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Azure Sage
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  • How can i forget about Durarara? Its one of the most hilarious and awsome animes i have ever seen. Aaaaaaaah, i wished that the Shoutbox was like the chatbox in Durarara. Thats would be awsome
    Great I finally got a new Wii to play SS, a used laptop, and a Megadeth CD \m/
    I know! and then people make up stupid stories just so they will seem like they could be together but its just not right! I haven't played skyward sword but my brother didn't get around to getting me a Christmas present this year and said he's take me out to buy it sometime so I don't know who pitpit is. But I watched the first bit of the walkthrough and I can totally picture Link and Fledge together!!!! (Haha omg, just kidding)
    Yeah I do like Zelink but I still like the Midna x Link paring better, its my favorite. :)
    BAHAHA. Yeah I just find it really funny how much of a hypocrite he is but I also feel a little sorry for him because he can't control it but He's all bad *** and Its really amusing when he goes all ape**** on everyone.
    and even he HATE Izaya some people still ship them togeather. It drives me crazy! xD
    Well, I actually bent the guidelines in order to make it possible to write about. But that's alright man, I understand.
    Its awesome(at least mine is if you live in Kansas or come down to Kansas you'll have to check it out)back on subject we learn about God (Christian) and other than that we play games some times. p.s if u like rock concertes youll like my youth group.
    Hahaha, Yeah Its really really really good But I'm a sucker for cheesy love stories so Drrr is seccond place next to Toradora! xD I really like Kida too but My favorite would HAVE to be Shizou! I don't know what it is about him but I he's just so amazing!
    Hehe. I'm not too far in PH, been busy playing around on ZD and Skype. This may interest you as well.
    Well, yesterday was a holiday, lol. Yeah, it's pretty nice. I got PH and ST, and then got Fallout New Vegas free. :>
    No problem, YES! I love Durarara! :D
    ahhh. I love your background. (`・ω・´)
    You're welcome, I just had to track it down (since I had seen it earlier yesterday while browsing) and put it up for you, since your Christmas Avatar was a Kikwi :)
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