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  1. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    The Foreigner Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan at their finest
  2. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    The Irishman - Netflix ME: [40 minutes in, bored out of my skull, thinking] For three hours, I can watch this insufferable snooze fest, or I can watch Return of the King. ME: Turns off TV, goes into the kitchen to make grilled cheese. 7.5/10 sufficiently buttered, but cheese wasn't runny enough.
  3. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Midway - 9/10 Roland Emmerich delivers. Going in to historical war movies, I'm always eager to see what's true and what gets movied up for better showing. The Battle of Midway is one of those historical events that practically writes the movie script itself. Beginning with the Japanese...
  4. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Ladyhawke 9/10 would cry sappy tears of joy again Rutger Hauer, Ladies and Gentlemen.
  5. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Excalibur on.... *****ute. yeah. 8/10 classic also LOL forum censor thinks I have a potty mouth :crylaugh:
  6. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Jock Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum 9/10 Look people, here's the thing. It's John Wick doing Jonh Wick things and doing it well and with style. Buuut if we were to actually bother to judge the film more critically (why would anyone do that?) I would say that this one is lacking a bit in the visual...
  7. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    True Grit (Coen Brothers) 10/10 Local TV. I've seen both the original John Wayne version and the modern Jeff Bridges version. I gave the remake a hard time back before I was a raging Jeff Bridges fan for it being a remake, but as far as remakes go you just can't do better than True Grit. The...
  8. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Bandersnatch 2/10 Netflix's gimmicky exercise in monotony and futility. Good if you want to waste hours of your time that you never want back.
  9. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Pacific Rim is absolutely nuts and the best movie I've seen in a decade short of John Wick and the first Kingsmen. Watchman 9/10 Finally got around to seeing this. It's good. It's really good. It's a kick ass superhero film with some ballbusting fight sequences combined with a heavy dose of...
  10. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Dude :cool: That is one of my favorite movies EVER!! Wanna eat beans and watch it with me again? :wynaut:
  11. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    The Grinch? Damn straight! The horrendous abominations that have proceeded it? Hell no. Boris Karloff is the Grinch. Jim Carry is a mentally estranged nincompoop.
  12. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Oh Thank GOD, Finally! Another person who hates Elf. For years I've thought I was the only one.
  13. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    The Blues Brothers 10/10 An Eternal Classic :cool: RIP... pretty much 98% of the whole cast :err: But man, so much epic talent on one film! :D:party:
  14. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Boondock Saints 8.5/10 A hysterical and bloody violent action flick about two Irish catholic brothers playing superhero vigilante on the crime fed streets of Boston. The movie is based on the premise of what happens when good people do nothing and whether we have a right to stand up to...
  15. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    I don't even really like Pokemon all that much. I mean I think it's cool but I'm not really all that interested personally. But I did watch the show and The First Movie is still pretty sweet. I haven't seen it in ages and I'm pretty sure I had it on video. It must still be around somewhere.
  16. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    The Equalizer 2 6/10 I was kinda surprised to hear of the existence of an Equalizer sequel simply because I had somehow forgotten the first one even exists. I know I've seen it but for the life of me I don't remember. The Equalizer 2 benefits solely from the presence of American National...
  17. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Chuck Norris vs. Communism 10/10 Netflix Sounds like some cheesy 80s revival action flick, don't it? It's actually a poignant documentary about the illicit smuggling importation and distribution of western media in Romania under the brutal communist dictatorship of Ceausescu and has nothing to...
  18. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Death Wish 7.5/10 A good excuse to get out of the house. Willis goes the extra inch in his performance compared to some of his most recent catatonic phone-ins. Story is straightforward, hard and impactful. Perfectly timed, and adequately expresses the frustrations many people are having at the...
  19. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Tron Legacy 10/10 - Home Video Critics are dumb. For some reason they had a problem with the sequel to Disney's 1982 pioneering masterwork Tron, the grandaddy of all fully CGI movies today. And for some odd reason nobody showed up to see it in theaters. Crazy world. Legacy has all the makings...
  20. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    But Enough About Sthuur Whuurz!! Bright 8.5/10 A dark and gritty Netflix original movie set in a modern day urban fantasy Los Angeles rife with disparity and racial tension only this time throw orcs and elves into the mix along with typical humans. The Shadowrun vibes are wafting strong off...
  21. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Looking forward to reading @Ayano Keiko 's review (when I have the time) Darkest Hour 9.5/10 Starring the fantastic Gary Oldman and chronicling the days of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill's new govt in the wake of Europe's ongoing fall to Hitler's Germany, Darkest Hour is a tense...
  22. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    The Magnificent 7 10/10 The original? No. The recent remake. Yes. A remake. Yes, a perfect score. Holy smokes this is an honest to god balls to the wall flat out rampaging western like you read about. I am absolutely floored by just how styl'n and engaging and well crafted this movie is...
  23. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Kingsmen 2 It's good. But come on, nothing's gonna top the Freebird church brawl from the first movie :ham: The Statesmen concept is pretty cool. Some of the casting direction in this movie is... questionable. They get Channing Tatum and use him like once. His character is literally throw...
  24. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Beautiful Creatures 9/10 Hey! Look! Listen! It's a teenage supernatural romance melodrama that actually isn't a load of pretentious superficial wash! This movie is really really good. I think I might have actually felt.... what was that? Genuine emotion while watching that! Hello feels. It's...
  25. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Atomic Blonde ... holy @#$% wtf did I just see? That just may have been the most balls rocking action flick. period. Superior to John Wick even and maybe- MAYBE a contender to Fury Road. How does one even rate such a thing? 11/10? is that even fair? wow.
  26. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Except I never really cared much about what happened to the characters because they were all so one-note. Knowing how the battle is going to end kinda kills the suspense. Some of the character's reactions are a bit off-putting. Also, despite the epic scope of the movie, it presents a pretty...
