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Through the Dungeons

This story is great:)
Sorry I haven't gotten around to commenting.

I like how it's taking place in a medival-ish setting. And how it's not quite like taking place in ZD(like with the randomness and stuff), but is based off of it.
Can't wait to see more, you are really great at writing.


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
it's much easier to realistically call someone Beauts than LITTLE GUMBALL

It's easy to make it mysterious, like if you've seen the film Little Voice. She's really shy so they call her Little Voice or LV for short until the end when she finds her voice her mum's like 'Little Voice?' and she goes "ME NAMES LAURA!" see I should totes be writing this fic not Az :P

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
I haven't done any work on Chapter Four yet but I definitely for want to continue writing it, so for now I think I'll put up a tentative chapter list for your guys' benefit. I'll also be including who will appear when. I have no idea when I'll get back to work on the story, probably around summer break. At least that's the plan, anyway. Also, this isn't the complete chapter list. I'm planning more stuff after these three arcs.

First Arc

Chapter One
The Avalon Runners

@Azure Sage
@Snow Queen

Chapter Two
Initiation Test

Chapter Three
Gathering of Monsters


Chapter Four
Defense of Balena

@Krazy4Krash (as Krash)

Chapter Five
Raison D'être

Second Arc

Chapter Six
The Flower Girl

@Violet Link (as Violet)

Chapter Seven
Kokiri Arbor


Chapter Eight
Search Party

@Blue Canary

Chapter Nine
Conflict in Auroda

@Kingofhuklebery (as King)

Chapter Ten
Little Sister

Third Arc

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve
Tri-Guild Alliance

@Sydney (as Atticus)

Chapter Thirteen
Investigation of Vitreous

Chapter Fourteen
Depravity Arrow

@Shironagi (as Shiro)
@Dan (as Lucia)
@PhantomTriforce (as Phantom)

Chapter Fifteen
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birb overlord
Sep 16, 2011
WAILS. I'm officially out of chapters to read. I'm looking forward to seeing some more of Azure's deep dark past. I really love the whole atmosphere. I'm kinda wondering if there will be elements of Zelda mixed in? Like some of the dungeons? Will there be the dreaded water temple? Or any of the monsters in general? Or is this gonna be all original??

Well, you can consider me a follower of this story! Can't wait to see more.

Azure Sage

Join your hands...
Staff member
ZD Legend
Comm. Coordinator
Okay, sorry for the delay. Time for chapter four! I hope you guys find this one exciting. Fyi, the first arc will be done by the next chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter Four
Defense of Balena

Azure Sage dashed outside of the hospital, carrying his sword strapped to his back and dressed in his clothes and armor. As soon as his boots struck the cobblestone road, his nostrils were accosted with smoke and his ears with screaming and shouting. The purple sky was darkened with black smoke and reddened with the light of fires.

“This is awful...” Azure said as he looked at the scene.

He tried to get a bearing on his surroundings, and noticed a group of people in the distance. There appeared to be two Dungeoneers fending off a pack of monsters from a small crowd of civilians.

- It doesn’t look like they were able to evacuate everyone in time. I’d better go help them.

He was nervous about engaging them, considering his wounds weren’t fully healed. But he was not going to let that stop him. The memories swirling around in his head wouldn’t allow it to stop him. The heat of the fires from back then, the smell of death and burning flesh, the cold sweat; it was all coming back to him. He was being brought back to that time.

- If I can help people here... Maybe I can finally have the closure I need.

Azure drew his sword and bent his knees. In this stance, he gathered strength magic in the soles of his feet in the form of a blue glow. He kicked off the ground and dashed through the streets, a much easier feat now that they weren’t bustling. He spanned the distance in a matter of seconds, kicking up a gust of wind as he stopped alongside one of the monsters.

Azure wasted no time as he swiped his sword. The wolf-like beast had its body split in two, not even getting the chance to cry out in pain. The crowd of civilians gasped in surprise at his sudden arrival, and the two Dungeoneers turned to face him in shock.

“I’ll be your back-up!” Azure said to them, brandishing his sword as he faced the remaining monsters.

“Okay! Let’s get these civilians out of here!” one of them said, gesturing for his partner to take care of the crowd.

