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Would you play mp games with random people?


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
Are you ok with playing team multiplayer games with a random lobby? For me, I'm ok with playing in random lobbies for most games like apex cod mobile ow2 etc. I haven't faced any toxicity in ow2 prolly because I almost never play ranked in it.

But for Sea of Thieves, definitely no. I had like 20% good experience in it which were actually good. One time I just wanted to chill out and I joined a galleon (4 people), so when I said I would just fix the ship and bail out and the Chinese guys said it's aight. So I didn't touch the cannon, map, or helm for that sesh.
The other time I was matched it a literal 12 year old on my sloop. I already had two chests and I wanted to cash it in. The kid was steering the ship here and there and it started crashing. He was ignoring my chats so I assume he was griefing on purpose. Then I started to stand near the anchor dropped it. When he lifted the anchor again, I dropped it again. He finally got the message and left the sloop. Kinda petty, but I didn't wanna leave those chests. After he left I cashed it in at an outpost and was done for the day.

So, what're your good/bad experiences with random lobbies?

Azure Sage

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ZD Legend
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I have mostly good experiences in online lobbies, but the vast majority of those experiences are entirely in Monster Hunter games. I've never really played an mmo (I did try the ff14 free trial but didnt like it) so thats the extent of my experience. Granblue Relink uses them too, but like modern MonHun games, it also employs random matchmaking through the use of backup requests, which cuts out the need for a lobby. That's often easier if you aren't looking to consistently sit down and play. The few times I made a lobby in Relink, the people I met were friendly and respectful. Most of the people I've met in MH lobbies were the same.


Joy is in video games and colored pencils
Forum Volunteer
Not a fan of it. If it's a game where there's no chat options it tends to be boring and there's no sort of teamwork really happening. MP games with chat options are arguably worse though, because people are annoying. Either way I'm not having a great time.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
Usually, no. The old Xbox 360 days of racial and homophobic slurs being hurled through cheap pack-in headsets ingrained in me that voice chat with randoms is to be avoided. When I'm in voice chat it tends to be with friends and is usually done through an external client like Discord.

Until the other day when I decided to enable voice chat in a Helldivers 2 game with a couple of guys who seemed cool. It went fine, they were super cool, and we sent friend requests by the end. I guess the moral of the story is that it can sometimes work out.

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