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Attempt to Be the Largest Thread in DGN History

PK Love Omega

PK Flash's Good Twin
Jul 28, 2011
In a forest
I agree. People without common-sense or are stupid in general are douche***s. Sad that they are the popular ones, when they couldn't even choose between life or a packet of crisps/chips.
Jul 24, 2011
Pennsylvania, USA
what happened Faerie man? tell Stormi what happened?

Its kind of a long story. Well, in my business class, we got assigned a project to make a commercial that was meant to stop a fake business from destroying Native American village remains. And for this project, me and my unreliable partner had to do voice overs for it. We ran out of time in class, so the teacher signed us each passes to go there during our study hall to record our voices for the project. I showed up to record, but my partner didn't. Now I got an F on the project.


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
So many emoticons...


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