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  • Umm, I can't really help you on that one, I haven't playedthrough the game that many times to know this off the top of my head, I guess you gotta Clawshot/Climb on some switches until you get the water level however you want it or something like that, I wouldn't really know you might have to ask someone else on that one. There are Help Forus and Guides here, though the best thing about the Zelda games is the frustration you gotta go trough, just keep going and bustin' yourself 'till you get it!
    yes i have, i am working on defeating (first figuring out) how to get to Morpheel, though i am stuck so if i can get any help that would be great! Thanks!
    Hey, Linkmations! Welcome to the ZD Forums, hopr you have a nice time and don't forget to read over the rules! If you ever need anything just ask me or anyone else, anywho, been playing any good games lately?
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