  27. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Dunkirk 7.5/10 It's a good movie but it's more of a suspense than a historical re-enactment. Nolan does his non-linear narrative storytelling thing here which can make it more difficult than usual to keep track of what's going on since there really isn't any narrative mechanic to justify it...
  28. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Tropic Thunder 8/10 You know when people say Mel Brooks couldn't make a movie today? Those people have never seen Tropic Thunder. Thought it was a very effective and rather sophisticated comedy critique of Hollywood's degeneracy. That, and it's funny as hell. Anyone whinging about the movie's...
  29. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Guardians 2 (see blog for SPOILER review) A solid 'meh'/5
  30. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    That one was certainly interesting. Standoff 8/10 Thomas Jane, Laurence Fishburne and young actress Ella Ballentine. An engaging suspense/thriller/character drama with outstanding acting all around. It's on Netflix so SEE IT.
  31. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Alright guys, look. This movie is stupid, it's ridiculously violent, it's brutal, it's awesome, there's not nearly enough sex in it (which is actually kinda refreshing), and it is barely legal levels of super happy mildly perverse remarkably stylish fun. John Wick Chapter 2 See it. Bring the...
  32. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Star Wars again 8/10 Yes, I enjoyed the heck out of this. Compared to FA I know I will remember why I enjoyed it even. Rouge One is Star Wars with balls. This is what I wanted FA to be but FA played it so safe and lazy. Rogue One is more of what I expect from a Star Wars adventure. Heck, by...
  33. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    The Last Witch Hunter 7/10 Fun basic fantasy with a really unique premise that unfortunately isn't really given the opportunity to shine through. It's hard to go wrong with Vin Diesel (I'll forgive him The Pacifier, but never again Vin!!) plus Mike Cane + Frodo Baggins + That SMOKING HOT...
  34. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    The Big Short 7/10 Pretty well done for a heavily dramatized based on a true story. Lots of financial mumbo jumbo the script does its best job to try to explain to laymen in an entertaining informative and totally-no-at-all-condescending-nope-not-never sorta way. Very engaging. Great acting all...
  35. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Doctor Strange, Yo! 8/10 As much as can be expected of the MCU, especially for a character's debut. Fun, imaginative, entertaining - outstanding use of CGI - Cumberbatch and Mikkelsen and the whole cast nail it, and it's neat to have a whole new facet to the MCU. I was surprised to see...
  36. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    You slap another 10 on that review score or the Crow's gon bring Brandon Lee back to roundhouse kickstart your good senses, pal.
  37. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Zootopia I'm always slow on the uptake when it comes to disney, but everyone sees their latest offering sooner or later. This one comes courtesy of Netflix. Never, ever underestimate Disney corps ability to entertain. This was another creative and amusing number. Lots of really well presented...
  38. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    ...but special props granted to leading men Jeff Bridges and Chris Pine in an unconventional yet suitably worthy Chris Pine role. Outstanding script writing and visual direction. A simple and well told story that above all reminds us that bankers are dickwads and Texans don't take no sh*t from...
  39. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Independence Day: Resurgence 6/10 That's it. I am done with sequels. At this point I may even be hard pressed to give John Wick 2 a gander. I am done with tired hollywood cashins. I am done rewarding mediocrity. Hollywood, you can have my money when you suffer an original idea. And by now I'm...
  40. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Oz: The Great and Powerful An exciting and humorous fantasy romp that adequately captures the Wizard of Oz feel. It's a shame the nuances of the story and character relationships are glazed over so much, but it's fun and exciting and well played. 8/10
  41. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    LOL I think that deserves 100 points!! :lol:
  42. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Lockdown Written and directed by Luc Besson and staring Guy Pierce. This is typical Luc Besson SciFi comedy/camp (complete with intentionally horrendous special effects in one early scene). It's got some good quips courtesy of Pierce. It's Escape From New York on a Prison Space Station, except...
  43. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Just got back from watching The Last Stand in theaters. It's dumb as paste Schwarzenegger action camp, so check your brain at the door and you'll have a great time. 7/10
  44. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Judge Dredd It's good. Just check your brain at the door, you won't need it and it'll likely object to everything going on in this one :D. It's a ridiculous, over the top ultra-violent action romp with not-so-witty one liners that is fun and gory as all get out. So, super happy fun time...
  45. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    ...Biel. Tis an exciting action romp with some memorable sci fi elements. Hardly bears much of any resemblance to the original film or the Philip K. **** short story it is based on. Which is good, because if I wanted a direct translation of the former I would just read the story or watch the...
  46. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Just finished watching Snow White and the Huntsman Surprisingly better than I expected although it feels like it held back in may respects and could have dwelt on various thematic aspects and set pieces a bit more. If you're looking for a quickie fantasy flick here it is. I really like...
  47. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Hey Keeseman! About your animation point. I actually liked that about the movie. It made it look "toony" which I think fits with the rather light hearted fairy tale-esque nature of the Hobbit that sets it apart from the LotR series which is a bit darker and more serious. Dwarves and Hobbits are...
  48. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    The Artist I think this one won an academy award. It's a modern day silent film and surprisingly engaging. Charming and well written story. Not to mention excellent and unconventional acting by the players (unconventional because silent films aren't exactly commonplace nowadays). Charmingly...
  49. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    You've got the hots for Jackie Earle Too!! :P (sorry, couldn't resist :lol: )
  50. Castle

    Rate the Last Movie That You Watched

    Wow. It's called The Whistleblower starring Rachel Weis. Let me be clear. This film is not for entertainment purposes. It is for educational ones and not for the feint of heart. I don't think I have ever watched a more difficult film. The topic is so that should give you at least some...
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