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  1. B

    Zelda Art In Hyrule Old

    Yep. But Link doesn't know that yet.I'll wirtie up the next chapet soon.
  2. B

    Zelda Art In Hyrule Old

    Thanks. Anyway, I'm going to do Chapter 3 now, and, like I said, link them up later. ----------------------------------------- Chapter 3 - Darkness looms (Link) F-KTOOOM! Lighning struck again, narrowly missing where Link had been moments before. He was, again, running, but this...
  3. B

    Zelda Art In Hyrule Old

    I forget the word, but the word I can't remember means a word that sounds like a sound. Like Splat. I Think I might do Chapter 2 now, since I'm bored. -------------------------------- Chapter 2- Foresight Several Days Ago... It was a sunny afternoon is Hyrule. Everyone was...
  4. B

    Zelda Art In Hyrule Old

    Thanks. Next Chapter, I think, I'll do it around someone else, and tie them together later.
  5. B

    Zelda Art In Hyrule Old

    You'll be pleasantly suprised, I hope, assuming you aren't a Princess Zelda Hater. ---------------------------------- Chapter 1- Life is for Living, and Death is never the end... Link sat upright. He lived a simple life, in the forest,living in a Hut his father had built.He would hunt...
  6. B

    Zelda Art In Hyrule Old

    This is, decidedly, Pg-13 for Violence, possibly language, but probably not. Before I start, I want to make it clear that I do Not own the rights to any nintendo created Characters,names, or locations. ------------------------- Prologue : It had been an era of peace.Hyrule's...
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