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A Link Between Worlds ALBW WILL Have Cinematic Cutscenes


There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
Know that this domain is now under my protection, and further hullabaloo shall release divine retribution from above. :right:

I've no issue with cinematic cutscenes, but in order for me to not feel bogged down on storytime--especially in later playthroughs--I need the ability to skip past them. The best games I've played (Xenoblade, The Last Story, SSB Brawl, Legend of Spyro Trilogy, and even Twilight Princess) featured said ability as an option. However, being forced to undergo repetitious and tasteless cutscenes, such as a good many in Skyward Sword, notably with the Imprisoned, retracts the enjoyment which I'm aiming for. So long as Nintendo learns from their past gaffe and doesn't go overboard, I'm willing to give this game a go.


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
Sroa Link said:
They're boring and slow down the already slow pacing of "modern" Zelda games.

That's not something unique to cutscenes. Cutscenes don't inherently ruin the pacing of a game, or are boring, that's just bad game design or badly executed cutscenes/story.

As for me, well, I have no real strong feelings. I mean, it's just cutscenes... If they help tell an interesting story, great! If they bore me, bad! But, won't know which one it'll be till I play it. I'm hoping the former, naturally.
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May 18, 2013
Never said it was dumb, just that I was dumbfounded. I think it's bizarre that you basically said cutscenes are inherently boring, but I never said it was dumb.
Oh, sorry.

It's just the fact that Aunoma now has drawn attention to the fact that there will be cinematic cutscenes in the game, the last time he talked about cutscenes in a Zelda game, it turned out to have a lot of them, now after knowing this, I ca kinda guess what they'll do in the game.

In other word, now that he mentioned cutscenes, this means it's something that they took a lot of time to work on, therefore they will be a lot of them in the, at least that's how I interpret it.

I know I said they're boring at first, I generally skip them unless this is the first playthrough, but I do find some that amuse me every now and then.

That's not something unique to cutscenes. Cutscenes don't inherently ruin the pacing of a game, or are boring, that's just bad game design or badly executed cutscenes/story.

As for me, well, I have no real strong feelings. I mean, it's just cutscenes... If they help tell an interesting story, great! If they bore me, bad! But, won't know which one it'll be till I play it. I'm hoping the former, naturally.
It's just to me, acceptable cutscenes are the exception, not the rule, unless it's just dialogue, I always feel that "that should have been me playing" specially when my character is fighting the boss that I was fighting anyway, it's like, why bother?

Okay, so I'm not COMPLETELY against them, I'll be lying if I said I don't find them necessary for some games, It's just that I don't find them nessecary for this particular, I still find them boring somewhat, with some exceptions. I just wish they don't take my job of fighting this or that monster, I know this isn't common in the Zelda series, I was speaking generally.
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Jul 1, 2012
I'm actually pleased by this.

For one, I think story is so much more than what people think, so a more story focused game--providing it's a good one--will just increase the core experience. Cut scenes are a great way of getting story and vital plot points across to the player, you just get that more of a story feel when you see events play put in front of you in the form of a cut scene rather than simply formulating it yourself.

I was afraid A Link Between Worlds would be solely gameplay focused, just carrying on the roots of the top-down games, but now we have that with what seems to be a more engaging plot. Everything about this game is looking great so far.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
It's just to me, acceptable cutscenes are the exception, not the rule, unless it's just dialogue, I always feel that "that should have been me playing" specially when my character is fighting the boss that I was fighting anyway, it's like, why bother?

Because in cutscenes you can animate things that wouldn't have been possible to do with the gameplay mechanics? lol


The Altruist
Jul 23, 2011
Mishima Tower
Well I kinda figured that we were going to get cinematic cutscenes throughout the game as the two DS Zelda games (Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks respecitively) had cutscenes. Despite this, I think it is still nice to be informed about this. ^^


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
You must hate movies.

Slow and boring are not attributes intrinsic to cutscenes. It's the cutscenes we've found from the Zelda series that are monotonous and redundant in scope. Skyward Sword was the epitome of this, so we as observers can only expect that ALBW will follow after SS. If we cannot skip the scenes, then we may have to deal with horribly slow pacing that was brought on by Nintendo's idea of cinematic cutscenes.


Dec 31, 2011
New York
I don't mind. It doesn't really phase me if there are cutscenes or not, so whatevs.
Jul 22, 2011
Slow and boring are not attributes intrinsic to cutscenes. It's the cutscenes we've found from the Zelda series that are monotonous and redundant in scope. Skyward Sword was the epitome of this, so we as observers can only expect that ALBW will follow after SS. If we cannot skip the scenes, then we may have to deal with horribly slow pacing that was brought on by Nintendo's idea of cinematic cutscenes.

We already know you have a boring flawed opinion, no need to spell it out for us.

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