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Game Thread C H A O S M A F I A I I

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Jun 7, 2017
the present
. . . No, I just don't care that one guy voted me for that silly reason. Why the heck would you come to that conclusion?

Cause when most people get lynched they get panicky and you were so okay with it. (since we're basically deciding who dies today I thought you'd appreciate if we picked someone else)

Miss Cucco

Mrs. DekuNut
Jun 8, 2017
Nowhere important
Cause when most people get lynched they get panicky and you were so okay with it. (since we're basically deciding who dies today I thought you'd appreciate if we picked someone else)
I would go out with grace, but be grateful if it were someone else. I guess I'm just a good sport.

Deleted member 14134

So guys, since this is a bastawd game, thewe is a whowe swew of wowes that couwd be incwuded. Judging by my own wowe, most of dem (if not aww of dem) awe most wikewy made up. Anything is possibwe in this game, so we must aww expect the unexpected.

So wif dat said, I know its eawwy, but how wouwd you aww feew about wandom wynching someone? It's not somefing i suggest offen, but since dis game is so diffewent fwom most ovews, I honestwy don't expect simpwy discussing is gonna weawwy get us anywhewe in dis game.

But what say y'aww?
Also don't we usually lynch someone day one anyways even if there is nothing to go on? Unless anyone can think of a drawback to voting someone out now I don't really see a reason why we wouldn't.

Deleted member 14134

There's nothing to go on so it's impossible to make a suggestion that isn't completely random. Vote me out if you guys want to. Or use rng votes and pick someone random. Either way we probably won't have anything to go on until day 2
Jul 2, 2017
It seems it's a choice of either waiting for something to happen or making something happen.. Honestly I don't see why we should vote someone out until we have at least one thing to go by, but it would kinda get things started, I guess.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Cwaiming, fow me anyway, wouwd be pointwess. Even in a bastawd game, mafia wouwd not be put thwough dis kind of towtuwe.

Now, having said dis, I found a cewtain post of Miss Cucco's to be wathew scummy...

If we're gonna be doing a random. Lynch, then I want immunity! (Not really, just kidding)
Dis post just doesn't sit wight wif me. If we'we going fow a wandom wynch, I fink Miss Cucco wouwd be a decent choice. I nowmawwy diswike wynching new pwayews day 1, but since dis is a no weveaw game, fing's awe diffewent. I'd be ok wif a Miss Cucco wynch today...

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
So guys, since this is a bastawd game, thewe is a whowe swew of wowes that couwd be incwuded. Judging by my own wowe, most of dem (if not aww of dem) awe most wikewy made up. Anything is possibwe in this game, so we must aww expect the unexpected.

So wif dat said, I know its eawwy, but how wouwd you aww feew about wandom wynching someone? It's not somefing i suggest offen, but since dis game is so diffewent fwom most ovews, I honestwy don't expect simpwy discussing is gonna weawwy get us anywhewe in dis game.

But what say y'aww?

I do find this a little odd, since you're always against no-lynches but now you're saying you don't suggest random lynches often. First day is often a random-lynch because it's hard to get much to go off of, so that's in line with your thoughts against no-lynches. It's also still fairly early in the day, so advocating for a random lynch right now before much discussion picks up is a bit suspicious.

Cwaiming, fow me anyway, wouwd be pointwess. Even in a bastawd game, mafia wouwd not be put thwough dis kind of towtuwe.

Now, having said dis, I found a cewtain post of Miss Cucco's to be wathew scummy...

Dis post just doesn't sit wight wif me. If we'we going fow a wandom wynch, I fink Miss Cucco wouwd be a decent choice. I nowmawwy diswike wynching new pwayews day 1, but since dis is a no weveaw game, fing's awe diffewent. I'd be ok wif a Miss Cucco wynch today...

However, this post does seem a bit townie. It does seem weird for scum to have this condition on their role. Plus, I don't think Mezlo would be going so heavily after a new player if he were scum, when there are more experienced players that pose a bigger threat.

Gonna keep an eye on you, since that one post is a little bit suspicious, but I'm not really sure yet.

Actually with it being a no reveal game is there a point in us random lynching someone if we won't know what role they were? @Mellow Ezlo @Libk @Pendio @Minish_Link you guys are more experienced. What say you?

Personally, I think a random lynch would be kinda pointless in a no reveal situation. Usually lynches are used to gain information based on who was on the vote and who wasn't, based on the reveal of the person's role. But we won't be able to look into the wagons or anything too much, because we won't know if the person lynched was scum or not. Not to mention, I'm assuming most (if not all) players have action roles in this game, so we could potentially gain a lot of info going into day 2. But if we random lynch, we could be getting rid of a really good townie role and not even know it.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
Cwaiming, fow me anyway, wouwd be pointwess. Even in a bastawd game, mafia wouwd not be put thwough dis kind of towtuwe.

Now, having said dis, I found a cewtain post of Miss Cucco's to be wathew scummy...

Dis post just doesn't sit wight wif me. If we'we going fow a wandom wynch, I fink Miss Cucco wouwd be a decent choice. I nowmawwy diswike wynching new pwayews day 1, but since dis is a no weveaw game, fing's awe diffewent. I'd be ok wif a Miss Cucco wynch today...

I don't like this post at all, for one thing, all the w's was not funny the first time, and the second thing, that was just a joke. Obviously everyone wants immunity.
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