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Game Thread Bok's Fantasy Book Mafia

Mar 23, 2021
It's entirely possible scum did all this for wifom.

It's also entirely possible that their kill was redirected to sun or blocked (with an alternate kill from a big or sk in place).
You're mixing "possible" and "likely".

It's technically possible scum-me has played how I just have now.

It would be very risky.

It would be insanely dumb.

And for people who aren't aware, I only started playing mafia on forums in January. I'm far from an expert.

If I did all this for WIFOM, I have put myself at a huge risk + told you the EXACT scumteam + accomplished nothing for the wolves at all. All this on a day where wolves have twenty other ways to win in almost all other team combinations.

How likely do you actually think it is that I botheted to do all this as a wolf (maybe a 1-10 scale if you don't mind)?


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
You're mixing "possible" and "likely".

It's technically possible scum-me has played how I just have now.

It would be very risky.

It would be insanely dumb.

And for people who aren't aware, I only started playing mafia on forums in January. I'm far from an expert.

If I did all this for WIFOM, I have put myself at a huge risk + told you the EXACT scumteam + accomplished nothing for the wolves at all. All this on a day where wolves have twenty other ways to win in almost all other team combinations.

How likely do you actually think it is that I botheted to do all this as a wolf (maybe a 1-10 scale if you don't mind)?
I'd say around a 7 that this is a play you'd make as scum, though it's also a play you'd make as town, realistically.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
What do you think of the theory of a possibly exposed messenger being blocked and scum just pretending to have received a message?

It explains the inconsistency regarding colors in the message too since they didn’t have access to that information. If the result was mechanically framed I’d assume it would be consistent.
I think that it's possible, though less likely. Scum would have to know they got the right block and then fabricate the result. But that's under the basis that the role, if blocked, doesn't have info intercepted in some fashion. The other possibility is the messenger being role copped N1 and blocked N2.

If scum can block and intercept info (which would be even more ridiculously niche) then yeah, they can easily fabricate results, and it could explain Rubik not providing a color in his shared result.

broken english
are you gonna shame me for that to tunnel me? I literally tried phrasing better what I meant not too long after
Yeah, I looked again and saw that. I kinda figured anyway.

You missed the part I say they were probably traditionally disrupted somehow.
Ah yes I did. Honestly, even more likely. I tend to side RBs as scum usually, so I didn't consider a town one possible.

This is role madness so definitely impossible.
Agreed. I was just sharing my theoretical method. But as I said before, that was for Cryptids, where VTs were part of the setup and RCs weren't.

Much better to chop somebody else then vig Mellow. This means we don't have to rely on the vig having good scum reads or immediately losing and don't immediately lose if Mellow is the person who actually does the killing like suggested earlier.
This probably is the best course since it puts us at 4T vs 2S and no 3P to make weird interactions happen. I'm still trying to think my way through this.


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
If there's no mechanical basis to your assertions about me and tristan, all your "clearing" is basically hogwash, though. I thought you had role-based information backing you, if that's not the case I don't see any reason for it to effect things.
Mar 23, 2021
If there's no mechanical basis to your assertions about me and tristan, all your "clearing" is basically hogwash, though. I thought you had role-based information backing you, if that's not the case I don't see any reason for it to effect things.
This is incorrect.


Staff member
ZD Champion
Ah yes I did. Honestly, even more likely. I tend to side RBs as scum usually, so I didn't consider a town one possible.
I meant scum roleblockers
if Rubik is scum and they knew who the messenger was they could've blocked the messenger and make it seem like Rubik had received a framed result to make him look townie

that's my current theory

@Rubik I'm unfamiliar with Legacy's meta. Summarize?
He's the devil
He fooled literally everyone last game I played with them as mafia
ask minish about it


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
Despite having voted for Tristan yesterday, I think we probably need to vote for a player who hasn't been a primary end of day wagon today.

Ex and minish both have survived far too long this game with far too little pressure. I'd be amazed if neither of them were scum.
Mar 23, 2021
Despite having voted for Tristan yesterday, I think we probably need to vote for a player who hasn't been a primary end of day wagon today.

Ex and minish both have survived far too long this game with far too little pressure. I'd be amazed if neither of them were scum.
If I asked you to rank the following from most to least likely to be town, would you do it for me please?

Morbid Minish
Mikey the Moblin
Johnny Sooshi


King of Lorule Lounge
Jan 19, 2018
If I asked you to rank the following from most to least likely to be town, would you do it for me please?

Morbid Minish
Mikey the Moblin
Johnny Sooshi



Mikey (this varies a lot depending on who ends up flipping red)

Tristan (obviously not town, but this where I'd put him in terms of likelihood to be scum)



This is just my gut 0-thought answer. Specific teams make this a lot more complicated and I'm not committed to these reads long term.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Despite having voted for Tristan yesterday, I think we probably need to vote for a player who hasn't been a primary end of day wagon today.

Ex and minish both have survived far too long this game with far too little pressure. I'd be amazed if neither of them were scum.
I'm quoting this post because it's the one I clicked on

Legacy and rubik's poes are so divergent from mine that I think they p much have to be wolves

I think legacy is basically openwolfing rn, and their repeated insistence that it MAKES NO SENSE for them to do what they're doing as scum is a tired trope atp p scummy p scummy

I see this as legacy/rubik scumteam practically outing to push a mislynch on a townie, which gives them a majority vote to clean up the rest of the game
The third might actually be kirino because of how nobody else seems quite as insistent as these two about their poe. Although I'd bet that when kirino does come their poe will look quite similar

Like am I stupid or have you guys not read minish's iso
I do think minish struggles to generate content as a wolf from my experience in jojo mafia
Combine that with a couple of pure posts like the one I quoted. Yes, minish is good, but I would even town read sunfan for making a post like that
Exlight is lol we aren't lynching them
Maybe final 3 it's allowed

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