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Is the Happy Mask Salesman Really Zant

Jul 18, 2014
Ok, so this is a little far fetched I know, but there is actually some decent proof. To begin, there is a lot of other, more refined and provable theories I need to use to lay the foundation. In Skyward Sword, it is referenced that Demise has a tribe of demons who work for him. However, in the end of the game, when it says demise was sealed away, it doesn't actually say that the demons were also all locked away. Now, if we go on to assume that his "tribe" of demons (I believe at one point the game actually refers to them as a tribe, so there is some evidence to this connection) is the same "powerful tribe" mentioned by the Happy Mask Salesman (the tribe who used Majoras Mask for hexing rituals), and is also the same tribe of dark interlopers (the twili) mentioned in Twilight Princes, since the twili were sealed away in the twilight realm for using black magic and in MM it says there were long forgotten (because they were sealed). To prove that the Happy Mask Salesman (from now on referred to as HMS) was/is a member of the tribe, look at his knowledge and power. He has extensive knowledge of both Majoras Mask and the ancient tribe, which, using his own words, was FORGOTTEN, so if it were forgotten how would he know about it unless he was a member? He is also able to trick souls into thinking they are at rest so he can steal their power and trap it in a mask, and he makes an organ appear out of no where and disappear when he is done. Now, if the HMS is a member of the tribe of dark interlopers/demons, that means he worked for Demise. Once the incarnation of Demise's hatred was made clear, being ganondorf, he probably pledged his allegiance to him and the reason he went to get the MM was to help Ganon escape from his impending exectuion (also if HMS was a member of Demises tribe, it would explain why he would worship Ganon as Zant because it is his ancient masters reincarnation). He also appears to already know who Link is, because even though at the beginning of MM you are a deku, he recognizes it isn't your true form and that you are very courageous (he specifically says courageous), meaning that he probably already knew of Link and could tell it was him because he could sense the triforce of courage. He also says he must leave in 3 days, and that he would get MM back himself but he is to busy. The fact he knew the moon would crash in 3 days means he has some sort of greater knowledge than the average person, and it is a blatant lie that he is busy because for all 3 days he just stands there underneath the clock tower. He realizes he can just get his enemy, Link, to obtain MM for him, meaning at worst he gets the mask with little to no effort and at best Link dies trying to obtain it.

On the moon, there are 4 children all wearing masks representing the four bosses you kill. Underneath the masks, you can tell they are all child versions of the HMS himself. This doesn't directly correlate to my theory, but it is just more proof he isn't as normal as he may appear.

Once you beat the game, Link gives the HMS Majora's Mask. The HMS then appears to be very happy, proclaiming that all the evil has gone from the mask. Now, the HMS says he looks for powerful masks, and if all the evil were truly gone from MM, than it would no longer be powerful. If it were no longer powerful, than the HMS would have no reason to appear so happy. This means that MM still has evil in it, which HMS intends to use.

Now you may be wondering, ok, but HMS looks nothing like Zant. One is a red headed human, and the other is only a little humanoid, bald, and has blue skin. Well, HMS clearly knows how to not only create but also use transformation masks. He probably killed the HMS from OoT, and used the song of healing to create a transformation mask. This would give him an excuse to be so desperately looking for MM, since he appears to be someone Link knew was obsessed with Masks. Also, In OoT, that HMS had many masks, but only one of them did anything and it was only slightly powerful. HMS in MM has many powerful masks, and he also knows the power of any mask you show him. Using the transformation mask, he disguises himself. This is also probably how he escaped being trapped in the twilight realm while all the rest of the tribe were sent there, using this disguise to not be discovered. Once he realizes that Ganon is in the twilight realm, he takes MM to the twilight realm and with its power helps restore Ganon. In the twilight realm, Majoras Mask takes on a new appearance as the fused shadow (I'm not sure why this happens, maybe they amplify its power or another reason).

So all of this sounds a bit crazy, but I think a couple details make it potentially plausible. One, is that they both are seen to be incredibly bipolar, going from very happy to furious and blood thirsty within seconds. Also, they both have long necks (this isn't really important its just interesting to note). And finally, the heroes shade in TP (who is confirmed as MM Link) appears to be full of regrets. Now, from what we see in both OoT and MM, he has nothing to regret. He saves two different lands from evil, or so it appears. But, if he realizes that because of what he did, because he gave the mask to the HMS, that twilight was able to invade Hyrule and Ganon was able to reform, then I would say that is a very big regret. Because he realizes it is his fault, he seeks out a new hero to train to right the wrongs he committed.

