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  1. D

    What is Link's race?

    I already put my 2 cents in about the main topic; plus the topic changed momentarily, so I thought I'd discuss my findings quickly. But, I don't think it even matters at this point. If a Tingle is a state of mind and body as opposed to a person, it'd be just as worthwhile to guess what race you...
  2. D

    What is Link's race?

    Oh, but look at this! This is a picture of Tingle before he was a Tingle. Check the ears.
  3. D

    What is Link's race?

    Wow. I just looked Tingle's story up. Tingle's life is a MESS, man.
  4. D

    What is Link's race?

    I'm sorry, but this had to be quoted again for truth. By the way, what race is Tingle? He was introduced in Termina, but he's been around to see the Great Sea, but he's even been around early enough to see the Four Swords Adventures in Hyrule.
  5. D

    What is Link's race?

    That's a good point. I never noticed that. It's still not impossible to have Ordonian blood in him, though. Because... all Hylian's have point ears?
  6. D

    What is Link's race?

    Well, I think it's pretty obvious it varies from game to game. - In LoZ and AoL he is most likely Hylian. We are never told of his roots, but since all people migrated north of Hyrule into a new land, then I guess you can consider him to be from that country, depending in what era of Hyrule's...
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