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Azure Sage
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  • did you ever kill grima? i wanna make genetically engineered dragon memes now >:

    :suspicious: as in, the memes are genetically engineered
    Azure Sage
    Azure Sage
    yeah leon kinda sucks for me too. i only had tobin as my bow knight for that battle. all my units were fully classed up and all around level 17 at the lowest so... my problem was probably that i suk at strategy umu
    leon is good and i like him but all the units like to target him. umu im not the greatest at strategy either but i like to think i slayed that duma fight from a strategic standpoint, except it was like 15 turns of screeching :goron:
    i killed him.... sacrificed three units but it only took five turns :mods:
    yo azzy did you ever do all of eliza's requests in rf4??? i neglected them so much in my first file and now i have to tame 50 monsters :ananger:
    Azure Sage
    Azure Sage
    I don't remember if I finished them all. I think I had one or two left dealing with shipping level 10 golden veggies. But I have probably done like 98% of them. I always do at least 2 of them a day for the money.
    i accidentally hit like instead of comment umu
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    in past rf titles, there sort of was *that one* bachelorette who is sort of implied that the protagonist is supposed to end up with. you had mist, mana, and then shara. rf4 is more vague about it, but at least it isn't like 2 and 3 where marriage is mandatory to beat the game.
    Azure Sage
    Azure Sage
    yeah, i wasnt thrilled about that aspect of 3, or the requests being dating things. im not being unfaithful, sofia, im just doing requests!!!
    i was pretty close to proposing to raven in rf3 but not entirely intentionally. i also sort of liked daria and kuruna so i didnt really follow through with it. i should have since it was obviously the last thing i needed to make the sharance tree bloom in its entirety.
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