In TP, skull Kid from MM also seems to try and help the new Link, by showing him the way to the master sword. But first, he proposes a little test to Link. I think the reason is because he sees that Link (well technically Midna but they are together) has the fused shadow (which in this theory is MM) and is afraid that Link has been corrupted the way he once was corrupted by its dark power. After the test, he sees that Link does not use the evil mask to win, proving him a hero worthy of the master sword.

Most theories I read seem fun, but not what was actually the intended story. However, the more I think about it, the more I think it might actually be what the developers and producers meant Zant to be. Also, since MM came before TP, and in the same timeline, it seems like the natural progression of story.

Here are two pictures. The first shows the strong resemblance between the fused shadow and Majoras Mask, and the second shows concept art for Ganon in TP, revealed in the Hyrule Historia, where he has an image of (or potentially the actual) Majoras Mask on his chest.

If this theory was invented by someone else, I am sorry and I didn't mean to copy you and I came up with this on my own. I know several of these theories aren't mine, but I used them to corroborate my main theory of HMS being Zant. Thoughts?

TLDR: it wont actually make sense if you don't read all of the reasoning behind it, so if you aren't willing to read the whole thing then sorry.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Sorry dude but 2+5 does not = 4. HMS is not in any way related to the tripe he has no connections at all. And to link him to demise and demise to the Twilight seems a bit too farfetched. But as above said nintendo doesn't put much thought into the series bar characters and the like. It's up to us. But truly no link exists between them. He is a Mask Salesmen and it is likely that MM is a Mask legend of it's own and any Mask Salesmen would want it for their own. It doesn't take much to get to where it was thought to be located at all. It was once thought to be in stone tower due to it's connections to it.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I get that he is probably a servant of Demise. But you forget that the twili evolved into what they were over generations, the original interlopers did not turn into twili, they would have all been dead by the time of TP.


Jul 1, 2012
Now, if the HMS is a member of the tribe of dark interlopers/demons, that means he worked for Demise. Once the incarnation of Demise's hatred was made clear, being ganondorf, he probably pledged his allegiance to him and the reason he went to get the MM was to help Ganon escape from his impending exectuion (also if HMS was a member of Demises tribe, it would explain why he would worship Ganon as Zant because it is his ancient masters reincarnation).
Not really sure about this, nothing really depicts the HMS as a bad guy nevermind a truly evil guy. First off, and probably the biggest argument against your point, is that he actually helps Link who is Ganondorf's biggest enemy and obstacle. I get the fact that he wants to get his hands back on the mask but this doesn't really balance out that he could have eliminated Ganondorf's main problem in the first place. Even so, wouldn't he have known that Link could potentially destroy the mask's power? He couldn't have took that risk. Oh and another thing, what about HMS's involvement in Ocarina of Time? If he was serving Ganondorf, why would he be spending his time running a mask shop and searching for new masks? Also it's obvious that he already had Majora's Mask in possession during these events, so why not help his supposed master [Ganondorf] then?

columnity said:
He also appears to already know who Link is, because even though at the beginning of MM you are a deku, he recognizes it isn't your true form and that you are very courageous (he specifically says courageous), meaning that he probably already knew of Link and could tell it was him because he could sense the triforce of courage. He also says he must leave in 3 days, and that he would get MM back himself but he is to busy. The fact he knew the moon would crash in 3 days means he has some sort of greater knowledge than the average person, and it is a blatant lie that he is busy because for all 3 days he just stands there underneath the clock tower. He realizes he can just get his enemy, Link, to obtain MM for him, meaning at worst he gets the mask with little to no effort and at best Link dies trying to obtain it.
I don't really think knowledge = evil. Anyone can possess knowledge, evil comes into play in how they use their greater knowhow. I think this can be summed up by simply saying, or at least interpreting, that the HMS is a very seasoned explorer - we know this because he went to great lengths to get Majora's Mask, so it's obvious that he is very well apt when it comes to wisdom.

columnity said:
On the moon, there are 4 children all wearing masks representing the four bosses you kill. Underneath the masks, you can tell they are all child versions of the HMS himself. This doesn't directly correlate to my theory, but it is just more proof he isn't as normal as he may appear.
I would agree with the idea that he isn't normal because he isn't just your average Hylian denizen. He has a very interesting and dangerous hobby with an obvious hidden agenda that we don't know, but I simply think he's a spirit of sorts able to travel between dimensions. I think this also correlates to the fact that he's seemingly very wise. I actually made a post on his spirit-like physical traits, but I can't find it unfortunately.

