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Nintendo Xenoblade 2 - Worth A Switch?

1 = Total Rubbish 5 = Perfect Score

  • 5/5

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • 4/5

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3/5

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • 2/5

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • 1/5

    Votes: 1 20.0%

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  • Poll closed .


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
No, Nintendo, I'm not asking :reggie: to spank me if you give me a free copy of Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

I'm asking any ZDers who've played it if Xenoblade 2 alone is worth buying a Switch for. Yeah? Pros and Cons of the game itself. Total rubbish? Good so far? Lacking? Exceptional? Flawed gem? Perfect in every way? Clue me in here, peeps.
It isnt worth it for the Switch alone. Unless you really loved the first one.

The story is as anime as the game looks, youre not getting anything more than standard anime tropes here.

Combat is very automatic. The game tells you youre special and powerful but the heaviest of specials arent often worth the hassle.

Music isnt as good as X

Its not a bad game, its better than the first one but theres nothing special here either.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
Its not a bad game, its better than the first one but theres nothing special here either.

Well, "better than the first one" is still "Best JRPG I've Ever Played."

The story is as anime as the game looks, youre not getting anything more than standard anime tropes here.

That's unfortunate because I liked the first game because it did away with standard anime tropes, which I can't stand. It also had a meaningful story and world, and people seem to more or less agree on that front in regards to Xeno2 as well.

Music isnt as good as X
Is it as good as the first game? Because the first game had some really good tracks.

Combat is very automatic.
I don't think I'm going to have a problem with that. I've tolerated hands-off combat before.

The biggest criticisms I've seen repeated is that the game is grindy - which I have a suspiciously high tolerance for (to a fault) - and the combat is too hands off, which doesn't seem much different than 90% of JRPGs including the most recent ones and the first Xenoblade.

What I'd like to know is:
Is The Story As Good As The First Game
Are Any Characters As Cool As Dunban :cool:
Well i really didnt like the characters or story of the first game, Xeno2 may be tropey as hell on the anime front but i can tolerate the characters much more than the XC1 cast and the story is less complicated as a whole. There are some great cutscenes both emotionally and action-wise and theyre all well done its just nothing i havent seen before.

The cast of characters is huge though so there feels like theres a lot more going on than there actually is.

If you dont mind hands off combat then youll be fine. Like X there is a constant feeling of being under powered with such a mixture of levelled enemies kicking about in the same places. So it always feels like you need to grind.... which you really do because Rex and his slut arent as powerful in battle as the narrative makes them out to be.

If the first XC was the best JRPG youve ever played and if you like standard anime narrative tropes and characters then XC2 is worth a Switch.

Like i say, theres nothing wrong with it, ive just seen things done better elsewhere.

OST isnt as good as the first one either, no classics like 'engage the enemy' here. Its probably all on youtube by now for you to hear.
Such as? I know you're into Tales.

Well i dont like hands off combat so that's a win for the likes of Tales and Persona there.

Characterisation (so far) is better in Tales and Persona. Youre gonna end up caring for the characters in Xeno2 mostly for the amount of time youre gonna spend with them. They'll come to feel like familiar company rather than feeling interesting.

Take Rex for example, he is pretty much a self insert. He talks a lot and has a personality but he doesn't have anything going for him other than hero. He doesnt really have a depth to him. Both Berseria and Persona 5 this year had characters that were way more interesting.

X did the auto-combat better. XC2 has auto-combat front and centre, player agency comes from standing in the right place and using the right art once the arts have charged. They charge quick enough (3-5 auto-hits if you dont move around) but X gave you a lot more to use (XC2 only has 3 face buttons mapped to arts outside of Pyra, you can switch blades for different arts but you have to wait for those to charge too and wait for the blade to charge before you can switch as well) which made it feel as if you had more control, it felt faster and more precise too. XC2 is largely a waiting game.

Also pro tip; for the love of god level up your agility at every opportunity, otherwise it feels like youre battling in thick sludge, everyone is so slow, i honestly thought it was a bad case of slowdown at first.

But yeah. I just prefer Tales and Persona for their characters (and theyre anime as hell so its not like i have a problem with XC2 for that) and battle systems, i like to feel as if i'm in control, which i never really do in XC2.

XC2 isnt as tacky as Ys VIII though so there's that (though i did like the combat there better too).
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There you are! You monsters!
Feb 8, 2011
As far as getting it for a Switch goes, I'd say yes.

XC2 takes a lot from the original, design-wise, but also adds to it.

The dialogue is a lot closer to the original, emphasizing how the way of life is slowly dying out with philosophical undertones.

Combat is a lot slower than X and the characters move like molasses without specific items, but is still just as enjoyable once you get it down.

The cast is indeed a lot more "anime" than before, but to be honest, the anime moments are few and far between and take backseat to a serious plot line. Speaking of which, the story moves at a steady pace and gives you the opportunity to revisit areas right from the start.

The music is a lot closer to the original in tone as well. Not nearly as many standouts as Gaur Plain or While I Think that I've heard yet, but it fits in with every area, respectively.
Oct 14, 2013
XCX is the best Xenoblade Chronicles by far. XC2 is easily in 2nd place.
XC2 is great still though. Probably a 9/10. Not worth getting a Switch specifically for. XC2 is totally amazing and a long very fun game. Just don't ask for anything open world like XCX. You will not get it. XC2 is just as linear as XC was.

However plan on getting Mario Odyssey or Mario Kart 8 or BotW or Blaster Master Zero or something else as well to make the Switch purchase worth it.
Is The Story As Good As The First Game
Yes it is. That obviously makes the story not as good as XCX's story. However that's a personal thing and very opinionated as the XCX xtyle of story is very different. if you liked the XC story, you will like XC2's story.

Are Any Characters As Cool As Dunban :cool:
Yes. Though Dunban was the character I liked the least in XC. I was a Reyn Time fan.

Overall, if you liked XC, then do get XC2, you'll like it a lot. Just be sure to get another good game too because I can't justify the high Switch cost for a single game.
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A Cool, Cool Mountain
May 24, 2015
If you loved Xenoblade for the Wii, you will love Xenoblade 2. 2 takes everything that Xenoblade did, but better. There is a lot better pacing, better character involvement throughout the plot, better QoL changes(doing sidequests doesn't make you OP automatically), a way better combat system, and of course better graphics.

I know you were a huge fan of the first one, so I would go with a resounding yes. It's an amazing Xenoblade game, and my favorite one so far.
Oct 14, 2013
If you loved Xenoblade for the Wii, you will love Xenoblade 2. 2 takes everything that Xenoblade did, but better. There is a lot better pacing, better character involvement throughout the plot, better QoL changes(doing sidequests doesn't make you OP automatically), a way better combat system, and of course better graphics.

I know you were a huge fan of the first one, so I would go with a resounding yes. It's an amazing Xenoblade game, and my favorite one so far.
I agree with all of that. Though the one big QoL (for me) thing that does not exisxt (or i have yet to work it out) is how to move the large version of the mini map around. The one that you get by pressing L-Stick a couple of times. I'm forced to go to the quick travel map to actually see all of the map. Also that larger mini map is quite devoid of information. Again I have to visit the quick travel map to get this information. This is somethnig I can deal with but it makes getting any kind of map information much more annoying.

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