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Are you still a Star Wars fan since Disney took over?

There are a lot of angry Star Wars fans out there following the four Disney produced films and many fans no longer care about Episode IX or Star Wars in general.

How do you feel about Star Wars at the moment?

Have you left the franchise behind?

Are you going to give it one last chance?

Or do you like the series more since Disney took over?

Azure Sage

March onward forever...
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I loved the new films for the most part; didn’t get to see Solo but the other three ranged from good to great. Episode 7 became my favorite Star Wars film overall. 8 was not as good, but still entertaining and still better than most of the prequels. Rogue One was a really great film. I get some of the complaints that people have, but I can’t say I share them.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
I feel like the people protesting Star Wars are taking things way out of proportion. Yeah, I thought the Rose subplot could have been handled better in Episode 8, and I wish a certain character hadn't kicked the bucket so early, but the movie was very well made. I enjoyed it a lot more than The Force Awakens, which felt like a rehash of The New Hope.

I think there are way too many unresolved plot points going into Episode IX, though. My biggest question is where are the Knights of Ren? Rey saw them in her vision when she picked up Anakin's lightsaber, so they're clearly going to be important. I hope Kylo reunites the gang. I don't think he has enough going for him to be the sole main antagonist of the final chapter of this trilogy.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
Well I liked episode 7 a lot and think it is one of the better films. I also enjoyed episode 8 though I am not sure it went in the right direction for the good of the franchise. Rian Johnson clearly went a different way to where JJ Abrams wanted to go.

Rogue One A Star Bores story was boring as hell. Apart from the one Vader scene which provides almost all of the excitement in the movie. I liked Orson Krennic and the memes which he has spawned and also the fact Mads Mikkelsen is in the movie but really was not interested in what was going on the first or second time I watched it.

I thought Solo was a pretty decent watch apart from the annoying robot.

I'm going to watch Episode 9 but I don't feel 8 built up a compelling reason to. It kind of wrapped up without a grave threat. The first order is even weaker now Snoke is dead. I worry not as many people will see it though as it is Star Wars it will still be big.


Angel of Darkness
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ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
I think so far Disney did a decent job. Ep I, II and III are way worse. But I like the first released trilogy still the best. Rogue One was pretty good and gave me more joy to watch than TFA and TLJ. But for me SW ended after RotS. Then I closed the SW chapter. I still watch the movies when they're released but not because of a "I MUST see this!"
Oct 14, 2013
I'm going to watch Episode 9 but I don't feel 8 built up a compelling reason to. It kind of wrapped up without a grave threat.
That's exactly why 4, 5 and 6 were so good. We do know it was all written up as one story and just cut into three. We also know Lucas pushed for a deal for the whole trilogy to be done outright so even if 4 flopped he still had 5 and 6 on the go. Also the end sequence in 4, the whole death star trench thing was an after thought, only done after the original cut was preview screened and they realised the movie had no ending so the made one. THis ending served two purposes. To actually properly finish off the movie and to end out the move so if he was later blocked from making 5 and 6 hypothetically speaking, 4 could stand on it's own.

Once 5 and 6 were on the go. People watched 5 because 4 was so good and they wanted more. People watched 6 because of the unresolved tension at the end of 5. 5 did andwer the whole Luke's father thing, but it was 6 that really explored it more as well as exploring the whole Luke's sister thing.

We all know all of this already. My point is that's exactly why 4, 5 and 6 were so good. The other reason is these 3 movies were the exact opposite of what Sci-fi was at the time. Sci-fi was romanticised, clean, large, world or universe exploring. A perfect looking crew piloting a perfect looking ship on a seemingly perfect quest. Even something like Dr Who felt noble. His TARDIS is clean and all straight lines and the inside was a perfect example of space technology. Even if the outer look was written up as a malfunction.
Star Wars was all about everything being dirty, grimy, out of place. A hard world to survive in. I do like how in 4 after paying for Han's services, Luke looks at the Millennium Falcon and says "what a hunk of junk". There's no perfect ship there, everything survived on spare parts and the smell of an oily rag.

I am aware of how the republic and the empire parallels to the roman empire. Still 1, 2 and 3 were overall more clean looking. From the cities, to the ships, to the galactic council (whatever it was called) the exact opposite of 4, 5 and 6. Also I to feel that 1, 2 and 3 rely too heavily on prior knowledge of 4, 5 and 6. Sure that's fine I guess but they needed to be more of their own individual stories. Also more filth and broken, half working ships and other things.

7 and 8 as well as the spin offs they were alright I guess. I think in ways they did lose the plot. They should have just repeated what the original trilogy did. A clean finish for 7, a single but major unresolved plot point for 8 and 9 answers that plot point and resolves it. All the many little lose ends will take up way too much time in 9 to resolve and that will leave not enough time for 9 to then have it's own story that can resolve itself. In 6 it didn't take that long for Solo to be freed and once all that was done 6's story on that forest moon and in space could take place. Using two locations like that to do the story was a really good idea. It gave all the other minor characters a time to shine as they were all in the space battle waiting for the shields to be dropped. Luke and Yoda was just another very minor sub plot being resolved. So really 3 main parts. The main crew on the moon, Luke with Yoda and then fighting Vader and the emperor and all the minor characters in space fighting the space battle. Luke didn't over shadow Solo and the crew. Also both of those didn't overshadow the minor characters that way either.
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Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
I can't say I've ever been a Star Wars fan exactly, but I always found it to be interesting until Episode 8.