columnity said:
Once you beat the game, Link gives the HMS Majora's Mask. The HMS then appears to be very happy, proclaiming that all the evil has gone from the mask. Now, the HMS says he looks for powerful masks, and if all the evil were truly gone from MM, than it would no longer be powerful. If it were no longer powerful, than the HMS would have no reason to appear so happy. This means that MM still has evil in it, which HMS intends to use.
Well if I had a cursed mask known to cause mass devastation and now the evil within the mask has disappeared, then I'd be pretty happy known I wouldn't be possessed in the future. He wanted the mask back for sure, but I think it was for the purpose of just having it. Notice that he never uses the masks - we know this because he never wore the Majora's Mask (he never got possessed), so his intentions don't Include using them. Also, he is a salesman after all, I'm pretty sure an item of that value would get him a large amount of rupees. Money to a salesman = happiness.

To really nail the head on this though, we know Zant was trapped in the Twilight Realm all this time. We know he spent his time desperately wanting power by sucking up to the royals. How could he have ventured outside the Twilight Realm to go on a nice little adventure to look for a mask. He clearly shows anger towards Link when he says:

Zant: The people of our tribe...a tribe that mastered the arts of magic...were locked away in this world like insects in a cage. In the shadows we regressed, so much so that we soon knew neither anger nor hatred...nor even the faintest bloom of desire. And all of it was the fault of a useless, do-nothing royal family that had resigned itself to this miserable half-existence! I had served and endured in that depraved household for far too long, my impudent princess. And why, you ask? Because I believed I would be the next to rule our people! THAT is why! But would they acknowledge me as their king? No! And as such, I was denied the magic powers befitting our ruler. It was then, in the thrall of hatred and despair, that I turned my eyes to the heavens...and found a god

The Twili are trapped, like insects in a cage as Zant puts it, it's obvious that he is one of those insects stuck within the political rulership of the Realm, which is why served the royal family, as he wanted to be the next ruler. He was denied and that was when he came to meet Ganondorf who gave him the power to leave the realm which he was originally trapped within.


Twilit wildcat: Aerofelis
Sorry dude but 2+5 does not = 4. HMS is not in any way related to the tripe he has no connections at all. And to link him to demise and demise to the Twilight seems a bit too farfetched. But as above said nintendo doesn't put much thought into the series bar characters and the like. It's up to us. But truly no link exists between them. He is a Mask Salesmen and it is likely that MM is a Mask legend of it's own and any Mask Salesmen would want it for their own. It doesn't take much to get to where it was thought to be located at all. It was once thought to be in stone tower due to it's connections to it.


Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
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Actually I've seen numerous theories like this where people try linking the Twili and the tribe menetioned in Majora's mask orgin story. I have no idea why your trying to say the happy mask salesman is zant. The happy mask salesman is obviously a mysterious person, but that's all. If anything he was once a member of the tribe that he menetions when telling link about Majora's mask. Whoever that tribe may be...
Last edited:
Nov 12, 2017
Ok, so this is a little far fetched I know, but there is actually some decent proof. To begin, there is a lot of other, more refined and provable theories I need to use to lay the foundation. In Skyward Sword, it is referenced that Demise has a tribe of demons who work for him. However, in the end of the game, when it says demise was sealed away, it doesn't actually say that the demons were also all locked away. Now, if we go on to assume that his "tribe" of demons (I believe at one point the game actually refers to them as a tribe, so there is some evidence to this connection) is the same "powerful tribe" mentioned by the Happy Mask Salesman (the tribe who used Majoras Mask for hexing rituals), and is also the same tribe of dark interlopers (the twili) mentioned in Twilight Princes, since the twili were sealed away in the twilight realm for using black magic and in MM it says there were long forgotten (because they were sealed). To prove that the Happy Mask Salesman (from now on referred to as HMS) was/is a member of the tribe, look at his knowledge and power. He has extensive knowledge of both Majoras Mask and the ancient tribe, which, using his own words, was FORGOTTEN, so if it were forgotten how would he know about it unless he was a member? He is also able to trick souls into thinking they are at rest so he can steal their power and trap it in a mask, and he makes an organ appear out of no where and disappear when he is done. Now, if the HMS is a member of the tribe of dark interlopers/demons, that means he worked for Demise. Once the incarnation of Demise's hatred was made clear, being ganondorf, he probably pledged his allegiance to him and the reason he went to get the MM was to help Ganon escape from his impending exectuion (also if HMS was a member of Demises tribe, it would explain why he would worship Ganon as Zant because it is his ancient masters reincarnation). He also appears to already know who Link is, because even though at the beginning of MM you are a deku, he recognizes it isn't your true form and that you are very courageous (he specifically says courageous), meaning that he probably already knew of Link and could tell it was him because he could sense the triforce of courage. He also says he must leave in 3 days, and that he would get MM back himself but he is to busy. The fact he knew the moon would crash in 3 days means he has some sort of greater knowledge than the average person, and it is a blatant lie that he is busy because for all 3 days he just stands there underneath the clock tower. He realizes he can just get his enemy, Link, to obtain MM for him, meaning at worst he gets the mask with little to no effort and at best Link dies trying to obtain it.

