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  • Although your first paragraph was hilarious, I think I'll go with Balance. I like how you made his role sound with that word. And who knows? Maybe in a moment of weakness, he'll be angsty enough to make up with Melica. Thanks for the help!
    Well, he's mostly what you see, but deep, deeeeep down, he's just about as angsty as the rest of the cast of Dreamers. He tries very hard to act as opposite of that as possible and never think about it, because he feels the more he thinks about it, the more he whines about it, and the more he whines about it, the less he does to fix it, or at least make his future better than his past. I have no idea what could truly change about him in the duration of the RP, so I can't make a word based on the future of the RP. I was thinking something like 'Ice' to counteract Meli's 'Fire', or something like 'Balance' to represent how his demeanor balances out the others' angst and... kindness and such. But I'm not sure on either. Thanks for being willing to help.
    Can I ask you for advice? I don't know what word to give Dagger in Dreamers. Can you help?
    Lance sighs and continues walking. He wants to hold Kirinen's hand.

    Shannon quickens his pace to get closer to her, but its hardly noticeable.

    (Oh wow... that's... a lot o.o
    A lot of thing about Lance are either tragic or hilarious. XD
    Ha, it did with 2 people... 3, possibly.
    What about Lance is too spoilery? And man, why can't you just show me this Lance pic? How is it a spoiler? He's my character, lol.)
    Lance chuckles, "Well, you won't have to worry about me doing anything crazy, rest assured."

    Shannon nods, "Yes, yes. Le's go!"

    (*slams head on literally every hard surface in my room* I KNEW I WAS FORGETTING AN RP! DAMMIT! *goes to reply*
    You can dump your ideas if you want it, I'm fine with that.
    Okay, guess I'll dump some random info on you.
    Lance is DEATHLY afraid of needles and other peoples blood. He has a secret obsession with dancing. He also sings and plays the drums. Both are his passions that aren't fighting crime in TS. He has two powers, one is his energy sucking power, which sends an eletric spark through the person he touch's body and drains them of "life force" and allows Lance to steal their powers if they have any... and his 2nd is kind of like Toph's from Avatar. He can sense people through any means of him touching the ground, mainly through his feet and hands. This power came about after Vince was created and when Lance went def and blind in his left ear and eye.
    Shannon might possibly have ADD. But I'm not sure yet, I want him to have some kind of slight mental illness that effect his thought process.
    Xaviar is honestly more lonely that Lance and has SERIOUS trust issues. He believe he can trust no one and gives them fake trust until he REALLY knows he can trust them.
    And lastly, Vince goes crazy when he sees his own blood. He also made a girl fall in love with him by telling her everyday that "You'll fall for me one of these days. It's inevitable."
    That's enough fun facts about my characters for now...)
    "I had... no idea. Is there anything I can do to help?" Lance asked, keeping his voice low.

    Xaviar laughs at Keriki, "You were being silly, Keriki!" he giggles.

    Vince sighs.

    (I have no idea? huh. I just wanted to see if you thought it was a good idea for an RP. .. Due to the fact years 14-18 are still in planning. heh. Of course, you probably *obviously* have a lot more story arcs/plots than I do.
    It happens when you find a new song.
    ./.. I'm aware. Guess it's one of my many flaws, I guess :/
    I finally made my freaking characters...)
    (I have a few "story arcs" of my own. I might just do the one that happens from the 18-20th ages... and extend it out... a lot. Basically, the plot of that is that America gets bombed, TS, decides to get to the White House to check it out, due to the fact that's where the bombs came from. And yeah, Vince joins in on it because he's looking for a "friend". Anyways, I COULD make it into an RP... I'd just want to use ALL of my characters because they are ALL TS Dx. lol

    *sigh* In my plot, High Chief can see the future and knows exactly when everyone in TS will/would have died. So, to prevent this and a "bad future" she took them in and made them into TS. I guess I'll just use Lance/Vince. Lance as human, Vince as spirt... or the other way around. Damn, I wish I could use Lance's powers. They are honestly my favorite.
    Ooohh.. I wonder if I could get away with blood as an element >:3

    Reply to this RP? ....)

    Xaviar snaps out of his whatever it was a walks close to Keriki. "Hey... Keriki. Hello?"

    Lance grabs Kirinen's hand, "Are you alright?"

    Shannon sighs, "Oh booyy.. this is going to be a long trip."

    Vince is kind of lurking, he really wants to get going.
    (Hmmm, I don't mind Meli and Lenyrin again. ^.^

    I dunnoo... something inside wants me to do Lance and High Chief WITH A LEGIT NAME. I'd want her element to be light or time.... but I'm not sure of a name that i'd like that fits either. Anyways, if I don't find a name I'll go for Vince.
    Maybe I can make another RP that I can use Vince in... I've always wanted a TS RP but I wasn't sure how to do it... hmm.)
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