I saw the prequels as they came out in the cinema, but I was too young to really take it in. That and I wasn't really interested. My mum took me to see Phantom Menace and I remember ignoring the actual movie to roll on the floor instead. I went to see Clones and Sith with friends but we only really went because we felt like we had to, you know? It was Star Wars, this big thing they always talked about on TV "Best [X]" lists. I never really took any of them in.

The first Star Wars media I ever really appreciated was KOTOR on the Xbox. I thought that was the ****. KOTOR 2 was ****ing awful though (Obsidian have never made a good game, fite me). I also played the LEGO Star Wars games and loved them, too. Those games were my main exposure to the franchise for years.

I never even saw the original trilogy until about 2006 or 07 when a friend lent me all six movies on DVD. I watched the prequels and thought they were pretty bad, but enjoyed the vague nostalgic feeling I got from seeing them again. I've never seen the theatrical versions of the original trilogy, only the 2004 DVD re-edit of the 1997 special editions. I have never in my life seen Han shoot first. I liked them, though. They were solid, well written, well directed.

I was never excited for Force Awakens but I was interested to see what Disney would do with it. They played it as safe as could be and more or less remade A New Hope. A lot of people were upset about that but I was never really bothered. A New Hope didn't mean anything to me, I had absolutely nothing invested in the series, and it made sense to me from Disney's point of view. They need to get a new generation of fans interested in Star Wars while also reassuring the existing ones that the prequels weren't about to happen again. What better way to do both than by making A New Hope again? After seeing the film I was interested in how they would make it their own with Episode 8.

Then I saw Rogue One. It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life. There is nothing — nothing — in this movie to enjoy unless you cum at the sight of Star Wars iconography. It's incomprehensible to me that a studio as big and experienced as Disney could produce something so bad on every level. It sent a clear message that Disney saw Star Wars as a source of free money, that they believed they didn't even have to try to make decent content, that money would pour in from the brand name alone. But that was a spin-off movie, not part of the main focus, the sequel trilogy, so I gave them the benefit of the doubt.

I hated The Last Jedi within five minutes. The title crawl alone made me wary, but the whole thing with Poe pretending he can't hear Hux and then dropping a really awkward and poorly written "yo mama" joke was the moment I knew I was going to hate the next two and whatever hours. I didn't like anything in the movie and I kept looking at my mate like "Are you seeing this ****?" Everything to do with Holdo, everything to do with Rose, everything to do with Kanto Bight, everything to do with trying to force grey morality into a series that has typically dealt in black & white, all of it was just ****ing awful. There was one moment when the film could have won me back just enough to maybe go see Episode 9, when Kylo Ren asked Rey to join him. Suddenly my interest was piqued. Here was a chance for the writer to actually explore the grey morality he was hamfistedly trying to explore earlier, a chance to set up a real character driven conflict for the final movie, to subvert expectations in a way that added something instead of just removing something.

But no. Rey just says "No, I'm the good guy, you bad," and leaves, I guess. We never see her leave but then she just shows up in the Millennium Falcon later when the plot needs her to. So we're left in a situation where Episode 9 will be Rey fights Kylo Ren and wins, the end. Spoilers, I guess. There's nothing interesting set up, nothing I care at all to see happen, and I no longer trust Disney to produce a film worth watching. The fact that the sequel trilogy wasn't planned out at least in broad strokes before they made Force Awakens is baffling to me. They gave the second movie to Some Guy and he just cancelled all the little set ups JJ Abrams left for him and replaced them with absolutely nothing. Snoke? Plllp doesn't matter. Rey's parents? Plllp doesn't matter. The Knights of Ren? Plllp Knights of Who? Get a life, dude. Episode 9 will be nothing more than a corporate-written, by-the-numbers snooze-fest that fanboys will finger themselves over and small children will like because colours and movement. I have no interest in it, or anything else from this franchise while Disney are in control.

So, while I wouldn't say I was ever a fan of Star Wars, I would say that since Disney took over my interest in the series has been killed. Just like the past.

Mark Hamill didn't deserve this.

Link Floyd

ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘⁿ
Sep 23, 2014
The Force Awakens was a great set-up for a new trilogy and I loved the film so much I watched it multiple times. Rogue One was an excellent addition to the franchise and tackled a plot hole from the original first film. Solo, I have no opinion on as I never got around to it.

The Last Jedi however...

I liked it right after I saw it. But it became one of those things that only got worse over time. So many plot holes, unnecessary scenes and characters...it's just 2 and half hours or so of confusion. Rian Johnson really screwed the pooch. It's like he took everything that happened in the first movie and made it go in a direction that almost feels like an intentional "**** you" to TFA and the original films. One could argue that the film is unpredictable and that's what keeps it interesting, but being unpredictable doesn't always mean it's good.

Still, I'm not one of those overdramatic SW fans who's going to boycott the next film. I'm definitely going to see Episode 9 because I'm interested to see if they can make sense of the things that happened in the debacle which is TLJ.

Hero of Pizza Time

Pizza Parker
Aug 22, 2018
Human Spider
There are a lot of angry Star Wars fans out there following the four Disney produced films and many fans no longer care about Episode IX or Star Wars in general.

How do you feel about Star Wars at the moment?

Have you left the franchise behind?

Are you going to give it one last chance?

Or do you like the series more since Disney took over?

  1. I feel like my lifelong love for it has severely diminished since 2016. I want to like the new movies and games, but Disney has turned the franchise into, well, a Disney franchise.
  2. Sort of. I will still watch the new movie when it comes out, but I have stopped checking for updates and I will definitely not buy anymore of their games.
  3. I will never completely abandon Star Wars. I grew up with it. I will just have to hope that someday, Disney decides to share the rights with a more capable company. Hope is not lost.
  4. I have not liked it more since Disney took over.

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