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Things That Are on Your Mind

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
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I swear by the Pomodoro technique. It's basically 25 minutes of being productive, then take a 5 minute break. There are apps that set alerts, as this was originally developed with tomato shaped cooking timers.
My art mentor suggested this to me, and I definitely feel like it improves my focus


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
My art mentor suggested this to me, and I definitely feel like it improves my focus
It's a lifesaver if you have issue staying focused or being productive. Which, due to my ADHD, are things I always struggle with. I tried it on suggestion of my therapist, and it was a lifesaver.

It obviously works the best with the tomato kitchen timers this was based on, but there are apps that have Pomodoro timers which accomplish the same thing.

It basically ensures you get focused enough to do the work, but you never fall into hyperfocus, which can be disruptive in its own way. Helps regulate things, at least for me.


Staff member
Tonight I caught up with a group of 8 friends who were other students in a group selected to go on my first ever trip to Japan back in 2016. It was great catching up to see how everyone is doing and reminiscing about that trip.

Ashley the Witch

ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
I used to have an account on the server a couple years ago, I was definitely a demented freak at the time, and I'm not afraid to admit it. But since then, I've changed a lot. I've been taking up more responsibility, and gotten better as a person, some people here already know what my old account was or has suspicions as to what it is, and I'm not going to deny it, the speculations are true. But I've changed so much, from my anger management, to my views on life, my family is most important to me. Far more than what the internet and games can provide. I am far more happy about myself, than I was back then. And I finally became someone my family can rely on. I've changed, and I'm not asking for anything in return, I don't care what people think of me from all those years ago, I deserve every bit of it. But as a changed man, Twilight Shadows has returned.

For more pressing matters, my family is going through a lot right now, and I'm helping every way I can. My dog isn't eating, she's old, and she's been having diarrhea. We put her on the med and diet plan, but I don't know if that will be enough. I'm hoping my dog will recover soon, everybody in my family is catching covid, including me. But I'm putting myself out there to help my family whenever they call upon it. I just hope things don't turn for the worst.

If anybody is curious as to what became of my old account, or any of the posts made on it the account name is currently @DeletedUser8
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Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
ZD Champion
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
It's a lifesaver if you have issue staying focused or being productive. Which, due to my ADHD, are things I always struggle with. I tried it on suggestion of my therapist, and it was a lifesaver.

It obviously works the best with the tomato kitchen timers this was based on, but there are apps that have Pomodoro timers which accomplish the same thing.

It basically ensures you get focused enough to do the work, but you never fall into hyperfocus, which can be disruptive in its own way. Helps regulate things, at least for me.
I'm the kind of person that can't take breaks or I can't get back into my task, although I suppose pomodoro is more for the times when you have to do something you don't want to and breaking it into chunks makes it more manageable


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I'm the kind of person that can't take breaks or I can't get back into my task, although I suppose pomodoro is more for the times when you have to do something you don't want to and breaking it into chunks makes it more manageable
Everyone's different. I find it helps me be productive without jumping into hyperfocus and letting time get away from me.

For example, another band in my area needed a bass player, and I can play bass, so I volunteered. I can really easily let time get away from me learning a band's setlist, so I'm using it to prevent me from hyperfocusing.

My issue with hyperfocus is that I get too involved that I forget to eat, go to the bathroom, things of that nature.


Composer of the Night.
ZD Champion
Jan 22, 2016
United States of America
Very much a dude.
I didn't get the cool "hyperfocus for 2 hours" ADHD, I got the "executive disfunction and can't get my crap together for 30 minutes" ADHD :(
I got both. :oops:

Just for practicing and learning music, it easily triggers it for me, and I need to reign it in, otherwise I'm there for like 9 hours, stomach growling, eyes red, fingers need a break, but I still insist on going.

Everything else I get easily distracted.


Joy is in video games and colored pencils
Forum Volunteer
I wonder if I'm not taking this years Linktober seriously enough. This whole month I've been having trouble motivating myself to actually do the drawings. Some of the prompts I haven't shared here I've done for the regular inktober calendar so I'm not missing many days. But like, Saturday, my options were Ganondorf or Castle and I just couldn't get myself to do either. I just stared at a page for a few minutes and said nah.
I was looking at last year's Linktober page and I actually spent 7 hours on one of those drawings??? I have all the free time in the world to draw but this year I'm having trouble doing more than an hour a day. And then I wonder why my pictures aren't turning out so good lol. I know it's not that serious, nobody is forcing me to draw every day but I have no clue why I'm struggling so much. I didn't even have this hard of a time when I was still in school.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Staff member
ZD Champion
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I wonder if I'm not taking this years Linktober seriously enough. This whole month I've been having trouble motivating myself to actually do the drawings. Some of the prompts I haven't shared here I've done for the regular inktober calendar so I'm not missing many days. But like, Saturday, my options were Ganondorf or Castle and I just couldn't get myself to do either. I just stared at a page for a few minutes and said nah.
I was looking at last year's Linktober page and I actually spent 7 hours on one of those drawings??? I have all the free time in the world to draw but this year I'm having trouble doing more than an hour a day. And then I wonder why my pictures aren't turning out so good lol. I know it's not that serious, nobody is forcing me to draw every day but I have no clue why I'm struggling so much. I didn't even have this hard of a time when I was still in school.
I get it for sure. I have about the same time restraints to do it this year as last year, and I did all the prompts last year.

I can paint faster now than I could last year, so I technically should be having an easier time prepping ahead for prompts, but I'm not.

I guess I just don't feel as inspired to do every prompt this year, because I do have other projects looming over me that I should be focusing on.


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
I wonder if I'm not taking this years Linktober seriously enough. This whole month I've been having trouble motivating myself to actually do the drawings. Some of the prompts I haven't shared here I've done for the regular inktober calendar so I'm not missing many days. But like, Saturday, my options were Ganondorf or Castle and I just couldn't get myself to do either. I just stared at a page for a few minutes and said nah.
I was looking at last year's Linktober page and I actually spent 7 hours on one of those drawings??? I have all the free time in the world to draw but this year I'm having trouble doing more than an hour a day. And then I wonder why my pictures aren't turning out so good lol. I know it's not that serious, nobody is forcing me to draw every day but I have no clue why I'm struggling so much. I didn't even have this hard of a time when I was still in school.
You're doing good. Atleast you do some prompts. It's better than not doing anything at all.
Btw, You do both Inktober and Linktober??

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