On the moon, there are 4 children all wearing masks representing the four bosses you kill. Underneath the masks, you can tell they are all child versions of the HMS himself. This doesn't directly correlate to my theory, but it is just more proof he isn't as normal as he may appear.

Once you beat the game, Link gives the HMS Majora's Mask. The HMS then appears to be very happy, proclaiming that all the evil has gone from the mask. Now, the HMS says he looks for powerful masks, and if all the evil were truly gone from MM, than it would no longer be powerful. If it were no longer powerful, than the HMS would have no reason to appear so happy. This means that MM still has evil in it, which HMS intends to use.

Now you may be wondering, ok, but HMS looks nothing like Zant. One is a red headed human, and the other is only a little humanoid, bald, and has blue skin. Well, HMS clearly knows how to not only create but also use transformation masks. He probably killed the HMS from OoT, and used the song of healing to create a transformation mask. This would give him an excuse to be so desperately looking for MM, since he appears to be someone Link knew was obsessed with Masks. Also, In OoT, that HMS had many masks, but only one of them did anything and it was only slightly powerful. HMS in MM has many powerful masks, and he also knows the power of any mask you show him. Using the transformation mask, he disguises himself. This is also probably how he escaped being trapped in the twilight realm while all the rest of the tribe were sent there, using this disguise to not be discovered. Once he realizes that Ganon is in the twilight realm, he takes MM to the twilight realm and with its power helps restore Ganon. In the twilight realm, Majoras Mask takes on a new appearance as the fused shadow (I'm not sure why this happens, maybe they amplify its power or another reason).

So all of this sounds a bit crazy, but I think a couple details make it potentially plausible. One, is that they both are seen to be incredibly bipolar, going from very happy to furious and blood thirsty within seconds. Also, they both have long necks (this isn't really important its just interesting to note). And finally, the heroes shade in TP (who is confirmed as MM Link) appears to be full of regrets. Now, from what we see in both OoT and MM, he has nothing to regret. He saves two different lands from evil, or so it appears. But, if he realizes that because of what he did, because he gave the mask to the HMS, that twilight was able to invade Hyrule and Ganon was able to reform, then I would say that is a very big regret. Because he realizes it is his fault, he seeks out a new hero to train to right the wrongs he committed.

In TP, skull Kid from MM also seems to try and help the new Link, by showing him the way to the master sword. But first, he proposes a little test to Link. I think the reason is because he sees that Link (well technically Midna but they are together) has the fused shadow (which in this theory is MM) and is afraid that Link has been corrupted the way he once was corrupted by its dark power. After the test, he sees that Link does not use the evil mask to win, proving him a hero worthy of the master sword.

Most theories I read seem fun, but not what was actually the intended story. However, the more I think about it, the more I think it might actually be what the developers and producers meant Zant to be. Also, since MM came before TP, and in the same timeline, it seems like the natural progression of story.

Here are two pictures. The first shows the strong resemblance between the fused shadow and Majoras Mask, and the second shows concept art for Ganon in TP, revealed in the Hyrule Historia, where he has an image of (or potentially the actual) Majoras Mask on his chest.

If this theory was invented by someone else, I am sorry and I didn't mean to copy you and I came up with this on my own. I know several of these theories aren't mine, but I used them to corroborate my main theory of HMS being Zant. Thoughts?