After nodding, she directed the townspeople down the road behind them, leaving Azure and the man to handle the four wolf monsters that were left. Azure didn’t encounter these particular types while he was in the dungeon yesterday, and he couldn’t help feeling curious about them. Their silver fur looked oddly sharp, and they had four yellow eyes. Their tails stood rigid, as if they were weapons.

“What kind of monsters are these?” Azure asked, realizing that it may not have been the best time for such conversation.

“Are you new? These are Shambra wolves. They like to hunt in packs, and their fur is sharp enough to pierce skin. Stay on your guard!” he explained.

“Got it.”

The Dungeoneer at Azure’s side was taller, and he wielded a large, spiked mace. He was rather intimidating, but he looked like a trustworthy ally. The pair exchanged a glance and nod, and each leapt into action.

Azure went after the two shambra wolves on the left, and the man took the two on the right. Azure swung his sword, but the first wolf dodged it. The other leapt into the air. He somersaulted forward, and as he rose to his feet, he spun on his heel. He sent his blade through the back of the first wolf as the second pounced on the empty cobblestone road, severing its spine.

The monster let out an agonizing groan as it slowly collapsed onto the street. The other one snarled angrily before charging at him. It once again leapt in the air, its eyes trained on his throat. Azure dipped down and to the right, catching it with a vertical strike powered with strength magic. The feedback he experienced from cutting through its body agitated his wounds, but he ignored it.

As the beast fell to the street in two bloody pieces, Azure turned to watch the Dungeoneer next to him fight. He had just finished crushing the skull of the first wolf with his mace as the second lunged for him. Instead of dodging, he kicked it square in the gut with surprising accuracy. The hound was lifted into the air, and then met with a blow from his mace that buried it into the street next to its dead friend.

- Wow, he’s pretty good. If all the Dungeoneers of the Avalon Runners are half as good as he is, then we should be just fine.

Feeling reassured, Azure flicked his sword to remove the monster blood and sheathed it. The Dungeoneer returned his mace to its holster on his side.

“Good work, newbie.” he said. “You wouldn’t happen to be Azure Sage, would you?”

“Yes, that’s me.”

“I thought so. Are you okay to fight? I heard you were injured.”

“I’ll be okay. It’s not a problem.”

“Well, either way, we need all the help we can get. The monsters invaded far sooner than we predicted. We haven’t even managed to evacuate half the town yet. We’re in a really tight spot here.”

“Wow, I didn’t realize things were that bad...” Azure said.

“Yeah. None of us expected them to attack this soon. That’s never happened before. It usually takes them at least five days after the initial sighting... Something feels very wrong about all of this.”

“I’ve been getting that feeling, too. We should hurry and look for more people. There’s bound to be others we can help.” Azure suggested.

“I agree. Let’s go.”

* * *

“Damn it!” Snow Queen cried out as she cut down a seventh valdrie wyvern. “These things keep coming!”

She was by herself defending a crowd of townspeople from a large pack of monsters. The wall of ice she made to protect them wouldn’t hold for much longer. She was fearing for the worst case scenario.

“I hope at least Azure is safe...” she said under her breath.

Just as she verbalized that thought, Azure came crashing in on her fight. She yelped in surprise as he cut down the two valdrie wyverns in his path. The man he fought alongside earlier also appeared, swinging his mace and launching three valdrie wyverns out of his way.

“W-what?! Azure?!” Snow said in surprise. “Why are you here?!”

“I came to help you!” he replied.

“But you’re still hurt, aren’t you?”

“I’m fine, don’t worry! I haven’t felt any pain.” he lied through his teeth.

Snow Queen did not look convinced, but she conceded. “Alright. If you say so.” she glanced over Azure’s shoulder at the man with the mace, who had been single-handedly cleaning up the valdrie wyverns without breaking a sweat. “I see you’ve met Krash.” she said.

“Oh, that’s his codename? Yeah, I met him earlier.”

“He’s one of our strongest Dungeoneers. As long as he’s with us, we should be okay.” Snow said.

“All finished here. We should get these people to safety.” Krash said, returning to us.

“Wow, that was fast.” Azure said, impressed.

