town cleared via Raven and the buck. Rag was the Buck, bucked Raven, took his town role, and he flipped buck.

DW is town cleared via being Drillsmith.

Hapi is virtually town cleared via being some sort of inventor role.

I was indeed considered very much dead and so I am not the reason the game is still ongoing.

Caps is cleared via being IC cop...or is he?

Now this is where things get whacky.
How many kills have we had each night?
Well the first night we only had 1. But I think that was some time warp shenanigans and somehow only Rag's shot on Numbers went through and other kills got undone.

Night 2 we only had 1, but it appeared as though 2 were attempted.
Fext died and Caps was wounded.

Okay if Fext is mafia and Caps just outted his scumbud it makes sense he targets the cop. But how does Fext die here? Well Caps claimed a red check on Fext that day. This will be relevant in a moment.

Night 3, again 2 kills. Seanzie and myself.
Caps claims he targeted me and got a weird check. It appeared as though it was going to be a red check again but then said that something wasn't right.

Night 4, two kills. DW and Alana.
Caps targets Alana. Gets a town result.

Do you see the pattern? Every night that Caps targeted someone they died that night. When Fext, Mafia, presumably tried to kill him, it only wounded him and made him appear as an IC. But the wound did nothing. He didn't die the next day and still is very much alive even with all of these nks. Then when he targets me things go haywire and he starts to get his third Mafia result in a row, but it says that something isn't right. I flip green in the thread, and after that Caps starts getting town results. I think I triggered something with Caps possibly. I think his role isn't what it appears to be. To us AND to him. I believe the reason the game is still going is because of Caps and that he's been the unknowing source of nks. I think this may be some weird mechanic where things aren't exactly what they seem in this game.

I know this may sound farfetched, but it aligns with many things. I don't even entirely think Caps is mafia or 3rd party or anything. I'm not sure what he is. But I think we may have to lynch him to make things appear as they truly are and end the game. That's why I said I was going to need y'all to put some trust in me, Caps too even though he may be harder to sway. Because I don't think it's an absolute that you lose if you are lynched and this is true. I think you could be town causing this and you have to be lynched before a certain point. It would be just like Storm to put an IC cop in a Chaos game and make the game rely on them being lynched. Because who ****ing lynches an IC cop?


Jan 19, 2018
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i can buy that caps is behind the extra kill but that probably implies that whoever is behind the first kill is scum
...Thought I already mentioned this but alana's death is actually my fault as a result of an ability I received upon meeting my "buck dies" wincon, which probably messes up your "Caps is unknowingly killing people" theory. Also he copped KoD who didn't die that night.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
...Thought I already mentioned this but alana's death is actually my fault as a result of an ability I received upon meeting my "buck dies" wincon, which probably messes up your "Caps is unknowingly killing people" theory. Also he copped KoD who didn't die that night.

I explained the n1 thing. The time warp I think undid the kills except for Rags for some reason.

I may have an idea for the Alana kill since you were also killed that night. @TheCapsFan you said before your role works different than previously. Do you know how?

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
About to go to bed but I wanted to ask/say some things that might clear stuff up and further prove my theory.

@Hapi who joined you for tea last night?

Also, I'm cleared from having done the second kill last night as I was no longer in the game. So I'm not the person keeping the game going.

Rag has to be absolutely town cleared here, because she started as the Buck and took Raven's role after he pretty much specifically asked her to to town clear him.

DW claimed one of the kills. And I do believe the Drillsmith claim because it's a common role in Chaos Mafia. Which would make DW town cleared.

I know that Hapi is an inventor type role. That is enough to make her town for me. But I suspect the answers to some questions might make her completely town cleared to everyone else as well. So we shall see.

Princess Abigail

Resident Juice Sipping Icon
Jun 26, 2020
About to go to bed but I wanted to ask/say some things that might clear stuff up and further prove my theory.

@Hapi who joined you for tea last night?

Also, I'm cleared from having done the second kill last night as I was no longer in the game. So I'm not the person keeping the game going.

Rag has to be absolutely town cleared here, because she started as the Buck and took Raven's role after he pretty much specifically asked her to to town clear him.