TLDR: it wont actually make sense if you don't read all of the reasoning behind it, so if you aren't willing to read the whole thing then sorry.
Ok, so this is a little far fetched I know, but there is actually some decent proof. To begin, there is a lot of other, more refined and provable theories I need to use to lay the foundation. In Skyward Sword, it is referenced that Demise has a tribe of demons who work for him. However, in the end of the game, when it says demise was sealed away, it doesn't actually say that the demons were also all locked away. Now, if we go on to assume that his "tribe" of demons (I believe at one point the game actually refers to them as a tribe, so there is some evidence to this connection) is the same "powerful tribe" mentioned by the Happy Mask Salesman (the tribe who used Majoras Mask for hexing rituals), and is also the same tribe of dark interlopers (the twili) mentioned in Twilight Princes, since the twili were sealed away in the twilight realm for using black magic and in MM it says there were long forgotten (because they were sealed). To prove that the Happy Mask Salesman (from now on referred to as HMS) was/is a member of the tribe, look at his knowledge and power. He has extensive knowledge of both Majoras Mask and the ancient tribe, which, using his own words, was FORGOTTEN, so if it were forgotten how would he know about it unless he was a member? He is also able to trick souls into thinking they are at rest so he can steal their power and trap it in a mask, and he makes an organ appear out of no where and disappear when he is done. Now, if the HMS is a member of the tribe of dark interlopers/demons, that means he worked for Demise. Once the incarnation of Demise's hatred was made clear, being ganondorf, he probably pledged his allegiance to him and the reason he went to get the MM was to help Ganon escape from his impending exectuion (also if HMS was a member of Demises tribe, it would explain why he would worship Ganon as Zant because it is his ancient masters reincarnation). He also appears to already know who Link is, because even though at the beginning of MM you are a deku, he recognizes it isn't your true form and that you are very courageous (he specifically says courageous), meaning that he probably already knew of Link and could tell it was him because he could sense the triforce of courage. He also says he must leave in 3 days, and that he would get MM back himself but he is to busy. The fact he knew the moon would crash in 3 days means he has some sort of greater knowledge than the average person, and it is a blatant lie that he is busy because for all 3 days he just stands there underneath the clock tower. He realizes he can just get his enemy, Link, to obtain MM for him, meaning at worst he gets the mask with little to no effort and at best Link dies trying to obtain it.

On the moon, there are 4 children all wearing masks representing the four bosses you kill. Underneath the masks, you can tell they are all child versions of the HMS himself. This doesn't directly correlate to my theory, but it is just more proof he isn't as normal as he may appear.

Once you beat the game, Link gives the HMS Majora's Mask. The HMS then appears to be very happy, proclaiming that all the evil has gone from the mask. Now, the HMS says he looks for powerful masks, and if all the evil were truly gone from MM, than it would no longer be powerful. If it were no longer powerful, than the HMS would have no reason to appear so happy. This means that MM still has evil in it, which HMS intends to use.

Now you may be wondering, ok, but HMS looks nothing like Zant. One is a red headed human, and the other is only a little humanoid, bald, and has blue skin. Well, HMS clearly knows how to not only create but also use transformation masks. He probably killed the HMS from OoT, and used the song of healing to create a transformation mask. This would give him an excuse to be so desperately looking for MM, since he appears to be someone Link knew was obsessed with Masks. Also, In OoT, that HMS had many masks, but only one of them did anything and it was only slightly powerful. HMS in MM has many powerful masks, and he also knows the power of any mask you show him. Using the transformation mask, he disguises himself. This is also probably how he escaped being trapped in the twilight realm while all the rest of the tribe were sent there, using this disguise to not be discovered. Once he realizes that Ganon is in the twilight realm, he takes MM to the twilight realm and with its power helps restore Ganon. In the twilight realm, Majoras Mask takes on a new appearance as the fused shadow (I'm not sure why this happens, maybe they amplify its power or another reason).

So all of this sounds a bit crazy, but I think a couple details make it potentially plausible. One, is that they both are seen to be incredibly bipolar, going from very happy to furious and blood thirsty within seconds. Also, they both have long necks (this isn't really important its just interesting to note). And finally, the heroes shade in TP (who is confirmed as MM Link) appears to be full of regrets. Now, from what we see in both OoT and MM, he has nothing to regret. He saves two different lands from evil, or so it appears. But, if he realizes that because of what he did, because he gave the mask to the HMS, that twilight was able to invade Hyrule and Ganon was able to reform, then I would say that is a very big regret. Because he realizes it is his fault, he seeks out a new hero to train to right the wrongs he committed.

