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Spoiler Anime Theory

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Spoiler warning

So you know how Ash in the anime doesn't age? (Sorry spoilers, I did warn you though). Well what if the whole time he's just been a ditto in disguise?? Based on dialogue in the first season it takes place over the course of roughly 10 months, so we can assume each season is around a year, which means Ash should be around 34 years old by now but he's still 10 so what if he's actually a Ditto? As further evidence, there's an episode which shows Ditto can transform into people not just Pokemon.

Link Floyd

ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘⁿ
Sep 23, 2014
Spoiler warning

So you know how Ash in the anime doesn't age? (Sorry spoilers, I did warn you though). Well what if the whole time he's just been a ditto in disguise?? Based on dialogue in the first season it takes place over the course of roughly 10 months, so we can assume each season is around a year, which means Ash should be around 34 years old by now but he's still 10 so what if he's actually a Ditto? As further evidence, there's an episode which shows Ditto can transform into people not just Pokemon.

This is a lowkey badass theory that is definitely plausible. I think you're onto something. ;)

That reminds me, have you ever heard of the theory about how Ash is actually in a coma and that is why he remains a 10 year old throughout the anime? Everything is just a dream.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
I still prefer the theory that it's because of Ash's wish in episode 1. For those who don't remember, he wished on Ho-oh to become the world's greatest Pokemon master.
The problem is, Ash sucks.
He has a really long way to go. So, to give Ash the amount of time he'd need to go through the character development to take that title, he'd need to be immortal. Therefore, Ho-oh made it so.


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
I still prefer the theory that it's because of Ash's wish in episode 1. For those who don't remember, he wished on Ho-oh to become the world's greatest Pokemon master.
The problem is, Ash sucks.
He has a really long way to go. So, to give Ash the amount of time he'd need to go through the character development to take that title, he'd need to be immortal. Therefore, Ho-oh made it so.
That presents a paradox then. If Ho-Oh granted him immortality, then he won't age, so he can't really grow as a person. Ash Ketchum is living in his own personal purgatory.


Triforce Champion
May 14, 2022
New Mauville
I have already got it figured out. In the Pokémon anime, your spoken age is not past ten years old. It was made so by Professor Oak so that people would stop calling him old. That way, he could say, “We are both 10!” It didn’t work.

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