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American Horror Story?

Jan 1, 2011
So, I watched all 3 seasons (finished season 3 today) and omg, I must say that this show does show a bit of horror and thoughts that does come from the imagination (well at least in season 1 it did). And in all honesty, season 1 was my favourite one out of the whole AHS. Asylum was just too trippy for me and Coven was alright as well.

Does anyone else watch this show? I know it is intended for more "mature" audience, but really, who actually pays attention to that? :P
Jan 12, 2014
Temple of Time
I just recently watched the first season, and I'll probably start on the second season soon. Overall, I really enjoyed it. The cast was really great. It combined drama with the horror genre the same way that Game of Thrones combines drama with fantasy, and I'm always a fan of seeing genres with somewhat fringe appeal be thrown into the mainstream; though, I will admit that at times, particularly in the second half, I felt like I was watching a soap opera more than anything related to horror. I've tried to block myself from learning any specific details about seasons 2 and 3, but from what I gather the emphasis on drama over horror is even greater, so I'm not going to go into them with very high expectations (though, I do hope that I am wrong).

Also, Alexandra Breckenridge is entirely too hot to handle.


BoDoc Horseman
Nov 24, 2012
I am close to finishing the third season, without watching the first or second. I didn't realize how shocking this show could be, so I am definitely going back to watch season 1 and 2 once I am done with Coven.
Jan 1, 2011
Jessica Lange was wonderful in all 3 seasons, I really enjoyed her in Coven the most. I wonderful what they will make of season 4? I hope the writers will continue on a good streak with the story and not mess it up, because after watching Asylum I thought Coven would be a bust, but I was sooo wrong
Jan 12, 2014
Temple of Time
Just wanted to say that I finished Season 2 last night, and I absolutely loved it. The last two episodes seemed a bit out of place, and felt more like an afterward, but overall I enjoyed season 2 much more than season 1. Looking forward to catching Season 3.
Nov 28, 2011
I like season 2 quite a bit. Season 1 is... fine. I gave up on season 3 because I thought it was garbage pretty immediately. I think overall the show is alright, but I have a lot of issues with it. It's way over sexualized to the point that it distracts from the plot, and rather than being scary it's mostly just gross. It relies on shock-value rather than actually good writing. While some of the acting is competent, the dialogue never really feels natural or... good. And there are almost no likeable characters, which isn't really a flaw it just makes it sort of emotionally draining to watch. Like, I sort of liked Vivian in season 1, but everyone else was HORRIBLE. In season 2, Even Peters' character was a nice dude, but no one else was even a little bit okay. And then season 3 is just wall to wall *******s with no redeemable qualities to be found. All that said, I do enjoy some of the themes explored and the way in which many different elements of horror work together, particularly in season 2. I think the story-lines are for the most-part creative and interesting (the obvious exception being the school for witches ******** in season 3). I won't watch the current season, but if you take just the first two then I'd say it's a fairly solid show...

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