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Zelda games beaten:Twilight Princess,Ocarina of Time,Wind Waker
Zelda games playing:,ALttP,MM,LOZ
100% runs-TP,WW
Other games working on-,Super Mario RPG,Kirby 64,Super Mario 64
Favorite animes-FLCL,FMA,Bleach,Big O
So if Ganon leads a kingdom of women doesnt that make him a pimp?
The weirdest Zelda related sentence I have ever heard "The mailbox is not dancing so I guess there is no mail for me"

my timeline .....................................Oracle games
................................................(Adult) ALTTP-WW-PH-LA-ST
skyward sword-Ocarina of time<
...............................................(child) MM-TP-MC-FS-FSA-LOZ-AOL

I know what your gonna ask me and it's 42

Then you fight a giant hand IN OUTER SPACE-Link to the Future
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