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C H 8 O S E I A H T


Demo Spec
May 18, 2022
@Caps Ah, I see, lol.

From what I’ve gathered so far, from getting caught up on the thread. Is that I have strong Town reads on Zings, A’lana, DW. And Soft scum reads on Min, Rag, Raven, and Ex.


Yeah baby, I am the lizard king!
Apr 19, 2022
It's the best read I've got right now, so why not?
Fair enough.
I think part of the vibe I was getting was specifically from the posts in #12 and #13 - talking about the buck, and hammer rules when it wasn't really necessary. It gives off the feeling of trying to be proactive about something that probably won't matter as joke vote wagons never tend to get too big. So it felt unnatural to me.
*scrolls through page 1 again
Yeah, I think I can see where you're coming from.
The thing is, I originally planned on bringing up the buck as a semi-investigative role before we even got our role PMs because I felt like (despite the general execution needing certain tweaks) the buck can be at least fairly useful in clearing people (as seen in CM7). My timing was weird, but regardless of that, the overall point was valid imo. But then I got paranoid of accidentally pushing someone into getting mod killed so I backed off.
Mentioning the Hammer rules was indeed unnecessary in retrospective, for the reasons you already mentioned, but by the time I noticed it I felt like it was smart to bring it up. The whole thought process was kinda

oh wait, hammer rules are active -> maybe it slipped under the radar of others too -> better point it out asap

Then it was briefly talked about and after that I didn't give it any more thought until you mentioned it :shrugs:

i don't think pure inactivity is Ai in and of itself but Rag actually has a meta where inactivity *is* a tell
I wouldn't call it pure inactivity though but that's based on the fact that I've noticed Rag reading the thread several times - if you didn’t notice this (which I assume) than calling it inactivity is perfectly reasonable from you POV though.
Raven's early posts feel like he's trying too hard, which most often reads to me like a scum player trying to fit in.
Yeah I can see how you'd think that; I personally disagree because I feel like Raven always feels a bit try-hardy but it's an understandable read.

This post is just kinda weird in general to me.

I obviously disagree with the read on Raven at face value, but my read on him is more of a viberead than anything concrete like this is trying to be - the specific reason given here is NAI in my opinion, I think Raven has reason to be concerned about the buck regardless of alignment.

Ex's statements about the roles & response to Raven is NAI because I've seen Ex try to act in this sort of "matter of factly" kinda way as both alignments, if that makes sense.

Idk where you're getting the viberead on Neon from, maybe it's just from playing with her more, but I feel like she's just kinda like this all the time regardless of alignment as well, so that's NAI.

To clarify, Ex saying "roles don't matter" is NAI, and I think the way in which Ex responded to Raven, which Dawning is claiming as AI for "trying to shut down serious discussion," is also NAI.
I think Raven being concerned about the buck regardless of alignment is true due to it's nature as somewhat of an investigative role, but I think because of that a scum Raven doesn't go out of his way to remind people not to claim as buck and lose valueable information. I see where you're coming from with Ex but kinda disagree, and as for Neon, I can't really put the vibes int words? But yeah it's probably just a difference in how much we've played together.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I mean it's kind of cut off.

I see this attempt to pander...clearly evil intent :watchingu:

No pandering, I was just genuinely surprised because I always thought your pic had cool aesthetic but figured it was some obscure thing I didn't know. Lol. Though it probably doesn't help that I'm more familiar with red, firey haired Hayley because my emo teen self loved her hair. Tbh, I'm only super familiar with Misery Business.

Okay hold up. Did you get that reference? If so that changes things. Answer very carefully.

Uhh, I don't think I got a reference? I just like beans and bees.

Wait, refresh me. Was Bee Cult scum? Or an offshoot of scum? It was, right? because I think I remember you (or maybe it was Fext) saying that you had been trying to kill me numerous times but you couldn't.

Maybe there isn't a hostile 3P then. Idk.

Bee cult was technically scum that I made up last minute and Storm allowed to happen. I was never anything to do with a bee cult originally, but then Alana and Seanzie vacuumed me up as a ghost and I argued that I should be alive and able to control bees still as I was Candyman.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Not into the Rag wagon. Don't necessarily think it's suspicious because of the whole meta aspect, but Rag is sometimes slow to start as town. Plus she's also in another game at the moment as well.

Not really finding Raven suspicious either. His posts about his thought processes sound genuinely true which is hard to fake as scum. I also think he's just a player that overthinks everything and isn't necessarily trying too hard. Also, reminding people about buck as scum isn't the smartest move because he was reminding people that scum can be caught by the buck. Which is something I could see scum Raven wanting to keep under wraps and hope others don't remember.

Can anyone remind me before make an effort to go back and check, did Storm die at the beginning of the last mafia game? Like as in the flavor where he did here? I know it's happened in a lot of other chaos Mafias but can't remember if it did in that one.


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
Fair enough.

*scrolls through page 1 again
Yeah, I think I can see where you're coming from.
The thing is, I originally planned on bringing up the buck as a semi-investigative role before we even got our role PMs because I felt like (despite the general execution needing certain tweaks) the buck can be at least fairly useful in clearing people (as seen in CM7). My timing was weird, but regardless of that, the overall point was valid imo. But then I got paranoid of accidentally pushing someone into getting mod killed so I backed off.
Mentioning the Hammer rules was indeed unnecessary in retrospective, for the reasons you already mentioned, but by the time I noticed it I felt like it was smart to bring it up. The whole thought process was kinda

oh wait, hammer rules are active -> maybe it slipped under the radar of others too -> better point it out asap

Then it was briefly talked about and after that I didn't give it any more thought until you mentioned it :shrugs:

I wouldn't call it pure inactivity though but that's based on the fact that I've noticed Rag reading the thread several times - if you didn’t notice this (which I assume) than calling it inactivity is perfectly reasonable from you POV though.
...In fact I noticed this exact thing too but was actually afraid to bring it up because some sites call this angleshooting.

like if Rag was online a simple 'hi I'm checking in to say I can't be around because irl reasons' would have sufficed but they are completely silent yet have been online multipel times


cotton candy
May 31, 2022
Not into the Rag wagon. Don't necessarily think it's suspicious because of the whole meta aspect, but Rag is sometimes slow to start as town. Plus she's also in another game at the moment as well.

