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Spoiler Batreaux


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Ears: As far as I can see, all similarity between him and Ghirahim are the pointy ears, which means nothing to me because even all Hylians have pointy ears.

Ghirahim only has one ear pointy. His left ear is round.

Hair: We can't even see if that guy is bald or has hair (it's too blurry) and which style or colour it is, therefore no comparison can be made to Ghirahim. In case of doubt I'd rather vote against it because Ghirahim has quite long hair which should be visible in the silhouette but it's not.

In the one where they're all running his hair is perfectly seen.

Eyes: Ghirahim's eyes are quite big and horizontal and line up with his ears, while the guy in the intro seems to have crescent-like eyes which are almost vertical at the outer sides.

Those eyes are exactly the same. Flat at the top and curved at the bottom.

Mouth: Same here, the intro guy has a very large and bent mouth while Ghirahim's is rather small and horizontal too.

Large smile with an arrogant and evil smirk.

Clothing: Not much to say here, intro guy seems to wear a thick wrapped winter coat while Ghirahim usually has a lighter coat (not wrapped) or no clothing at all..

That cloak is beyond similar. It's the exact same design. The ends are pointed and it goes around his neck.

Sorry, I'm not convinced.

I don't see how you can look at all those and not see how they're the same. It's not just the similarities, either. This tribe attacked the land before the events of SS. Ghirahim is one of the ones that attacked. There's no way that's not Ghirahim. The circumstances are undeniable.

I know that speculation and spotting patterns is fun and we Zelda fans (including me) do it all the time but we shouldn't sell it as fact unless we're 100% sure.

All the evidence points to it. Just like with Fi and her resemblance to the Master Sword. I respect opinion, but all your arguments backfire.


Ganon, King of Douchness.
Mar 14, 2011
Over there.
He could be the same guy.
But I would not give it much thought.
Though I think it would be intresting to see these so called "demon lords".
That is if they even exist.

And also.... some people are not very open to new ideas or aware of the concept of repenting on here.
All I got to say is wow.
Feb 5, 2011
Upon looking at Batreaux (how is that pronounced? Bat-row? Bat-tricks?) I took a look at the 7 stylized red silhouettes of our 7 demons. The one to the left of Demise, if the middle is really demise, has horns much like Batreaux.
Okay, so at least 2 die, 1 will supposedly form the shiekah, 1 MIGHT turn human and other 3 are sent into the twilight realm? Is that about it?


Ash Gala Wonderful!
Mar 9, 2010
49.9°N 8.2°E
Woah, I didn't mean to attack anyone personally here, sorry if I have left that impression (as you can tell English isn't my native language, but that shall be no excuse). And @Ganon0075, I am open for new ideas, it's just that I don't straightly believe every theory that is posted and I always remain a bit skeptical unless there's 100% proof.
I never said that it's totally impossible that this guy could be Ghirahim, I'm just not 100% convinced yet.
For Ghirahim's ears: Yes, the right (or left when looking from his position) one seems to be round. That slipped past me because most of the time he seems to be covering it with his hair. In the intro, you can't see the left guy's left ear so I don't know what to think...
And to the hair, what do you mean by the scene "where everyone's running"? I re-watched the intro several times and I can't see anyone running, the pictures just fade in and out... don't see any hair of the supposed Ghirahim.
And with the eyes I still don't agree 100%. Sure, they could be his eyes but they also could be anyone else's. "Top flat & bottom rounded" isn't that much of a unique characteristic (besides that the left guy has the top rounded too). Just to name one example, the guy standing next to Gepora in the flying demo has "top flat/bottom rounded too".
For the smile... well I don't know, I just don't find them that similar. The intro guy has a really broad smile and Ghirahim's seems more subtle to me, but that's opinion so let's settle that here.
And the cloak again: Ghirahim's seems to extend to behind his head while the intro guys' seems to stop at the neck. And the lower part of Ghirahim's cloak doesn't look that wrapped as in the intro but more open.

And another thing that makes me wonder... If that intro scene took place several centuries (or even millennia) in the past (I conclude that because Fi says that it's a legend passed down "through uncounted generations") then this makes Ghirahim extremely old. The last time we had such old living characters was in OoT with Koume & Kotake and at least they looked old too.

So for me it's actually possible that this is Ghirahim, yet I don't see it as proven fact. The evidence of Fi=Master Sword was much stronger already from the beginning, people already speculated about that after seeing the single artwork of E3 2009!
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There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Upon looking at Batreaux (how is that pronounced? Bat-row? Bat-tricks?) I took a look at the 7 stylized red silhouettes of our 7 demons. The one to the left of Demise, if the middle is really demise, has horns much like Batreaux.
Okay, so at least 2 die, 1 will supposedly form the shiekah, 1 MIGHT turn human and other 3 are sent into the twilight realm? Is that about it?

