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Brian Frost


New York



Join Date

July 2013

About Brian
WW This user's favorite Zelda game is The Wind Waker.
Tingle-Cool.png This user thinks Tingle is cool.

Hi, my name is Brian Frost, and I am a Twitch live-streamer for Zelda Dungeon! I joined in 2013 as a news correspondent, eventually became an editorial writer, and then went on to found the Twitch team along with Blake, a wiki contributor and live-streamer. As a student I don't have much free time, but whenever I do, I spend it either playing games or working on the site. Aside from Zelda, I am a fan of the Pokemon, Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing and Portal series. I'm also a huge fan of League of Legends. My favorite video game of all time is The Wind Waker, and I am also quite an expert on The Minish Cap.

I am currently working on the proofreading of some of the site's older walkthroughs.