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  1. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    aw thank you!!
  2. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    thank you both so much!!!!! :pikalove: :pikalove: :pikalove: nope, heh. I tried that but paint bucket wouldn't stay in the lines, must not be thick enough did a bunch of layers for each base color and erased where it went over the lines after all the shading was done, basically. It REALLY...
  3. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    I got some exciting news... :eyes: I tried digital today!! I actually finished a digital drawing this morning, which is a first for me. I sketched out the drawing on paper, but all the coloring I did digitally with a mouse on PC. I'm really happy with how it turned out, considering it's my...
  4. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Splatoon 3's SpringFest has begun! I battled a few hours last night, and the whole time I was thinking: "I really wanna draw my team's theme" "I really wanna draw Shiver" soooo, I did! Now, I didn't have enough time to sit down and spend all day (or more) on a colored pencil drawing, so I...
  5. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Thank you so much Jimmu! :pikalove: It's one of my favorites, also the first finished piece where I haven't used any lining pens.
  6. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    This is actually a few months old, made it back in December as a good-natured jest towards Mario Galaxy's 100% ending. And also as a way to celebrate I fully completed the game! Was looking through my art and realized I should share here. <3
  7. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Last week I saw the idols' halloween design for last weekend's splatfest and knew I had to draw them. I was out of town on Saturday and Sunday so I missed the splatfest unfortunately, but I like to think this was my contribution to the event. I'm really happy about how this turned out...
  8. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    I drew this back in July, a couple hours each day over the course of a week.
  9. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    awwwwwww thank you!!!! <3 <3 I will!!! Been so excited, it's always fun to see them both, they're both so cool and fun to be around with
  10. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    So I spent from 10 this morning to 10 tonight working on this star trek piece for my uncle. It's his birthday in a couple days, we're going to go visit him and his sister (my aunt). He looooves sci fi, like star wars, dune, star trek, etc. So I thought I'd make a special something for him <3...
  11. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Thanks!! I knew you'd love it!!!!!! lol I hope you weren't too loud and got the librarian looking over Thank you!! as soon as the idea popped into my head to have them wear those shirts I was like 'oh ketchup's gonna love this'. Maybe next month when I have time I'll go back and finish the...
  12. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Ok so I meant to have this finished by today but being sick for a week last month kinda messed up that plan. I did half of it done though. Ketchup I know you're gonna love this Anways the reason I'm stopping now is because I got to draw a christmas profile pic and I really got to finish some...
  13. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    You know, it does! Her clothing design has always reminded me of like the arabian style of clothes, the middle-east, and the desert so it makes sense. Definitely reminds me of the gerudo too
  14. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Trying to get back into drawings again. I've started a few colored ones, but they're taking a while. I think rushing and drawing big colored ones every day (or at least trying to) back in linktober has really drained my art meter or something lol but anyways here's I pencil drawing I did one...
  15. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    awwww thank you!! And she really is. I remember sketching her as just a random character once a few months ago and thinking wow I really love how I designed the hair and stuff, I should make this a oc and add more details. I forgot for awhile, but I'm going to try to design her clothes and fur...
  16. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Nothing big or anything, but I did a sketch this evening of a oc I'm developing and I think she's so cute sjkhfkahkashfskhskadks I thought you guys would appreciate it, especially @Link&Midna She's a spotted skunk. I'm trying to decide her name and I'm stuck between Lilac and Lily
  17. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Well, it accurately portrays what I saw when the three were announced. I was like, "oh, frye. cool. Big man, pretty neat! Shiver...wait, shiver's awesome!!! skjfkfkkcjgkfjalkjskhkdjhal" Thank you!!! It took so long to finish. After splatfest I really wanted to draw her, and I started the...
  18. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Soo, you guys probably already guessed this was going to happen sooner or later, but I decided to draw the three idols!! (mostly shiver)
  19. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Red pandas are so cute and fluffy and aaaaa I was a bit surprised of the lack of red panda fursonas. I honestly expected them to be more popular. They exist, but they definitely don't get the spotlight like wolves, foxes, and cats do. So yeah, they definitely need more attention and love <3...
  20. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Yeah I know. I had realized when I wrote clothes I mainly meant shirts/jackets. But I had already lined it with pen by then. I dislike wearing any shirt that isn't loose and oversized. Skinny jeans are fine, though sweatpants are more comfortable. So I really meant to write shirt. Sorry about...
  21. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    My updated fursona:
  22. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    A drawing like that usually takes me several hours, or a full afternoon if I don't take breaks. Sketching usually doesn't take that long (it depends on the subject I'm sketching), but lining with pen and shading with colored pencils is what takes up the most time. I have to go slow to make sure...
  23. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Oh my goodness guys thank you so much!!!! <3 <3 <3 You don't know how much this means to me. Waking up this morning and seeing these posts as soon as I open up ZD has really given me a boost of happiness and inspiration. Thank you guys, each one of you are so kind <3 This made me so happy~
  24. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Isn't the only anime you've seen part of Princess Mononoke? I mean, Demon Slayer is definitely a good anime to start with! You should definitely watch it (: I'm glad you noticed! As soon as I tossed the idea around of boxing in backgrounds and tried it out, I fell in love with the technique...
  25. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Thank you!!!! <3 <3 It's a scene from Demon Slayer. Just Zenitsu being his ol' comical self.
  26. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Decided to draw the scene when Zenitsu meets his "crow", Chuntaro. "Isn't this a sparrow, though?"
  27. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Thank you!!! <3 <3 I am actually thinking about that a lot more often, and I'm going to probably set things up later this year for that. I need to start working on building a portfolio first, since most of my finished pieces now are fanart. I don't think it's legal to make money off of fanart...
  28. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Today I finished and framed a drawing I made for my aunt. She's going to have a birthday early next month, so I decided to draw her a birthday present. I'm so excited to see her reaction when she gets it!! <3 I'm super proud of how it turned out.
  29. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Anyone else think Mipha’s original design looks awesome? I love how they used a lionfish for inspiration.
  30. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Some Midna sketches I’m proud of
  31. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Awww, thank you so much!!! <3 <3 I hoping to start actual paid commissions in the future, (I'm actually buying bristol smooth paper to start building my portfolio with) so hearing that it already looks professional really excites me! I can't wait to start selling my art later this year!!
  32. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    A character from my novel I drew on my trip. His name is Kiran. (For now anyways haha)
  33. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    ZD’s Umbreon trend. @Chevywolf30
  34. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    I’d be happy to! I’ll get to it as soon as I can! :pikalove:
  35. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Sure! What do you want drawn? It might take a little while for me to get it done, but I try my best to make it perfect. I really need to get back to drawing for people. I have some requests backed up I need to get to. Maybe I'll get those done this month.
  36. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Awww, thank you! I’m so glad my art style is progressing! I want it to be perfect when I illustrate my novel one day.
  37. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    I found an old drawing of mine and decided to quickly remake with my pens. Took less than an hour. Old version: New version: I also drew a chibi version of one of my characters:
  38. Echolight