In TP, skull Kid from MM also seems to try and help the new Link, by showing him the way to the master sword. But first, he proposes a little test to Link. I think the reason is because he sees that Link (well technically Midna but they are together) has the fused shadow (which in this theory is MM) and is afraid that Link has been corrupted the way he once was corrupted by its dark power. After the test, he sees that Link does not use the evil mask to win, proving him a hero worthy of the master sword.

Most theories I read seem fun, but not what was actually the intended story. However, the more I think about it, the more I think it might actually be what the developers and producers meant Zant to be. Also, since MM came before TP, and in the same timeline, it seems like the natural progression of story.

Here are two pictures. The first shows the strong resemblance between the fused shadow and Majoras Mask, and the second shows concept art for Ganon in TP, revealed in the Hyrule Historia, where he has an image of (or potentially the actual) Majoras Mask on his chest.

If this theory was invented by someone else, I am sorry and I didn't mean to copy you and I came up with this on my own. I know several of these theories aren't mine, but I used them to corroborate my main theory of HMS being Zant. Thoughts?

TLDR: it wont actually make sense if you don't read all of the reasoning behind it, so if you aren't willing to read the whole thing then sorry.

Hey, I like your theory, but I disagree with one thing. The Twili/Interlopers/Hexing Tribe are almost definitely the Sheikah. Also, I don't know where it is said that Demise from SS has a "demon tribe" that follows him, so you may be remembering incorrectly. If I could see that proof, maybe I could believe the theory a little more. But other than that, I really appreciate the work that went into this for you, and as a fellow theorist I know that making sure the little theories that are part of your big theory are true is difficult.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
biggest thing i feel i have to point out, we are shown that Zant turned to evil after being passed over (rightfully) for the throne all his magic came from Ganondorf hence why zant was able to break the dorf's neck at the end.


I'm the B and my boyfriend is the T in LGBT ❤
Aug 2, 2016
Ciel's House
Zant was from the Twilight.
HMS is a guy with a creepy mask fetish.

I see you're explanation but it doesn't convince me without actual in game evidence.
Aug 28, 2016
I think there is the potential for the HMS to be related to Zant, but saying that they are the same person seems to be going too far.

I've mentioned a theory before which places the dark interlopers not as Hyrule's Sheikah, but as Termina's counterparts (this explains all of the apparent connections between the two, while also covering any inconsistencies)... and we know from ALBW that the physical characteristics of a character in one world may not apply to their counterpart in another. Combine this with the fact that all of the Twili appear to have red hair, it's not much of a stretch to think that Termina's Sheikah may have had red hair rather than blonde/white hair like Hyrule's Sheikah.
If we then compare the HMS to Termina's Sheikah... red hair, affinity for masks, ability to travel between worlds, and possession of the Mask of Truth... it would certainly make sense if he was a descendant of the tribe.
It also wouldn't be the first time that we saw a single Sheikah who remained after the rest of their tribe had seemingly gone extinct, as the same would be true of Impa... and both seem to have remained behind for a specific purpose... Impa remained to protect the royal family, whereas the HMS is going round collecting masks (seeing as he was desperate to keep others from being harmed by Majora's Mask, it may well be dangerous masks created by Termina's Sheikah that he is collecting, in order to either make them safe, or simply keep them from harming people).

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
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Idk why I didn't make this a closed discussion years ago. MM takes place before TP, so there is no way Zant could be the Happy Mask Salesman in MM. Zant died in TP, for one. And two, Zant never displays any powers suggesting he can manipulate time.

Alita the Pun

Oct 6, 2016
Nintendo Memeverse
A Mellophone Player... Mellophonista?
I really like the theory! its pretty sound I say and has a lot of good connections to the games. something I immediately thought of was how the Twili were originally banished into the former Sacred Realm because some evil deed that they attempted. this could have been the original use of the MM. another thing I thought of is how the HMS can summon a huge organ and make it disappear at will. this reminded me of Ganondorf in the beginning of the boss fight in OOT and how when you find him he is playing on an organ that looks very similar and when he turns to fight Link, he makes the organ magically disappear. now if Zant/HMS and Ganondorf both share this dark magic, they would both have access to this magical organ. overall very cool theory and very interesting to think about!


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
As has been said, even if you can connect the twili and the tribe from MM (I actually personally think a more comparable related tribe now would be the yiga clan or something closer to that) in my opinion HMS has nothing to do with it. He’s knowledgable, probably more than we get to see, due to his travels in search of rare masks. Just because he may encounter shady characters doesn’t make him one. I actually think he’s one of the good guys. I definitely can’t see him as in any way connected to Zant even if I squint.

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