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General Zelda 2D or 3D? Why Not Both?


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
For TL;DR's: Why would we not have both, as both are flawless designs. Nintendo makes amazing handheld devices, so just use the system with less expensive development cost for the 2D titles and just throw all the money the Zelda Franchise probably gets for its Development Buget on the Handheld Device and cram in as much content and side quest that their money can buy. Then for the "next big thing"' crazy risk games they make that generally look (for lack of better terms) beautiful, and tend to break the mold a little, yeah some don't live up to their potential, outside of the console defining graphics, but when they get it right, they Nail it. So when they want to use the money to make the game look great, with less content (not meaning worse), but more story focus, drama, heart gripping. Its time the franchise explores story a lil more. So leave that for consoles especially with what the WiiU is capable compared to anything Nintendo developers have ever had before.

*now heres my real opinion on the matter, and I feel its actually good and unbiased*

Considering the capabilities' these new consoles have, it would seem senseless to make a 2D or top-down view game on the Wii U. Those are actually my favorite type of Zelda games, mainly cuz of those being what I grew up on. ALttP is the game that turned me from a wild crazy kid, into a super focused gamer.

The 3D games, are a nice treat, showing you what Zelda was meant to look like way back in the day. However, they are in no way "better" than the classic games. Nor am i saying that the classic design is "better" than the 3D games.

There are pros and cons to both, 2D games tend to be more challenging due to their lack of technological ability . They have done their best to change that it seems, but due to the restrictions of technology to have innovative controls, and close to unlimited levels to layer the puzzles they create if they make the right mechanisms to solve the puzzle. The possibilities are endless.However the classic styled Zelda games, has proven to completely ace the test of time (ALBW), and define the roots of the franchise.

ALBW was a great looking game, that made use of the cool 3D effects the 3DS has to offer, and I will go as far as saying I'm perfectly fine if that was as good as the graphics got for the 2D games cuz it adds to the classic feel. I actually bought the system just to play the game. Though OoT3d Proved how good graphics can look on the 3DS, but as I said it was a remake with the amount of content expected of the system it was originally released on. I never even got a DS cuz I wasn't a big fan of the Wind Waker game so i wasnt interested in PH or ST, lets just say I was in a stage where; no matter how great the game was, if it looked childish, I was too cool to be playing it. But back on track. There is just something so right about the classic design of the original games. And I have a perfect solution to keep eveyone happy!

All Console games should be a 3D game. It would be such a waste to play a 2D game that was made with an normal Zelda budget. To me that would make me feel like I payed $60 for a game that they only used a quarter of the money they received to create it. So make all your "Great Blockbuster" Zelda games like Twilight Princess, and Ocarina of Time on Nintendo's most powerful machine, which they usually do. The WiiU seems to be a Great machine, and I have great expectations for this next game. WWHD looked great and they only made that so they could play with and learn how to develop a game using the new toys and graphical capabilities, offered by the chipset within the WiiU and it made them tons of money on a game that was in no need of a remake, it actually finally boosted sales of the system. I'm certain what ever comes next will be something we only could have dreamed of for the franchise.

At the same time Nintendo has ruled the Handheld market ever since the original Game Boy, hell Game & Watch. Been making great games since before they even had their own home console. And I have no doubt that Nintendo will continue to rule this handheld market, as the 3DS has beat the PSP and Vita. What I'm getting at is keep the Classic Zelda design for the handhelds. They are Affordable so if that is the only type of game you like, your actually saving money. Also considering the Hand Held games have a less costly development cost, they can instead of using the money for these amazing graphics and effects, they can use the money to program in the most content they can afford, in turn putting it right up there with the great 3D console games. I personally dont buy a Nintendo Console until a new Zelda game is released anyways, as I said earlier i skipped the Game Cube till last year to play Wind Waker and other Game Cube Gems that slipped my radar, instead buying a Game Cube version of Twilight Princess and bought a Wii to play it on. (i dont like motion controls) I just feel this is the best approach to the 3D/2D argument and debate, there is a way we can have the best of both worlds, cuz yes the 3D games are great but I have more 3D games I actually dont like than 2D games, which is 0! Though I'm just not REALLY fond of PH/ST.

I'm just sayin there is no reason not to have both! What do you think?


May 18, 2013
Look, you can just look it my response from the last thread that had the same topic, I don't want to debate this again.

Here's a summary; I want to see both 2D and 3D on the home console.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
I didnt realize this had come up yet. i had been holding on to that for a while. anyways i dont see the point in wasting resources on a 2d game on a Console Version of Zelda!
Feb 7, 2014
South Carolina
I think 2D would be great on Wii U so I'd like to see both. But I think obviously a 3D game right now would be a better seller (to the casual gaming public) so I don't know that we will see a 2D on Wii U.
Jan 12, 2014
Temple of Time
You ask, "Why not have both?" which seems kind of silly considering we do have both. If people are somewhere suggesting that there should not be any 2D or 3D Zelda games, I haven't seen that. The only real point I see you making is that there should only be 2D games on handhelds and only be 3D games on home consoles. I just think that is silly. OoT was great on the 3DS, and I think that they could do a fine job creating original 3D games for the 3DS. As for 2D games, there hasn't been a major 2D game on a home console since the SNES anyway, though I wouldn't be disappointed if I did find out they were creating a 2D game for the WiiU. I think it is unlikely, but I wouldn't be upset.


May 18, 2013
You ask, "Why not have both?" which seems kind of silly considering we do have both. If people are somewhere suggesting that there should not be any 2D or 3D Zelda games, I haven't seen that. The only real point I see you making is that there should only be 2D games on handhelds and only be 3D games on home consoles. I just think that is silly. OoT was great on the 3DS, and I think that they could do a fine job creating original 3D games for the 3DS. As for 2D games, there hasn't been a major 2D game on a home console since the SNES anyway, though I wouldn't be disappointed if I did find out they were creating a 2D game for the WiiU. I think it is unlikely, but I wouldn't be upset.
There were some people recently suggesting that the 2D Zelda games have to be retired, so hence this thread.


Wake Up!
Nov 13, 2012
Thank you Salem! It was brought up a couple weeks ago and i just got around to posting this. However, since you all disagree, i just wonder how elaborate of a Top-down perspective Zelda game do you want. I dont believe they should be retired at all, those are my favorite types of zelda games, but im not hard to please. as long as i got my guy in the green tunic. Now that you all have brought it up i guess i am a lil interested in how grand a 2D adventure could be on a new home console.


May 18, 2013
Thank you Salem! It was brought up a couple weeks ago and i just got around to posting this. However, since you all disagree, i just wonder how elaborate of a Top-down perspective Zelda game do you want. I dont believe they should be retired at all, those are my favorite types of zelda games, but im not hard to please. as long as i got my guy in the green tunic. Now that you all have brought it up i guess i am a lil interested in how grand a 2D adventure could be on a new home console.
Simple, just make it the same length of a 3D one.

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