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  1. M

    Aonuma: OoT was restricting, the BotW format will continue

    You actually can do Fire first because the only eye switch in the Fire Temple leads to the dungeon map, and you can also just climb over a gate instead to get it even though it's not required. A long time ago I did the math and came up with 274 unique orders to complete Ocarina of Time's...
  2. M

    Aonuma: OoT was restricting, the BotW format will continue

    I think there is still lots of room for variation. Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and Skyward Sword all did a lot of experimenting with new mechanics and ideas even if Ocarina of Time was the blueprint. Tears of the Kingdom is a direct sequel to Breath of the Wild so it has a lot...
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