It's pronounced like flambeaux, a flaming torch, or jambeaux, a spikefish found in the Atlantic. I'm thinking the one you mentioned is Batreaux, too.

Edit: Actually after looking at the intro picture again I meant the one just to the right of the supposed Demise is Batreaux.
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Ash Gala Wonderful!
Mar 9, 2010
49.9°N 8.2°E
Hmm, if it's supposed to be a French name (which I strongly suppose because I don't know of any other language that has words ending in -eaux) then I'd say it's pronounced [baˈtʁo] in IPA which I'd approximate as "but-RROH" in English. The "r" is a throat sound in French (just like in German), the [a] is a bit more open-mouthed than in "but" and the [o] is shorter than in "go" and isn't a diphthong.


Ganon, King of Douchness.
Mar 14, 2011
Over there.
I have 2 say that comparing the characters to the intro seen is kinda dumb because it exagerates the characters abit.
Like the one in the middle for example.
Comparing them is a good idea and all but you have to notice that it's a different style and so you can not simply say that the eyes don't look like this guys eyes so it can't be him because = different styles of art.
Pure and simple.
Feb 5, 2011
Upon looking at Batreaux (how is that pronounced? Bat-row? Bat-tricks?) I took a look at the 7 stylized red silhouettes of our 7 demons. The one to the left of Demise, if the middle is really demise, has horns much like Batreaux.
Okay, so at least 2 die, 1 will supposedly form the shiekah, 1 MIGHT turn human and other 3 are sent into the twilight realm? Is that about it?
RIGHT, I meant to the right of Demise. How did screw that up?

I have 2 say that comparing the characters to the intro seen is kinda dumb because it exagerates the characters abit.
Like the one in the middle for example.
Comparing them is a good idea and all but you have to notice that it's a different style and so you can not simply say that the eyes don't look like this guys eyes so it can't be him because = different styles of art.
Pure and simple.

True, but the cave drawing to the left bares much resemblance to Ghirahim, which of course gives reason to believe that IS Ghirahim. While the middle doesn't look that much like Demise, perhaps Demise will look different before or after the fiery head we saw much like Ganondorf's transformation to Ganon. Or maybe its too stylized to make him more monstrous, since I'm sure his eyes are misplaced.
So, until Nintendo reveals who they are, I'm just gonna say its Batreaux. Much like how, for my own silly reasons, I'm assuming the one closest to Ghirahim is named Majora.
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Apr 22, 2011
It's very possible, Note that the picture was probably painted while Demise was ruling the world and the demons were his servants. After a long time without a master, Batreaux maybe didn't want revenge but redemption.. So he wants to become a human. What I'm trying to say is don't treat that picture as it was painted the day before Link starts his quest, It was painted during Demise's terror so it's very possible that Batreaux is the guy in the picture.

And It's also possible that The Happy Mask Salesman is to the far right, Girahim to the left (Obviously) and the fisherman from OoT in the very back..


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
Why would one of the demons be in Skyloft?

Haha, Nice point.
I love these kind of posts where your brain just goes.. "Crap, How could I not think of that..".)

I think there's a good answer to that. He's not in Skyloft. "Crap, how did I not think of that?!?"

I don't post stuff without thinking it through. I go through all the information in my head and then post it. If he were in Skyloft, I wouldn't have posted this thread. He's not, though. Do you really think Link would have been surprised to see Batreaux if he lived in Skyloft?


Sage of Wisdom
May 28, 2011
I think there's a good answer to that. He's not in Skyloft. "Crap, how did I not think of that?!?"

I don't post stuff without thinking it through. I go through all the information in my head and then post it. If he were in Skyloft, I wouldn't have posted this thread. He's not, though. Do you really think Link would have been surprised to see Batreaux if he lived in Skyloft?

He is in Skyloft, that's been confirmed. You go to the graveyard, knock down a gravestone and find a secret passage to the room.

From Zelda Informer:

Race: Demon
Home: Skyloft
Occupation: Friendly Demon
Related character(s): Kukiel
Description: Batreaux is a demon who has a soft side and wants to become human. Despite his terrifying form, he's harmless and couldn't hurt a fly. Unfortunately, he's the cause of the nightly curse that riles up the Remlits. Bring him Gratitude Crystals to feed him positive energy so he can fulfill his wish.
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