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  • fourth_of_july.png
    Hey, I haven't seen you around in a long time. Is everything alright? I miss you!
    A Link In Time
    A Link In Time
    Wow, I'm really happy to see you again! I actually wanted to message you earlier, but I forgot your current username. :sweat: I only remembered as recently as Lady of the Leaves.

    Out of curiosity, what state are you living in now? I know it took some time to get adjusted from Illinois to, I believe, Arizona, then to Wisconsin. Maybe I'm misremembering here.
    I've never lived in Arizona, but you have everything else correct. :) I'm living in Colorado now. The move and readjusting were hard, but finally settling in.

    It's no problem. I really should've made it known I would be away, but I didn't expect to be away this long. How has everything been?
    A Link In Time
    A Link In Time
    You never lived in Arizona? Whoops. Talk about an awkward mix up.

    I've been doing rather well lately. Just need to get through the last two weeks of the semester and then finals. Physics will definitely be the most stressful final, but I'll never need to take another physics class in my life after this year.
    Cool avatar, can you tell me where it's from? Thanks. :)
    It's D.Va from Overwatch 8)
    Oh cool, I've been intrigued by its style. Is the game worth the price? :)
    Miss seeing you around Moonstone! Come back to us soon.
    Hey, I really appreciate your message coming back. I didn't think anyone around here really cared..
    No problem and it's good to see you back. I suspect plenty of people care.
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