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  1. TheGreatCthulhu

    Rate Your Day

    4/10. Got a little overwhelmed earlier today, when upon waking up, bombarded with news about current events and politics, no matter where I went. I really, truly, cannot wait until all this crap is over with. Tired of 24 hour news cycle.
  2. TheGreatCthulhu

    Rate Your Day

    6/10. Doctor noticed an abnormality in my lungs, so another CT scan tomorrow, and more blood taken out for blood tests. Oh, and I have to renew my license. So yeah, boring day, and tomorrow is going to suck.
  3. TheGreatCthulhu

    Rate Your Day

    8/10. Today was a good day. Second monitor does exactly what I expect, which is play shows and movies while the other monitor has a game on, so I just played video games and watched shows and movies all day. Also did some fun recordings, one a cover of a Metallica song for my father-in-law...
  4. TheGreatCthulhu

    Rate Your Day

    Congrats! Good news! Hope you enjoy your new job!
  5. TheGreatCthulhu

    Rate Your Day

    8/10. All of my guitars have new strings on them, and they sound lovely!
  6. TheGreatCthulhu

    Rate Your Day

    5/10. Meh.
  7. TheGreatCthulhu

    Rate Your Day

    I woke up with an awful migraine and a sore throat. My vision was blurry so I decided to sleep it off. Feeling much better. Still have a headache and a somewhat of a sore throat, but doing much better.
  8. TheGreatCthulhu

    Rate Your Day

    8/10. Discovered that one of my old overdrive pedals, which was a Zakk Wylde signature model has a built in switch on the circuit board. Turns out that turns it into an MXR Classic Overdrive. Instead of the metal leaning type of drive it originally had, it turns it into more of a Tube Screamer...
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