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Game Thread Bok's Fantasy Book Mafia

Mar 12, 2021
The only soft claiming that's allowed is saying you believe someone is innocent or guilty. (Ex: If a cop checks funnier and sees he's scum, he can say he has reason to believe funnier is scum, but cannot explicitly say he cop checked funnier).
Consider this everyone's last warning.

Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I just woke up so I'll post more later but wanted to say this while the flip was still fresh on my mind. I don't know a ton about these series but I know some bits about some. I feel like I may have an idea of what SMS's role was but not sure if y'all want me to share that because it would also be giving mafia that info.

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
I just woke up so I'll post more later but wanted to say this while the flip was still fresh on my mind. I don't know a ton about these series but I know some bits about some. I feel like I may have an idea of what SMS's role was but not sure if y'all want me to share that because it would also be giving mafia that info.
uhhh traditionally the answer is probably no


Staff member
ZD Champion
I just woke up so I'll post more later but wanted to say this while the flip was still fresh on my mind. I don't know a ton about these series but I know some bits about some. I feel like I may have an idea of what SMS's role was but not sure if y'all want me to share that because it would also be giving mafia that info.
flavor solving?
I mean there are some odds that someone from mafia also knows the series right

I think it’s a really risky move considering claims are kinda strict in this game so if we start going the wrong track with assumptions it might lead us to some really bad results


Staff member
ZD Champion
I'm assuming chevy was the vigshot, if so good job, they'd probably be stifling all discussion today and eating the lynch otherwise
Why not the other way around? SMS looked super scummy to me too
His ISO did a full 180° on Rag and is what made her wagon gain speed and even with chevy’s vote bothering him he didn’t remove his vote on rag until last second when her lynch was seemingly unavoidable

I feel like he had more than enough reason to get vigishotted too

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
well I guess it makes more sense for scum to hit SMS and vigi to hit Chevy considering their level of experience with the game
did you even...
have you seen the eod vote count?
I literally asked for vig to shoot chevywolf because otherwise everyone tunnels on them today and nothing gets done >.>

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