Wat [break]you can no longer see what I comment[/break]
Internet memes. Short little statements that are usually nonsensical. Check Know Your Meme on google to see what all there are, and they are legion. The ons I used are fairly common ones.
"All your base are belong to us" is a lin spoken by the leader of CATS, an evil organization from the game Zero Wing. It's a prime example of Engrish, poorly translated asian language -> English. The game is filled with comments such as "What you say!" and "Main Screen turn on."
I'm in ur X, Ying your Z" (originally I'm in ur base, killin ur d00ds) is a line that originated from Starcraft, where a guy got past his friend's defenses and started wreaking havoc. The message is a taunt to the other player, and is now applied to any situation in a humorous tone, for example, I'm in ur couch, stealing ur change was used to describe a cat who had gotten stuck in the couch cushions.
Other meme examples include "IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!", the Man Your Man Could Smell Like, "OMG Zerg Rush!", the Troll-face, Rage comics, the Zelda CD-I games' lines (particularly Squadalah!, I wonder what's for dinner, and Mah boi.)