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General Zelda Who Wants These Things to Come Back in a Future Game?

Sep 23, 2014
1.) Being able to complete dungeons in any order you choose, not necessarily all of them, but at least two or three. Less linear set paths.

2.) The return of Midna, unexpectedly

3.) The ability to play through with the classic birds eye view as like a second camera option.

4.) Open the chest and get your rupees game from Alttp

5.) A wind fish cameo

6.) a final boss that in no way resembles Ganon (laughs, yes i know it was done in majora's mask but i mean one more time)

Azure Sage

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Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
1.) There was such a thing in A Link Between Worlds, but I'd love for it to happen again.

2.) Ew. No. Never.

3.) I wouldn't mind an option like that, but I'd never use it. I prefer the behind-the-back camera angle.

4.) I never played A Link to the Past, so I don't know.

5.) Levias from Skyward Sword was sort of like a Wind Fish cameo. I'd say give it a few more games before anything else like that again.

6.) I'm all for that. I'm honestly not a big fan of Ganon. I want more original villains.


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
  1. I'm not really all that bothered. I don't think non-linearity inherently improves a game, unlike many gamers seem to think, so if my tackling of dungeons in whatever order makes absolutely no difference then I'm not too fussed.
  2. I didn't find her some stand-out character, nor did I find the TP storyline to be particularly stand-out either. Midna's return would require the game to be a sequel to TP so I'm fine with leaving her where she is now.
  3. They're still making games with that camera, aren't they...? ALBW.
  4. YES
  6. Final Boss not being Ganon? Recipe for disaster. Lets see how many more Master Swords we can stick in his forehead before we let Nintendo branch out.

Link Floyd

ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘⁿ
Sep 23, 2014
1.) Yeah, I thought that was pretty cool. With that setup, I felt like there was more freedom to explore Lorule and Hyrule.

2.) OF COURSE! That girlie is my favorite character!!! :midna:

3.) I wouldn't really care, but it's a bonus I guess!

4.) I haven't played that game either, but it sounds fun. :rupees:

5.) That would be really awesome!

6.) I'm getting tired of Ganon myself...I hope they create a boss as good or better than Majora...something really creepy. o_O


Site Staff
Sep 23, 2014
My thoughts.

Ghirahim = Sure.

Ezlo = Not Really...

Fi = Maybe.

Zelda = Definitely!


1: The idea is awesome, and I loved it in A Link Between Worlds. Only problem is, it takes away from the story, and I'm not sure I want to see that happen so soon. :fi:

2: That'd be interesting to see. I loved Midna, but it would be either cool, weird, or flat out interesting to see how she returns. :ghirahim:

3: Wow, now THAT'D be cool. I'd probably go with normal camera options, but damn! That'd really be an awesome option to have! :zelda:

4: That game was both fun and irritating as hell. I wouldn't mind it making a return, just for the sake of it being there. But wow, it would be an irritating addiction all over again... :ezlo:

5: Ehhhh... maybe. That was sort of a one time thing. I don't think the Wind Fish should appear in many other Zelda games, reference or not. :ezlo:

6: I'd love it! Zelda games without Ganon are really interesting, and I overall love to play them! I'd definitely play the hell out of it if another came out like that. :zelda:


Sep 21, 2013
The Expansion
1) Of course. Less linearity in general is great. I always thought it was cool how you could tackle, for example, Spirit Temple before Shadow Temple or Wind Temple before Earth Temple.

2) No thank you

3) I'm not sure. I feel as if that would make some 3-dimensional puzzles unnecesarily difficult.

4) No opinion

5) That'd be cool, as long as it was a small easter egg.

6) I'd like that


default setting: sarcastic prick
Dec 17, 2012
1.) Being able to complete dungeons in any order you choose, not necessarily all of them, but at least two or three. Less linear set paths.

not that important to me, but sure

2.) The return of Midna, unexpectedly

3.) The ability to play through with the classic birds eye view as like a second camera option.


4.) Open the chest and get your rupees game from Alttp

5.) A wind fish cameo

6.) a final boss that in no way resembles Ganon (laughs, yes i know it was done in majora's mask but i mean one more time)

1.) Being able to complete dungeons in any order you choose, not necessarily all of them, but at least two or three. Less linear set paths.

I can live with or without this.

2.) The return of Midna, unexpectedly

God no. Anything but that.

3.) The ability to play through with the classic birds eye view as like a second camera option.

Would be interesting, I could even imagine them making puzzles that could utilize different camera angles.

4.) Open the chest and get your rupees game from Alttp

lol, I enjoyed those. It's bit simplistic for this day and age, but a small random chance shop or something would be fine.

5.) A wind fish cameo

Not sure how it would fit story wise. Not to hot on this.

6.) a final boss that in no way resembles Ganon (laughs, yes i know it was done in majora's mask but i mean one more time)

I'd enjoy a new final villain quite a bit.


Nerdy and Proud
Jul 8, 2012
Behind My Computer Monitor
1. Meh. I don't really care much. It's a feature that doesn't impact my enjoyment of the game in the slightest.
3. Another thing that I don't really care about. I probably wouldn't use it if it were implemented, but I suppose I'm not opposed to it.
4. Meh.
5. Seems kinda random to me, but I suppose if they could tie it in story-wise...?
6. Sure. Ganny's a classic, but something new would be very welcomed by me.
Sep 21, 2014
1.) Being able to complete dungeons in any order you choose, not necessarily all of them, but at least two or three. Less linear set paths.

