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Do Certain Sounds Help You Sleep?

Azure Sage

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Some people can just fall asleep as soon as their head hits the pillow (unrealistic) but many others need some sort of aid, and music or ambient sounds/asmr are a pretty common one. Do you guys have a sound you like to hear as you're falling asleep?

As for myself, I really like the sound of snowfall. It's kind of like a mix between rain and wind. It's very relaxing. I also love listening to the track Overlooking Hyrule (After the Calamity) off the AoC soundtrack. It's such a beautiful and mellowing track it just relaxes me faster than anything else. I fall asleep to that almost every single night.

How about you guys?
Jul 8, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
When I was a kid, we moved around a lot. Spent a lot of time in roadside motels. So I find the sound of cars passing by outside helps me sleep. My bedroom window faces the road and I keep it open for this reason. Other than that, sometimes I'll put on a spooky podcast or some kind of documentary. The sound of rain or ocean waves is nice in general. Not just to sleep to.


You Are The Light
Feb 7, 2018
Hyrule Kingdom
I’ve used a white noise machine for like 10 years now, and would definitely have a hard time sleeping without it at this point. I also sleep with a fan on year round and would have a hard time sleeping without that as well, for both the noise and the feeling. I also like it nice and dark.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I either use a noise machine that generates the sound of a fan. Or an actual fan most of the year as I don't like to be hot at night. I can't stand noises when I am trying to sleep such as the snoring of my pug or birds. I also have double blackout curtains and a black ceiling in order to create optimal sleeping conditions for me.

Azure Sage

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If it's silent, my brain will just spin off in sixteen different directions. Having some music can be grounding because it occupies the space in my brain that my brain would otherwise attempt to fill itself. I do relate to the people who said they need total darkness, though. I do too, which is why I wear an eye mask to bed. I can't imagine not having that anymore. I can't sleep if there's even a little bit of light somewhere. The little bit of pressure it provides is also a nice comforting bonus.

Ghost of Mikeys Past

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
Man, I think in my mind I was counting a fan as silence. I guess I've never even experienced trying to sleep in complete silence. And now I'm suspicious that @Mikey the Moblin may sleep in one of those sensory deprivation chambers.
I don't sleep in complete darkness and complete silence, it's just what I sleep to best. I often have my door open especially while my leg is broken, and my computer is usually left on overnight

But when I'm away and sleeping in a hotel or at someone's house darkness and silence are the best for me

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