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Favorite games...from half your life ago


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
Simply put, divide your age by half and see if you can remember what your favorite games were from back then. It's cool to look back to how your tastes have changed or what new franchises you got into later in life that changed everything, or even just games you loved from back then and still do now.

In my case, I was an early teen but still thought the world of Metal Gear, Zelda, Mario, GTA, and Smash. In fact, the presence of RPGs is probably the main difference from my favorite games now compared to back then, since I hadn't gotten into them yet until later. I also probably would've said my favorites in those franchises would've been the most recent entries that I played at the time (such as MGS4, GTA4, Brawl, and so on).

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
27 ÷ 2 = 13.5, it's been almost 8 months since my last birthday, divide 2 from 8, 4 months. Early December of 2010. Favorite game at that time was SpongeBob SquarePants in: Battle for Bikini Bottom. No big surprise there. It's been my favorite for a long time.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
Since I'm 31 now that'd put my halfway mark at around 2008/2009-ish. My favorite game from that era was definitely Dragon Age Origins. It was Bioware's last big hurrah into the realm of complex RPGs, since from Mass Effect 2 onward their stuff would be streamlined and simplified per the EA overlords to hit mass market appeal. It was the sort of game still riding on the wings of stuff like classic Baldur's Gate

I don't really know how well it holds up, since nostalgia is a great blinder. The combat is... rough. It hails from that era when RPGs having dull combat was seen as okay, because why would you ever expect enjoyable combat in your RPGs?

Heck, I had a boxed copy of the ultimate edition floating around before I joined the army. Unfortunately, I've no idea where it is now, so the game instead occupies a forever place in my GOG library.


Sharpshooter for Hire
ZD Legend
Jun 7, 2023
Lost in a maze
Definitely Super Mario World. I have been playing that sucker since I was about 5 years old and I was never able to get past the Forest of Illusion because my SNES would always freeze and fry itself. Nothin' like getting that feeling of dread and unutterable rage that your save file was erased. Good times....


Just assume I'm lurking (and judging)
Staff member
ZD Champion
Comm. Coordinator
Well half my life ago I was 10, so I can't exactly recall. I would like to say I was playing Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon on the Wii around that time. It's more likely though that I was playing fashion games on my 2ds. I did not have good taste at the time lol.


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
It was 2009, I was 14, and I had just gotten an Xbox 360 of my own on Christmas the previous year after constantly using my brother's after school while he was at work. Having my own Xbox wasn't just liberating, but was also the first time I felt current with gaming.

However, this newfound independence made me realize I wasn't just going to borrow my brother's games forever, which I had gotten used to with my Gamecube beforehand, causing me to miss out on so many iconic games that I had only ever briefly experienced through him. This prompted me to seek out games from the previous generation that were starting to be phased out like Mario, Zelda, Resident Evil, Halo, Splinter Cell, Max Payne, GTA and so on.

For the most part, my childhood favorites have pretty much remained my favorites for all my life. But around this time, my brother and I were looking for games to play co-operatively on separate televisions via Xbox Live. It's still crazy for me to think that the first time I played Halo 3 was in split screen, which feels like forever ago. We had just started playing the Rainbow Six Vegas games right before I got my 360, so we first transitioned to Xbox Live with Rainbow Six Vegas 2, and were greatly anticipating the release of Saint's Row 2 and Resident Evil 5, and then eventually tried out other co-op games like Kane and Lynch and Army of TWO. But I still remember the summer of '09 for how much we got into Gears of War.

Despite this, my tastes in games were still pretty limited and I'd often put new games down for the shallowest reasons like its art style or setting which I initially did with Gears of War. Anything that I wasn't immediately familiar with was something I was gonna have a hard time giving a chance. Games that I love today like Assassin's Creed, Dead Space, Borderlands, Metal Gear Solid, and even the hack and slash genre which I first experienced with Bayonetta thanks to the recommendation of an old friend on this forum. Hell, there was even a point when I was once gonna write off Batman: Arkham Asylum because of its artstyle as well, and I was already a lifelong Batman fan.

I was so worn down by being wrong so many times in the past about these games that when I first laid eyes on Red Dead Redemption, a game I was never anticipating because of its "boring" western setting, something clicked in me. I didn't immediately hate it. In fact, the more I saw it, the more I started to understand the vision and now it's not just one of my favorite series in gaming, but my favorite stories also.


Basically Tingle
Dec 21, 2022
Hmm... I think I was playing Wii and 3DS games back then. Mario Galaxy 2 and Bravely Default ate up my time a lot.

Ashley the Witch

Monster: A word used to discriminate the unknown.
ZD Champion
Oct 9, 2023
Super Paper Mario. Now I consider it inferior in every way to Paper Mario and The Thousand Year Door.
All three of those games are extremely good titles. Super paper Mario is the last good Paper Mario game, I rank it at least number two in my favorite Paper Mario games. I stopped purchasing Paper Mario games after Sticker Star just out of sheer disappointment with the series going forward. I'm planning on picking up the TTYD remake. TTYD is my favorite, and the first Paper Mario is my third favorite in the series. Super Paper Mario was a great break from the original formula that they should have went back to after that game's release. But Miyamoto had to pull the plug on the original formula, just to make a game he considered boring in testing, then end up releasing it anyway.


Basically Tingle
Dec 21, 2022
I may be the minority but I liked Sticker Star. I also liked Color Splash and Origami King. Not that I think every Paper Mario game is equally good, but I didn't really dislike any of them.
Apr 19, 2024
I’m old… half my life ago I was into Silent Hill, Tony Hawk, Jet Set Radio Future (cuz it was bonkers with a cool soundtrack) and I’m pretty sure I got Wind Waker sometime around then, which became my all-time favorite

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