2.) The return of Midna, unexpectedly

3.) The ability to play through with the classic birds eye view as like a second camera option.

4.) Open the chest and get your rupees game from Alttp

5.) A wind fish cameo

6.) a final boss that in no way resembles Ganon (laughs, yes i know it was done in majora's mask but i mean one more time)

1. Yes. Above all other things, yes. (just don't nerf the difficulty like they did with ALBW.
2. No. Each game deserves its new characters. There's no real ground left to cover with her as a character.
3. We already get that, I imagine with ALBW's success, we'll be seeing more classic-style Zelda games for the handhelds. Am not disappoint. (but I wouldn't want this for Zeldas on more powerful consoles.)
4. um… no. No, I like actually fun minigames.
5. *cough*Levias*cough*
6. You mean like Onox and Veran? Heh, snark aside, yes I'd like this. The games that don't have him also tend not to take place in Hyrule, and the games that haven't taken place in Hyrule have been some of the most interesting (Majora's Mask, Link's Awakening, and for the most part Wind Waker).


Wild Card
Jun 14, 2010
1.) Being able to complete dungeons in any order you choose, not necessarily all of them, but at least two or three. Less linear set paths.
Yesyes! ALBW was a good step in the direction of being nonlinear. If there was a way to adjust difficulty based on progress/ how many dungeons ar completed that would be perfect.

2.) The return of Midna, unexpectedly
I used to /really/ want this. However, as much as I love her, there would have to be some amazingly bull loophole to bring her back. It might be better for her to stay in her own game/time, and only come back for things like Hyrule Warriors(stuff that's away from main timelines/games)

3.) The ability to play through with the classic birds eye view as like a second camera option.
I don't know how I feel about this. It may be good for some puzzles to get an aerial view(and vice versa for 2D),but I remember seeing pictures of ALBW's over world where all the models have a certain tilt in order to give the bird's eye view.I'd think the world designs would have to be pretty clever to work well with both types of camera angles.
4.) Open the chest and get your rupees game from Alttp
I never played this game much, but it would be neat to see that or other gamble-y type games again.

5.) A wind fish cameo
A quick cameo would be pretty cool, or even some small reference to the wind fish or the instruments would be neato.

6.) a final boss that in no way resembles Ganon (laughs, yes i know it was done in majora's mask but i mean one more time)

Always welcome! As much as we love Ganon, it's always refreshing to see new big baddies. And even better when they don't look like knockoffs or his stunt doubles.:P


Staff member
Nov 17, 2011
The Makai
1.) Being able to complete dungeons in any order you choose, not necessarily all of them, but at least two or three. Less linear set paths.

I don't really mind having to beat the dungeons/temples in a specified order. As long as the pathway to the temple/dungeon is not the only area granted for free roam exploration.

2.) The return of Midna, unexpectedly

I would not be opposed to this. I really liked Midna, she's my favourite of all the 3D companions/guides. Plus, as others have pointed out, it would imply a potential sequel to TP and I'd really be up for that.

3.) The ability to play through with the classic birds eye view as like a second camera option.

I prefer the top down views limited to the 2D/hand-held Zelda titles.

4.) Open the chest and get your rupees game from Alttp

Absolutely not on that one. Those games take far too many rupees from me and I rarely break even, especially when going for the piece of heart.

5.) A wind fish cameo

I don't know. There have been characters since LA that have resembled the Wind Fish like Jabu-Jabu and Jabun.

6.) a final boss that in no way resembles Ganon (laughs, yes i know it was done in majora's mask but i mean one more time)

It would be nice to see someone else. Surely there's only so many times a spirit can be resurrected and sent back from whence it came. Ganon is the classic LoZ antagonist though so if it aint broke...
Sep 23, 2013
United States
1. We have ALBW if you want a game that lets you go to a dungeon in any order.

2. I'd rather see another companion than see Midna return.

3. Sounds cool, but it's an option I'd rarely use.

4. Maybe.

5. We already have expies of the Wind Fish, so bringing him back would be pointless.

6. I agree that I want a final boss that isn't a Ganon look alike. A more original main antagonist is something I want to see & not have either Ganondorf hijacking the plot or a clone of him.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
1.) Being able to complete dungeons in any order you choose, not necessarily all of them, but at least two or three. Less linear set paths.- Yeah a few would be good, just so long as it does not affect story telling too much

2.) The return of Midna, unexpectedly-Just had her in Hyrule Warriors, but would like to see her again in the main series.

3.) The ability to play through with the classic birds eye view as like a second camera option.- there's ALBW, but for a 3D game I would rather they stick with the current camera angle

4.) Open the chest and get your rupees game from Alttp- sounds good to me

5.) A wind fish cameo- Levias was kind of a wind fish cameo

6.) a final boss that in no way resembles Ganon (laughs, yes i know it was done in majora's mask but i mean one more time)-What like bellum? I'd like to see Ganondorf again in the main series, the pig form just doesn't do it for me. I really have no faith in Nintendo being able to create a decent main villain that's not Ganondorf. Majora was the only real good one and that was years ago,it would be hard for them to have the impact of MM's villain again.

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