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  1. Ashley the Witch

    Do you think Nintendo will add an achievement/trophy/skill point system in the next Nintendo console?

    It's a thing that has been around on its competitors for a long time now, chances are it won't, The given the way they've been allowing competitors games on their systems like Banjo-Kazooie, it would be interesting to see them finally take on the achievement system like it's competitors it's one...
  2. Ashley the Witch

    TTYD Remake Discussion!

    You guys planning to get it tomorrow/today? What are your thoughts on it so far? Have you played it? Are you planning on playing/buying it? Wait, I already asked that one. Either way, share your thoughts on this game here. It was a masterpiece on the GameCube. Will it be a masterpiece on the Switch?
  3. Ashley the Witch

    What is the origin of the mysterious rudimentary Royal Crest found throughout the Zelda series?

    I've noticed a lot of the games in the series have Loftwing depictions with a rudimentary design, symbolizing what looks like the Royal Crest, but not exactly. Royal Crest is more intricate, but the simplistic depictions. Sometimes found on structures, and even the latest depiction being the...
  4. Ashley the Witch

    General Gaming Help Thread

    This is a thread for people who need help or stuck on games other than Zelda. Don't be afraid to ask for help about any game. This may be a Zelda focused forum, but every single one of us doesn't just play Zelda. Anyone can pitch in to help others out when they need it, and that's what this...
  5. Ashley the Witch

    Ashley's Thoughts on Zelda

    Personally, I had fun with the game, it was really fun to just explore around and finding all the different secrets on my own. I probably could have done it without any help actually. In fact, I was expecting the game to be hard on finding the secrets, but I found pretty much all of them very...
  6. Ashley the Witch

    Do you ever think about the political situations in Hyrule while playing a Zelda game?

    Simple question. For my answer, I tend to always think about how the countries leaders and its people are faring, and how their handling the situations that unfold in each game of the series. Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, and Twilight Princess gives you a pretty good idea of how everyone is...
  7. Ashley the Witch

    New Leaf vs. New Horizons, which is better?

    There's a lot of differences between the two, some for better and some for worse. While New Leaf has a **** ton of references of other Nintendo franchises in it, among other things, New Horizons allows you to have a fixed perspective of what's happening in your island, you will be able to have...
  8. Ashley the Witch

    Have you ever had a time where you want to play multiple games at once, and what were they if you did?

    I get this feeling a lot, but usually because it's mentioned, or recent events reminds me of the game in some way. Usually because I'm addicted to Minecraft, when I want to play other games, I can't really choose.
  9. Ashley the Witch

    Favorite Zelda puzzle?

    There's a lot of types of puzzles and Zelda games, most of them requiring an item that's been a staple in the series, others just require interacting with objects, and sometimes, just sometimes, it requires you to close the freaking DS. Thanks Phantom Hourglass, you are rewarded with the only...
  10. Ashley the Witch

    Favorite World Generation Seeds

    World generation seeds have been a part of recent gaming for a while. Most prominently in sandbox games like Terraria and Minecraft, but surprisingly some games like Stardew Valley also gives you the option. If you don't bother with the option it's always random what you encounter. But...
  11. Ashley the Witch

    Why can't I edit posts on my own thread?

    For some reason, The forum always says "Oops, we ran into a problem!", every single time, without fail, when I try to edit a post I made on my own thread. Forcing me double, triple, and even quadruple post on my own thread, It's getting annoying and I would like this to be fixed immediately if...
  12. Ashley the Witch

    Is the Temple of Time in Twilight Princess a different one from the one in Ocarina of Time?

    Aside from the elephant in the room of there being an entire dungeon inside the Temple of Time's past in Twilight Princess, The major thing to point out is that none of the geometry of the temple itself is even remotely the same from the one in Ocarina of Time. Unlike how the Temple of Time in...
  13. Ashley the Witch

    Have you ever done a risky strat during a hardcore playthrough, and how often do you do it?

    For me, one strategy that I always do when even doing a hardcore playthrough of Minecraft is collecting every single cobweb around a cave spider spawner. Without the proper technique, it's almost impossible to leave with your life intact. The poison will get you to the your last half of heart...
  14. Ashley the Witch

    Minecraft Build Projects!

    A thread where you can post currently ongoing, or finished build projects. Feel free to show off your work here. ZD forum rules apply. So obviously no NSFW builds here, go somewhere else for that type of stuff. I'll be posting my builds here as well.
  15. Ashley the Witch

    Is anyone planning on purchasing the Mario remakes coming out this year and next?

    I'm personally planning on getting all of them myself, though it'll be interesting to see others opinions on it.
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