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  1. 5teelPriest

    Do Certain Sounds Help You Sleep?

    Man, I think in my mind I was counting a fan as silence. I guess I've never even experienced trying to sleep in complete silence. And now I'm suspicious that @Mikey the Moblin may sleep in one of those sensory deprivation chambers.
  2. 5teelPriest

    Do Certain Sounds Help You Sleep?

    This is the true secret right here
  3. 5teelPriest

    Do Certain Sounds Help You Sleep?

    Haha, so the exact opposite of me, then. I used to pass out in the engine room on the ship. Fluorescent lighting and machine roaring all the while. Though I suppose the sleep deprivation at the time helped that along. Now, it's kind of a superpower.
  4. 5teelPriest

    Do Certain Sounds Help You Sleep?

    When I was a kid, we moved around a lot. Spent a lot of time in roadside motels. So I find the sound of cars passing by outside helps me sleep. My bedroom window faces the road and I keep it open for this reason. Other than that, sometimes I'll put on a spooky podcast or some kind of...
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