- He’s not one of the strongest for nothing, I see.

Snow allowed the wall of ice defending the civilians to melt. She approached them, asking them to stay together.

“Alright, everyone! It’s safe to continue on now! Let’s get-”

In that instant, a blur of white flashed before everyone's’ eyes. Before anyone knew what happened, a loud crash was heard to the left. The people began to panic.

“What was that?” Azure said, looking around.

That was when he noticed that Krash had vanished. He searched around for him, looking to the source of the sound from earlier. His eyes then met with a horrifying sight; a new monster, one that was quite large. It appeared to be a shambra wolf, but it was at least thrice as big as the ones he’d fought earlier. It appeared to be tearing into something.

“Oh, God... No...” Snow gasped.

Azure followed her gaze, and felt like he was going to vomit. What the large shambra wolf had been eating was the body of Krash, which it snatched as it leaped by in a blur.

“He’s... dead.”

As soon as someone in the crowd choked out those words, everything fell apart. The crowd rapidly began to panic. The swift death of one of the Avalon Runner’s strongest Dungeoneers dealt a deadly blow to their morale, as it did to the two remaining Dungeoneers.

“... Quickly.” Snow began to say. “Quickly! Run away while it’s still eating!” she shouted at the crowd.

Azure turned to her, shocked by the cold-hearted thing she’d just said. However, as soon as he saw her grief-stricken face on the verge of tears, he knew that it wasn’t something easy for her to say. She was horrified by watching her comrade die, but she was able to remain level-headed enough to get the crowd out of danger.

“That thing’s too fast... We all won’t be able to run away.” Snow continued to say. “Azure, we have to stay here and hold it off so they can escape.”

Azure hesitated to speak, still in shock over what he just witnessed. But he slowly nodded his head. As the crowd of people scattered in the opposite direction, Azure and Snow brandished their weapons and faced the large shambra wolf.

The creature finished its meal, leaving a bloody heap of Krash’s flesh behind. It turned its maw toward the pair and licked its chops. It bent its legs, and Azure knew immediately what would happen.


Just as Azure lurched back, the shambra wolf was on him in a split second, leaving a trail of white light in its wake. The beast buried its fangs into Azure’s left shoulder, trying to rip his arm clean off. Azure cried out in pain, and Snow screamed in shock.

Thinking quickly, Azure used a body strengthening spell to reinforce his shoulder enough that the monster couldn’t chew into it any further, and Snow blasted it away with a shot of ice. The beast yelped as it hit the far building, scampering to its feet.

Azure’s shoulder and arm made it out in one piece, though it was severely wounded. He could no longer move it properly.

“This is bad... We can’t handle this thing by ourselves. It must be a midboss.” Snow said.

Azure was not in the mood to ask what that was. He was in agony from the beast’s attack. On top of that, the shambra wolf boss was already getting ready to pounce again. Azure wasn’t sure if he’d survive another bite.

Just as it began its next attack, Snow leapt forward. She slid to her knees, spreading her arms out wide. A slope of ice appeared before her, and the shambra wolf lunged into it head on. As a result of the slope and its momentum, it slid across the ice right over their heads, flying into the building behind them.

“We have to get out of here! Come on!” Snow shouted as she grabbed Azure's hand.

“Wait! We can’t just run! That thing is too dangerous! What if it hunts down other people? We have to kill it here and now!”

“You’re in no condition to fight, and I can’t handle that thing by myself! It’s too fast, and its too strong!”

“We don’t have a choice! Please, help me!”

Snow stared into Azure’s pleading eyes. She knew he’d use strength magic to hold his body together, but she didn’t want him pushing himself so hard. But looking into his eyes, she knew he’d never listen to her.

“Alright. We’ll stop it here. But we can’t let it escape. Stand back.” Snow said.

She took a few steps forward and bent down. Placing her hands on the ground, a thick coat of ice fanned out all over the area, even reaching into the sky. The ice enclosed Azure, the midboss, and Snow Queen herself in an enormous sphere of ice.

“That’s amazing...” Azure gawked.

“He’s not getting away now, but the bad news is neither are we.” Snow said.

“That’s fine. I’m not going anywhere until that bastard is dead.”

