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Tetra's Wink
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  • Your profile hasn't been messaged in 6 years.
    Tetra's Wink
    Tetra's Wink
    Ah I may do. I was only joking about the popularity thing anyway. Do you have a favourite zelda game?
    Spiritual Mask Salesman
    Spiritual Mask Salesman
    Ocarina of Time. I recently got BoTW, so I'll soon be really considering where it'd go in my list of favorite Zelda games.
    Tetra's Wink
    Tetra's Wink
    OOT is at the top of my list too, so good choice there. TWW is my second
    I liked the detail that you went into your rating of the Zelda games you have completed. My old roommate's favorite game was Minish Cap or actually it was probably his 2nd favorite after OoT.
    I was just reading your post about the 3ds ambassador games and such, when I saw you used the word daft! that is so cool!
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