    Echolight's art

  39. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Awww, thank you! :pikalove: <3 <3 Haha what a coincidence! LotR is amazing, hope you enjoy it! Is it the movies or the books? I’ve currently been reading the trilogy before I go to bed, so that’s another coincidence in itself
  40. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Thank you! Practicing, inspiration, and the reference really helped. If I’m inspired, my drawings come out way better than if I force myself to draw for practice. I’m so glad you like it! I looked them up, and they’re so cute! It’s a nice comparison, Thanks!
  41. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    While listening to The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien for school, it inspired me to start drawing. So I looked up a reference and drew Bilbo as he ran out of the Shire and started his adventure. After finishing it, I copied and cropped it so I could tape it in my school notebook. My little brother...
  42. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    With practice you can! I’ve drawn my whole life, and especially last year, and I’ve gotten this far. If you keep drawing, you will get better and better every single day! I know it
  43. Echolight

    Echolight's art

  44. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Decided to try and draw Beth. I think I did a good job! I tried to make her a little more cuter than in the game.
  45. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    I drew @Sheikah_Witch ’s two characters from the game she’s making! have you checked out her designing the game yet, here’s the thread for it, her game looks awesome! https://zeldadungeon.net/forum/threads/sheikahs-curse-futuristic-playable-zelda-lorule-traveling.64911/
  46. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    I drew this for @Mintbit . His/Her daughter is going to have a birthday and I drew this for her because her favorite character is Midna. I hope she likes it when she sees it later this month.
  47. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    I love watching art videos on YouTube, it really helps me progress in art. Yeah, digital seems different, but I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it someday. I wish I could do it, but I don’t have a pen, and I kinda want to keep doing traditional right now, but one day, I hope I can learn to do it. :)
  48. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    If you mean like art class, I just have a book on how to draw anime, and I just look at art whenever I can, and I draw every day. I don’t really take an art class or anything. I just learn on my own by looking stuff up on the tablet and copying characters from movies and shows, and eventually...
  49. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    This is probably the best drawing of Zelda I’ve done yet. I love it!!
  50. Echolight

    Echolight's art

    Thank you all for the support of my art!! Whenever some one says something about it, it just makes me feel so happy. Thank you all so much!! :)
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