Azure Sage took a deep breath, and as he exhaled, his golden eyes were dyed in blue. His entire body was washed in a sheen of blue light. The bleeding from his injury stopped, and the pain was numbed. His sense of perception doubled, and all of his senses were heightened.

“Here we go!” Azure shouted.

“It’s all or nothing!” Snow yelled.

The shambra wolf struggled to stand firmly on the ice, but it managed to lunge toward the intrepid pair. Snow and Azure each sidestepped in different directions, skating on the ice. Snow directed two spears of ice with her daggers toward the wolf as Azure lunged at it from his side.

The shambra wolf jumped out of the way, but Azure quickly pursued it. He turned his heel and leapt into the air. He fed his blade the monster’s blood as he slashed across its body, a streak of blue light trailing from his sword. The beast cried out in pain as it fell, sliding across the ice.

Snow created a dozen spears of ice above the wolf’s body, ready to rain down and impale it on her command. The monster didn’t hesitate to leap up and slide out of the way, but once again, Azure chased it down. His sword slash missed this time, however, and he was left wide open.

The wolf tried to slice through his body with its razor sharp fur, using its tail like a whip. However, a shield of ice rose from the arena floor, intercepting its tail and keeping Azure safe. After this rescue, the shield sprouted harpoon-like blades that pierced the monster’s hide.

The midboss’s blood splattered across the ice as it backed away in pain. It began scratching at the ice in an attempt to break out and flee, but Azure and Snow would not allow that. Quickly, Azure skated towards the beast and spun on his heel. His spinning motion was accompanied by a circular slash of his sword, digging deep into the beast’s flesh. As he leapt away, Snow applied the finishing strike with a large hammer of ice, crushing the shambra wolf boss in its wake.

At last, the midboss was dead. Its lifeless carcass slowly drifted across the ice, dying it with smears of red. Snow released her magic, and the arena of ice vanished. Snow stumbled when her feet touched the ground, but Azure outright collapsed.

“Azure!” Snow called out as she ran to his side.

It was obvious that his body-strengthening magic was released, as he was bleeding out rather heavily. Snow ripped off her sleeves and bandaged him up as best she could, once again freezing his wounds with her ice magic.

“Are you okay?” she asked in a panic.

“I’ve been better...” he managed to choke out. “But hey, we did it.”

“Yeah... I can’t believe we beat that thing all by ourselves. You’re really crazy, you know that?”

“I know. I promise I’ll take it easy now.” he laughed

“Good. You’d better.” she said, smiling at him.

As Snow was propping Azure up in her arms, however, disaster struck once again. A large burst of flames appeared at the edge of town, shaking the whole city. The two looked on in shock.

“What is it now?!” Azure said.

“Let’s get a better look!” Snow said.

Snow Queen used her ice magic to raise herself and her wounded companion to the roof of one of the nearby buildings. From there, they had a better view of the town. And what they saw drained all the color from their faces.

Across town, near the Avalon Runners guild hall, stood a tall, fire-breathing dragon. It towered over the town, fanning the flames by beating its wings covered in bluish scales. The creature let out an ear-splitting roar that shattered the windows all across town.

“No... It’s impossible...” Snow breathed. “Aquamentus? Here?”

“How could it...” Azure began to say. He couldn’t find the words. He was too terrified.

“This is... This is just too much...” Snow said in a trembling voice. “We can’t possibly fight it off with the state we’re in...”

“This town... Balena really might be finished...”

Next: Raison D'être

PSA: No actual rea-life ZD members were harmed in the making of this production. I assure you Krazy4Krash is alive and well in the real world. no hard feelings brah ;p
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Link Floyd

ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘⁿ
Sep 23, 2014

The best part of the whole thing.

Just kidding. XD

Once again, I am blown away by how amazing this is. Keep it up, man! You're a great writer. I really think you should consider a career in writing if you want to do that in the future. You definitely have the talent and you're very good at describing things and making the story exciting for the reader. I'm looking forward to what else you have in store for us!!!


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Will the town survive the attack of the dreaded beast Aquamentus. Will Krash ever get a funeral. WILL Snow ever be allowed to keep her sleeves? Find out in the next installment of


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