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  • Understood, my posting can be hit or miss myself depending on how tired I am from work. By the way, I meant to tell you that I love that you have "I am not male" in your siggy. LOL
    Well, I live in England and hockey isn't a big sport over here. I ment I like playing it, but think you play it differently.
    Ummm....thanks. His username is tsiakalos13 and he wants it on the pic. I know ,weird name....;););)
    First, thanks for the rep points, I tried to give you too, but i can't it says i must earn some more...:(Anyway, my brother has joined a greenday forum and he wants a sig with Billie Joe and american idiot cover....:PHe told me to ask you so....;)Try to make it if you have time.:)
    Thanks a lot!!!!!(5050- what? no more 50 character limit? Only 30 characters?Yay!!!)
    You are the best!!! Thanks! It's workiiiiing!!!!!!!! Oh, and something else. Want to add me in your friends?
    Now it worked! But it says that I have more than 4 images in my sig.....how can I fix that?
    Look in my "About Me" page...in the signature. I put the IMG and it doesn't work! If I don't bother you, can you please explain me these things again???:puppy::puppy::puppy::S
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