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  1. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    why'd I have another dream about the direct? egh, well anyways it was 30 min w/ a lot of fluff (go figure), but in the middle there was a new star fox game that just reused assets from star fox 64 3d so very mixed on that, then there was a mario job simulator game (can't even begin to describe...
  2. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    I was watching the upcoming nintendo direct and I remember it being pitifully short, like 3 minutes or something, and the main game they showed was a remaster of Super Mario Galaxy, and the changes I remember were a rearranged soundtrack that sounded worse and a mode where you can play as Peach...
  3. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    missiles were shot at us from another country and the whole city was on lock down while we were shooting missiles back although these missiles were more like bottle rockets and only did minimal damage when they land, but I was out w/ my dad in his car and we were trying to get home, and it was...
  4. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    I hate this dream, there was a museum in my college campus dedicated to resurrecting the most dangerous animals that have existed, they escaped and it became a survival horror thing where any which one could be hiding in an empty, ransacked room, and the main monster I remember was one that...
  5. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    I was watching a games presentation stream of some sorts (something like an E3 livestream) and one of the games that came up was a Yakuza arena fighting game (similar to Power Stone) and it was really cool b/c of all the selectable Yakuza characters across the series, then there was a twist and...
  6. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    for once, had a ghost/haunted dream that wasn't a nightmare so, was home alone and house was haunted, the moment I saw the ghost I got the frick out of there and ran into my mom outside, and I was adamant of sleeping on the streets b/c I did not want to go back there, we ended up in some room...
  7. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    had a pretty in depth dream, the kind where once I woke up, had to actually take a few moments to realize what was a dream and what was real well I guess the broad strokes of it was that it was the last week of school and I had to walk home each day, but the earth itself was departing the solar...
  8. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    my brother was hiding a dog and my mom wouldn't let us keep it, so he was let go really annoying dream actually
  9. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    my liver was failing, and the only way to make it better was to take this medicine that could give me heart problems in the future the **** was that about
  10. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    had an extremely cruddy dream about a devil possessed doll that has a history of getting a woman killed in the past, that all speaks for itself
  11. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    nobody tell gorozoron that I promised him I'd play yo kai watch 3 in my dream
  12. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    my dream was one of those random string of events, jist of it is that someone signed me up for some mental health program which I apparently completed w/o even knowing I was on it, then the police called me to come down to the station for some congratulatory thing tomorrow at 1 pm, I came w/ a...
  13. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    ha, that was the number that popped in my dream for some reason
  14. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    I just remembered my dream was about playing smash against erica mendez, and then after I offered to sell my wii u b/c she wanted one welp, guess I'm not making $150 today...
  15. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    I had a very normal dream the other day that was just about my niece and I playing video games, though I think that dream stemmed from guilt b/c the last couple times she came, I was preoccupied with something else to hang out with her
  16. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    this is more of a reoccurring thing than a specific dream, but I have this unsettling thing that happens when I die in a dream, I stop breathing in real life to sort of simulate that as my mind goes blank, and the lack of breathing is what ends up waking me up
  17. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    I had a weird one where ned's declassified school survival guide came back and its a continuation with the characters in 9th grade, but most of the actors are the same as they are now, just playing younger versions of themselves, like actual 30 year olds playing high schoolers and one of the...
  18. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    probably b/c of the sonic and monkey ball anniversary stuff, but I had a dream the other day of me reminiscing about my early days with the sega genesis....despite the fact that I never owned one then when I woke up, I had an urge to play the genesis collection [couldn't b/c I was busy that...
  19. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    I think we can easily make this into a crash twinsanity 2
  20. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    yeah live action and all, and it was either the same actors or ones that looked identical to them in the movie
  21. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    had a very intriguing dream that on disney plus, there was an attack of the clones series that was the events of the movie but an alternate take on it, and it was supposedly better
  22. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    just had a dream that I was in some game store at a mall, then for some reason, people started looting the mall and began taking from the game store I was at....so I joined them I specifically remember coming out w/ Final Fantasy 7 - 9, Threads of Fate, Breath of Fire 4, Mega Man Legends, and...
  23. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    I freaking hate my brain, I had a dream the other day of me enjoying the xenoblade remake [game was a bit different in that dream for some reason] then in that dream I get into a weird argument w/ my friend through text message in which they'd call me "pathetic" and block me soon after, it was a...
  24. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    mmmmm, mine es no gud I was in a park based off this one park I know, the trees and patches of grass were all on fire, so me and two of my friends were putting out the fires via a hose I suppose? As were were driving around this fire forest, there were a few instances of the sky just flashing...
  25. mαrkαsscoρ

    Dreams thread.

    you guys know the youtube guy antdude92? I had a dream that I was gonna meet him at some near by park for some park event or something [I barley even recognize the park], and he was a COMPLETE jerk, that classic case of meeting someone famous and they turn out to be asses I'm not even that big...
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