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Game Thread Mafia: The Legend of Korra Book Four

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Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Honestly I'm really genuinely believing now that one of Minish and funnier are scum. Maybe with SMS. Either way, they've both been discounted as town this whole time and I'm not sure how I feel about that.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
Actually, let's think it over. Storm has had little presence in the game and has wanted funnier to be lynched like each day, lol. Tristan cast suspicion in Johnny yesterday, and his reads today are all over the place, like he wants to force anything.

I think he just made a slip too.
Honestly I'm really genuinely believing now that one of Minish and funnier are scum. Maybe with SMS. Either way, they've both been discounted as town this whole time and I'm not sure how I feel about that.
This can't be possible at all. One between Minish and funnier is cleared by Ex. The only possibility were you can legit have them both in your PoE is if you believe there is a team of 3 scum with Ex being on each...

Vote: Tristan

This is enough for me to vote you with confidence now.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
Vote Count 3.3:

Mellow Ezlo - 1 (Spiritual Mask Salesman)

Not Voting - All Might, ExLight, funnier6, Mellow Ezlo, Morbid Minish, Storm

With 7 alive, it takes 4 for a majority lynch. Day 3 ends on Monday, November 25th at 7 PM EST.
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Morbid Minish

Spooky Scary Skeleton.
I’ll vote him later, I kind of wanna just maj him and wanna hear some input

I dunno what to do at this point. You might have to force me to make a vote and stick to it. Lol.

Cause like, Tristan is doing that thing where I really disagree with him which is like when he's town. But he could be scum throwing stuff at the wall.

Also, I was thinking and Ex's lack of presence d1 is concerning. Because all wagons were town/3rd party. So scum literally had to do nothing d1. They were in no danger. And that's so unlike Ex. But then again I guess cop Ex could do that to not draw attention to himself.


Jun 7, 2017
the present
I dunno what to do at this point. You might have to force me to make a vote and stick to it. Lol.

Cause like, Tristan is doing that thing where I really disagree with him which is like when he's town. But he could be scum throwing stuff at the wall.

Also, I was thinking and Ex's lack of presence d1 is concerning. Because all wagons were town/3rd party. So scum literally had to do nothing d1. They were in no danger. And that's so unlike Ex. But then again I guess cop Ex could do that to not draw attention to himself.
I’m tired of second guessing Minish! Let’s just do this thing

Consider yourself forced : D

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
This can't be possible at all. One between Minish and funnier is cleared by Ex. The only possibility were you can legit have them both in your PoE is if you believe there is a team of 3 scum with Ex being on each...
> Godfather is alive
> "Cop check is definitive and 100% clears someone as town"

alrighty then

You didn't think that through very well did you?

Guess you could make the argument that the godfather may not be investigation immune, but with a scum team of 2 idk, that just seems a little weak.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Unless that was an SMS slip up, as if he is scum with a non-investigation proof godfather that's the only way he would know Ex's cop check would be definitive.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
Oh you're right I'm a dummy.

So a funnier-Minish scum team is out of the question. But still, one of both of them could be scum.

I'm off to work now. Toodles. Y'all do as you will.

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
I was going to vote SMS because of his convenient Vanilla claim but then I remembered the previous Korra games also included Vanillas. But I'm really thinking now that its SMS plus one of funnier or Minish.
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