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Anyone following any particular diets?

Aug 31, 2019
Vegetarians, Vegans, Pescatarians, Keto or anything like those.

If so, what's your experience with them?
I don't do diets.

I have a friend who is a vegetarian that I often eat with, so there's that... But I'm not a picky eater and have never really had to go on a diet.

I'm terribly underweight to begin with, going on a diet and actively cutting out things like protein would probably cause more harm than good.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I have been eating 3000 calories a day for weight maintainence whilst the gyms are closed. Around 190g protein, mainly from fresh chicken, lots of fibrous plant foods and extra virgin olive oil and I also avoid refined carbohydrates and processed meats as much as possible.

I haven't tried any of the diets you mentioned. I've done veggie and vegan days before but I enjoy chicken and fish too much to go full blown.
I've been on a modified version of a keto diet (modified for my dairy sensitivity) for about three years now. I lost around 40 lbs and am overall a lot healthier than I used to be.
Was the transition to modified keto easy for you?

Good to know your health has improved from it!
Thanks. Drastically reducing my carb intake wasn’t as difficult as you might think. What was more difficult was giving up dairy (mostly, I still have a bit here and there) which I had been eating for years not knowing how it was affecting my mood, energy, etc. Overall, keto isn’t a very difficult diet to maintain, especially for those who already enjoy different kinds of meats and vegetables. There are also flour substitutes (almond, coconut) for those who miss foods like waffles and pancakes as well. I do allow myself to eat sweet potatoes somewhat regularly, which most people on keto do not, but I’m a bit more lax with my carbs now that I’ve lost the weight I wanted to. It helps keep some variety in what I eat.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Nope no specific diet. I can't eat cheese though because of allergies. The loser I am I still try to eat it and think it's going to be okay but instead it gets worse so I stopped eating it and my fiance prevend me from eating it as well.

I do have two days a week I don't eat anything but only drink water.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Legend
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I'm on a seafood diet...

That is, I see food, and I eat it.

In all seriousness, the foods I like are actually not all that bad for you, and I only eat till I'm full. I don't stuff my face.

That, and combined with some good ol' fashioned push-ups, sit-ups, and squats, so I maintain.

And my metabolism has always been pretty strong. I burn through food quickly without gaining too much.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Nope no specific diet. I can't eat cheese though because of allergies. The loser I am I still try to eat it and think it's going to be okay but instead it gets worse so I stopped eating it and my fiance prevend me from eating it as well.

I do have two days a week I don't eat anything but only drink water.

I did a 36 hour water fast and found it doable. Was definitely leaner afterwards and dropped some water weight. Do you do two 24 hr fasts a week or one long fast lasting two days?

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