Not really finding Raven suspicious either. His posts about his thought processes sound genuinely true which is hard to fake as scum. I also think he's just a player that overthinks everything and isn't necessarily trying too hard. Also, reminding people about buck as scum isn't the smartest move because he was reminding people that scum can be caught by the buck. Which is something I could see scum Raven wanting to keep under wraps and hope others don't remember.

Can anyone remind me before make an effort to go back and check, did Storm die at the beginning of the last mafia game? Like as in the flavor where he did here? I know it's happened in a lot of other chaos Mafias but can't remember if it did in that one.
'It's that time of year again. another letter to Visit Storm's Manor and play his cruel game. as you sit to Dinner, Storm goes over the year's events, and goes into his Will and Testament. as he begins the lights go out, and when they finally are turned back on, Storm is found dead in his chair, his guts pulled out of his stomach as if by a giant hook. as the door was locked and no one saw anyone leave into the hallway, it had to have been one of you. or a couple of you conspiring together'


Yeah baby, I am the lizard king!
Apr 19, 2022
...In fact I noticed this exact thing too but was actually afraid to bring it up because some sites call this angleshooting.
Never heard the term before, excuse my lack of knowledge for terms and abbreviations :sweat:
like if Rag was online a simple 'hi I'm checking in to say I can't be around because irl reasons' would have sufficed but they are completely silent yet have been online multipel times
This. This is exactly what bothers me for a while now, but I was hesitant because I feel like scum would try to make at least that effort (especially given the risk of an inactivity death).
Abd after reading this...
Not into the Rag wagon. Don't necessarily think it's suspicious because of the whole meta aspect, but Rag is sometimes slow to start as town. Plus she's also in another game at the moment as well.
...I can see how this might be the reason.
Can anyone remind me before make an effort to go back and check, did Storm die at the beginning of the last mafia game? Like as in the flavor where he did here? I know it's happened in a lot of other chaos Mafias but can't remember if it did in that one.
He died (and it was pretty nasty)


Yeah baby, I am the lizard king!
Apr 19, 2022
'It's that time of year again. another letter to Visit Storm's Manor and play his cruel game. as you sit to Dinner, Storm goes over the year's events, and goes into his Will and Testament. as he begins the lights go out, and when they finally are turned back on, Storm is found dead in his chair, his guts pulled out of his stomach as if by a giant hook. as the door was locked and no one saw anyone leave into the hallway, it had to have been one of you. or a couple of you conspiring together'

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
Okay, was wondering if he died last game because he was technically considered mafia that game as well. So voting for him may be a valid strategy at some point.


Staff member
ZD Champion
'It's that time of year again. another letter to Visit Storm's Manor and play his cruel game. as you sit to Dinner, Storm goes over the year's events, and goes into his Will and Testament. as he begins the lights go out, and when they finally are turned back on, Storm is found dead in his chair, his guts pulled out of his stomach as if by a giant hook. as the door was locked and no one saw anyone leave into the hallway, it had to have been one of you. or a couple of you conspiring together'
huh considering how this flavor hints at the candyman I wonder if this game's hints at something like krampus or grinch existing as a hostile indept
Sep 6, 2017
what does that mean please ellaborate
I feel like you say stuff like "this doesn't matter lmao" or "why are we doing x" in a "dude, really?" sort of tone regardless of alignment.

Dawning was arguing that you were saying "roles don't matter" as a means of shutting down serious discussion from Raven, whereas I just interpreted it as you responding to something in a way you would normally do.

*scrolls through page 1 again
Yeah, I think I can see where you're coming from.
The thing is, I originally planned on bringing up the buck as a semi-investigative role before we even got our role PMs because I felt like (despite the general execution needing certain tweaks) the buck can be at least fairly useful in clearing people (as seen in CM7). My timing was weird, but regardless of that, the overall point was valid imo. But then I got paranoid of accidentally pushing someone into getting mod killed so I backed off.
Mentioning the Hammer rules was indeed unnecessary in retrospective, for the reasons you already mentioned, but by the time I noticed it I felt like it was smart to bring it up. The whole thought process was kinda

oh wait, hammer rules are active -> maybe it slipped under the radar of others too -> better point it out asap

Then it was briefly talked about and after that I didn't give it any more thought until you mentioned it :shrugs:
That's fair. It seems my assessment about your bringing up the buck being a NAI thing is correct.

At least you are explaining your thought process clearly enough, and I don't feel like you're really squirming under pressure, just a bit frustrated. I am also a bit pocketed by your earlier Appeal to Emotion as I feel that way a lot when I play mafia too, despite having played the game for a long ass time.

Unvote: Raven

Not into the Rag wagon. Don't necessarily think it's suspicious because of the whole meta aspect, but Rag is sometimes slow to start as town. Plus she's also in another game at the moment as well.
My thoughts on the Rag wagon are: it's fine for now, I understand the sentiment but I won't join it personally. But if people are still on it at the end of the day and Rag looks town imma be shifty eyes at those people.

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