DW claimed one of the kills. And I do believe the Drillsmith claim because it's a common role in Chaos Mafia. Which would make DW town cleared.

I know that Hapi is an inventor type role. That is enough to make her town for me. But I suspect the answers to some questions might make her completely town cleared to everyone else as well. So we shall see.

Rag last night.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Also @DawningWinds if you still have your new ability from achieving your buck win, I think we can just see if my theory is correct here anyways? If I'm wrong then we just go into the night and you essentially just shoot who you would have voted today. Because I trust that you are town, so I'll put that in your hands if I'm wrong. But I do really think that I'm right here and would like if you and Rag would trust me on this. I'm pretty sure the game just ends if we vote Caps here.

@Ragnarokio You know I'm not usually one for crazy stuff like this unless I believe it. Lol. I'm not in self pres mode here so this isn't some tinfoil theory to save myself. This is what I believe will win the game. As the creator of MS Paint Mafia where I married a skeleton in the end and Mafia shot one of their teammates and outted themselves on Halloween, I'm asking you to once again do something a little crazy with me and vote the IC cop.

@TheCapsFan You've played super well this game. This isn't anything against that, and in fact I don't think this is a like a scum "I caught ya" moment. Because I don't think that you've known that your role has been lying to you this entire time. I think that you're maybe possibly still town or something? I dunno. I just think that your role has some funky shenanigans to it, and that it being left in the game is why the game is still going. Because we gotta figure out that things aren't always what they seem and lynch the mod confirmed townie. I don't even think you'll lose for this, since I don't think you know your role is possibly all crazy either. I think you might still be town, and if we lynch you then we win and you win. But if we don't then everyone loses.
Sep 6, 2017
I explained the n1 thing. The time warp I think undid the kills except for Rags for some reason.

I may have an idea for the Alana kill since you were also killed that night. @TheCapsFan you said before your role works different than previously. Do you know how?

Yeah, it's the target that can be changed based on chance, not the knowledge. I believe that's partially how it worked in the past from what you've said - the difference is that the knowledge is correct rather than suspect as it was in previous games.

@TheCapsFan You've played super well this game. This isn't anything against that, and in fact I don't think this is a like a scum "I caught ya" moment. Because I don't think that you've known that your role has been lying to you this entire time. I think that you're maybe possibly still town or something? I dunno. I just think that your role has some funky shenanigans to it, and that it being left in the game is why the game is still going. Because we gotta figure out that things aren't always what they seem and lynch the mod confirmed townie. I don't even think you'll lose for this, since I don't think you know your role is possibly all crazy either. I think you might still be town, and if we lynch you then we win and you win. But if we don't then everyone loses.

I mean, it's possible that my role might have some other effect that I just don't know. I suppose I'd be okay with dying if it means that town wins.

Thing is though, my knowledge is that you are like 95% scum from targeting you. At least you were. Apparently "something was wrong" with that check, but I'm still suspect especially because you were "not exactly town" per Alana. So I really don't know if I can buy this.
Thing is though, my knowledge is that you are like 95% scum from targeting you. At least you were. Apparently "something was wrong" with that check, but I'm still suspect especially because you were "not exactly town" per Alana. So I really don't know if I can buy this.
Alana described Minish as "not exactly town" I think because of her different coloured green flip. (Note that in discussing this with alana I had not realized Minish flipped differently, but this is somewhat irrelevant.) I think if Minish was a threat keeping the game going then it would've ended when she died initially, so I don't think she can be considered actual scum. That said. She's probably not town based on the flip, so I guess question her motives on this might be worth doing.

@Morbid Minish What do you need to do to win the game?

if you still have your new ability from achieving your buck win, I think we can just see if my theory is correct here anyways? If I'm wrong then we just go into the night and you essentially just shoot who you would have voted today. Because I trust that you are town, so I'll put that in your hands if I'm wrong. But I do really think that I'm right here and would like if you and Rag would trust me on this. I'm pretty sure the game just ends if we vote Caps here.
Yeah, I still have my ability. If killing Caps doesn't end the game here I'm not sure who I'd use it on.

Rag last night.
Is this who you targeted? Because if your an inventor role it'd have been me I think? I revived using a one-shot ability someone gave me.

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