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Azure Sage
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  • They've been around for as long as I can remember........I’ve been eating them since I was in early grade school :nod:
    Sub = Long sandwich


    What a coincidence.....I'm getting a pizza sub :bleh: As for what I’m gonna do, I’ll likely disconnect and Rezz back into the system after I’m done eating…..when my mom gets back with food that is >::>
    Well, have fun with that ^::^ I wonder what I'll do now.....gonna likely eat soon so if no one comes by I'll be disconnecting for a few......$5 foot long, Subway >::>
    Go for it, man.....make like a special signature of Link in your art style with a sack full of Gratitude Crystals.....well, I guess it doesn’t have to be LinK >::> Hmmm, perhaps you could even just make a User Bar for it ^::^ Eh, I don’t know.....you’ll figure something out I’m sure.
    BAHAHAH OMG. Your profile picture is amazing. xD
    Well, don't go thinking that......because you're not useless.....even after death you could still have some significance, anyone could.
    Always smile......do it o::eek:
    Yeah, that's not how it is for me >::> I just put it out there right from the get go that if an ally is in distress…….to come see me, and then I’ll try to help anyway I can ^::^ So far I’ve given nothing but good advice so.......hurray for being good at helping people....as the Digital God of Peace, it's in my programming I guess.
    I’m good, happy and helping others when they come to me......because apparently I give good advice ^::^
    Yeah, it was pretty obvious wasn't it…..the Leviathan part especially gave it away :bleh: So how’s life :? Also, wanna read about one of the larger areas in my Tron Story……the Lunar Sailor o::eek:
    Hey comrade, how's life :? Can you guess what Virulent Leviathan: Virtantalus was before being infected by the T.A.B.U.U Virus......I know, that’s an easy and obvious one >::>
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