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  • Ever get the feeling that you've got something going on that's gonna be a major life event, the kind of thing that you divide your life into before and after it?
    Did you know that cheese is native to the country of Wisconsin, but in 1999, settlers from Estonia imported it to Vermont, where it is now an invasive species?
    Nah they don't have leaders they're just chilling.
    They do however have the Mighty Grand Swiss Cheese, who appears every 7,000 years to declare war on sausages.
    Yeah, well the only reason we know about him is because the last time he was around was back in the 70's. Winter of '72, I think. Anyway, he is the big cheese that started the Tyson Meats riots outside of Texarkana. They were winning until Tyson Meats decided kidnapped the Mighty Grand's son and brought out a cheese graters and well, the cheese legions had to negotiate. In the end, both sides signed the Swiss & Tyson accords and all is well.......for now...
    I read the next chapter in your tale. I must say it is getting good, can't wait for the finale. Things were a bit unknown to me, certain characters, that is, but because I am playing Zelda Twilight Princess, I now know who these characters are. Awesome writing, keep it up. I also edited my feedback post in that thread, in case you wanna read that. I merely pointed out a possible typo.
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    Reactions: Chevywolf30
    I did respond to your feedback somewhere, I didn't want to respond in the thread because I didn't want it to get too cluttered.
    *M i d n a*
    *M i d n a*
    I finished reading your story today. It was a good ending, I liked it. Sorry I took that long, I am quite busy writing my own stories.
    Hi, I am extremely dumb and didn't realize you said you'd edited your reply. Thanks for pointing out the typo, I'll take care of that whenever I revise it. Glad you liked it overall tho, I'm still pretty proud of it.
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