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  1. Hylian Hobbit

    how many more hours do i have left?

    Never mind, I did find the square gem and you do need it to get access to the next room. I just forgot. :P And there's only two swords. Oshus' sword and the Phantom Sword. I do wish the Phantom sword had a black hilt instead of a blue one. It would've looked cooler and it wouldn't have...
  2. Hylian Hobbit

    how many more hours do i have left?

    Have you tried breaking pots and stuff? And I haven't found the square gem either. You don't need it to continue through the temple though.
  3. Hylian Hobbit

    how many more hours do i have left?

    The spirit of courage is the third and last one that you get. Darkdragon: I'd say you're about halfway done with the game. Or a little under halfway.
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