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Sign Ups Anime Girls Mafia

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Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
Ohayou gozaimasu (Ohayou gozaimasu means good morning/hello)!!!! My name is Jamie-chan and I'm here to present to you the first ever Anime Girls Mafia. In this game you will sign up to be a cute anime girl.

Players Banned from My Game:

Now let's let the sign ups begin!
1. Pendio
2. Mido
3. DekuNut
4. Libk
5. Minish_Link
6. Tristan
7. Johnny Sooshi
8. Kaio-kenshin
9. kokirion

Good luck everyone!
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Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
Players Banned from My Game:
I just noticed this bit (who even reads OPs these days tbh). I think it's fine if you'd prefer for individual players to not partake in your game, however I think it would be better for you to PM the user in question rather than post it publicly. tbqh, I think that's just asking for trouble. I am of the belief that game mods should be able to refuse people from playing in their own games, for one reason or another, but those people deserve to be told why they are being refused. I'm not trying to start anything in here, I just wanted to point this out. This kind of thing isn't really necessary. Just my two cents. I know Storm was noticeably hurt by this (see blog section), which is understandable seeing as it is public, and could possibly be read as a personal attack depending on the person.


Ghost of The Roleplay Section
Sep 10, 2011
A PM would have sufficed. You dont have to publicly accost me. I mean i know me and This Mellow Fellow dont always get along, but I dont personally hate the man. I just dont admire his usual Day 1,2,3...ad nauseam accusations of me which are mostly based on my post patterns. I honestly wanted to play. If you do not want me in your game, i understand, but i stopped even getting notifications about this thread. I made sure i clicked 'Watch' to be sure. Usually if there was a problem, Pendio would talk to me before Jimmu passes judgement.

Seriously. Dick move.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
I just noticed this bit (who even reads OPs these days tbh). I think it's fine if you'd prefer for individual players to not partake in your game, however I think it would be better for you to PM the user in question rather than post it publicly. tbqh, I think that's just asking for trouble. I am of the belief that game mods should be able to refuse people from playing in their own games, for one reason or another, but those people deserve to be told why they are being refused. I'm not trying to start anything in here, I just wanted to point this out. This kind of thing isn't really necessary. Just my two cents. I know Storm was noticeably hurt by this (see blog section), which is understandable seeing as it is public, and could possibly be read as a personal attack depending on the person.
I personally, as rude as it may sound, do not care that much. He made a public blog so it's hardly as if he's following his own rules. I also said in the OP that I am blacklisting him from my game so I'm not sure why he thinks it's because he said "hi".

He literally caused a game to end (libks) and almost caused your game to end by breaking massive rules in both games. If he doesn't know why I don't want him in my games, then he needs to reevaluate himself. He actively destroys games.

We have a public moderator blacklist (which gladly has not had to be used), banned users are recognizable via crossed out names, mods stripped of their positions are publicly shown in a thread. This is a public forum, not a court of law, and I have no obligation literally or morally to PM someone I don't want in my game. I bolded it up there specifically so he wouldn't sign up, but he did anyway. I never asked him to sign up, did I? Why do I need to PM him to tell him why I don't want him in my games. I shouldn't need to provide a personal message telling someone why I don't want them there.

Having to factor in other people's feelings when I make my game just really doesn't make sense. Requiring I personally message everyone that they are not entitled to a privilege (since there is no forum rule that requires anyone to allow everyone to sign up) is silly and nonsensical. It'd be like getting an email saying you aren't invited to the Academy Awards. It makes no sense to PM someone to tell them they can't join something.


Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out...
Feb 23, 2014
A PM would have sufficed. You dont have to publicly accost me. I mean i know me and This Mellow Fellow dont always get along, but I dont personally hate the man. I just dont admire his usual Day 1,2,3...ad nauseam accusations of me which are mostly based on my post patterns. I honestly wanted to play. If you do not want me in your game, i understand, but i stopped even getting notifications about this thread. I made sure i clicked 'Watch' to be sure. Usually if there was a problem, Pendio would talk to me before Jimmu passes judgement.

Seriously. Dick move.
Dude I seriously don't know what you're talking about. If there's some issue with you not seeing thread notifications, you should really tell Jimmy about it because certainly no one requested that of him.
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