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Am I the only person bugged by Nintendo's Official Timeline?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 81859
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Deleted member 81859

The whole fallen hero timeline just really does not work for me. I have to get a game over for all these titles to cannonically exist? Um, what? I guess it explains why, but still...


Hero of Time! The True Zelda Genius!
Feb 9, 2013
Trapped in Darkness :(
I believe that somehow, the Fallen Timeline is some first existing reality after OoT, then because of ALttP Link's wish, part of that wish somehow linked to past altering it, granting Link true wish and desire, to create a world where the Hero of Time won and the imprisoning war didn't happen, thus spawning the realities that we know of as the Adult and Child Timelines. If that makes sense. Anyways, that's the best that I can explain for now, I will explain more in future, I promise. For now, hope that this helps. :)


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
I'm not fond of it, but I like Vita's theory. Of course, it would be hard to misinterpret the wish like that, but it still works better for me than just saying "he died".

And I was a major timeline theorist back in the Pre-HH days, so it bothered me even more.

Deleted member 81859

Timeline theorizing is actually what brought me here at first. Yeah, Vita's theory makes a lot more sense than Nintendo's explanation. I have a theory of my own... but it's very... convoluted.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Well it worked, it solved the problem which had baffled theorists for years, that problem being were A Link to the Past could be placed on a timeline.

I really have nothing wrong with it, the only thing which I did complain about at first was that if they suggest that there was a alternate split from OoT were the hero failed then doesn't that mean theoretically every game should have a similar alternate split were the hero fails?

I got over it though, eventually I was like oh well, it atleast would create more oppurtunities to keep games going.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I believe that somehow, the Fallen Timeline is some first existing reality after OoT, then because of ALttP Link's wish, part of that wish somehow linked to past altering it, granting Link true wish and desire, to create a world where the Hero of Time won and the imprisoning war didn't happen, thus spawning the realities that we know of as the Adult and Child Timelines. If that makes sense. Anyways, that's the best that I can explain for now, I will explain more in future, I promise. For now, hope that this helps. :)

Did you mean the “great war?” The imprisoning war was the war spoken of prior to Skyward Sword, I'm not sure if you accidently wrote it, but meant the “Great war” the one prior to OoT?

Deleted member 81859

Convoluted theories are nothing new. Lay it on us.
I might open a new thread for this, because it involves four separate timelines (two pasts and two futures.)
That might sound simple enough, but it's really not. I've got my placement of the games worked out but now to figure out what timelines to actually place them in
It's a bit-how do I put it- Kingdom Heartsy.

Deleted member 81859

Also someone explain wtf Minish Cap is doing after SS I still don't get that
or FSA is doing after TP

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Minish Cap was a game which shows us Hyrule prior to the days of Ganon. Four Swords was a sequel to Minish cap, so they come after Skyward Sword, and before Ocarina of Time. The reason Four Swords Adventures isn't a sequel to Four Swords is because Ganon is in it so it had to come into the timeline at some point after OoT.


The Emperor
Apr 29, 2010
I'd say the majority of us think Nintendo's timeline is stupid, but we just can't argue with canon. I mean, it's not like any of us are going to create a petition lol.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
I'd say the majority of us think Nintendo's timeline is stupid, but we just can't argue with canon. I mean, it's not like any of us are going to create a petition lol.

I don't think it is stupid, in ways it was a bittersweet relief. I was glad that there was finally a official timeline, but I was sad when I began to notice that people considered theorising dead, which is crazy.


I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
Started a group for alternate timeline discussion, because I have a feeling a lot of people aren't going to talk about it in the Theories section. Join if you want.

@Spiritual Mask Salesman Just because it doesn't have Ganon/a sign of Ganon doesn't mean that he hasn't existed yet. He could very well have. Also, wasn't Hyrule
@Seth But it doesn't show the formation of Hyrule. Hyrule was formed before that game, and probably directly after SS, as they needed some sort of governing body. Just sayin'.

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