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2012: Ringo's New Album (Y Not?)


Composer of Hyrule
Jun 30, 2010
Making Music Bruh
So I may be the only guy who pays attention to things like this, and if that were true I find no discomfort in that. The purpose of this thread is to see if anyone else noticed Ringo Starr's new album this year. If fellow Beatles fans who dine afterward could see the existence of this. Or anyone who's alien to this. So what do you guys think?

I personally didn't see Ringo's music to be this serious in his post-band career, but I was proven wrong. Good remake of such a catchy song, he captured that Reggae feel to it as he said in the interview.
With Paul Mccartney helping and remix:

Discuss at your leisure.
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A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Never heard of the guy before, and it doesn't seem to interest me any.

Dude, Ringo Starr is one of The Beatles and along with Paul McCartney the only one alive. He is (or was) the drummer.

And in response to the original post...

This sure will appeal to those who listened to the band decades ago! It's nice to see Ringo taking on a new role! Ringo Starr truly is a star. :cool: Wonder what McCartney is up to as of late?


Composer of Hyrule
Jun 30, 2010
Making Music Bruh
Never heard of the guy before, and it doesn't seem to interest me any.

You must live a very sheltered life to not know who the Beatles are/were. Just kidding, but it would be nice to hear from a stranger to them what they think initially. Rather than a line and leaving. =)

(Pretty much took the 1st-5th slots all at once on the billboard charts back in the 60's, try not to underestimate.)
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